The Black Swan Society 🖤🦢⋆୨୧ ₊˚ discussion

Introduction > Group Expansion

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message 1: by Rim ˖⋆࿐໋, Founder (last edited Jun 16, 2024 06:19AM) (new)

Rim ˖⋆࿐໋ | 62 comments Mod
Hey Black Swans!

I hope you're enjoying your day so far.

I would like to extend my gratitude for each and every single one of you who decided to join. You guys have no idea how much that means to me. So thank you <3

With that said, I'm looking to expand the group to increase its membership, I know it's a little early but I have a vision for the group, I aim for it to become one of the most successful ones on Goodreads, and so I need your help.

If you'd like to help, here's how you can do it:

You can invite your friends to join. You can do that by going to the group home page and on the right top side, you'll find a 'send invite' button, when you click on it, you'll find a 'select' button, click on it and choose 'all' then click 'next' and do the same to invite more friends. Finally click 'invite' on the bottom of the page.

This might seem insignificant to you but it'd really help me more than you know.

Again, thanks a lot for being part of our community and I'm looking forward to interacting with all of you.

Darkly yours,

message 2: by Augusta (new)

Augusta Dionysus | 18 comments Hi Rim,

I have an idea regarding the group's expansion. I was previously part of a different dark/light academia group (they're inactive now), and one thing that really helped people engage with the group was the option to be part of a "house," where the members take a quiz to see which house they belong in.

There was a discussion page for each house, detailing its aesthetic, mission, likes, fashion, and overall vibe, along with images that matched the house's aesthetic. Each house would also compete in a competition for house points, where every 100 pages read was worth 10 points . . . this kept group members VERY active! The group is disabled now, but the members were active to the end.

Does this sound interesting? Just an idea for how to increase engagement:)

- Augusta

message 3: by Rim ˖⋆࿐໋, Founder (new)

Rim ˖⋆࿐໋ | 62 comments Mod
omg I'd love to do that. do you want to help with that? I can make you a moderator.

message 4: by Augusta (new)

Augusta Dionysus | 18 comments I've only ever been a group member, never a moderator, so IDK how any of the group creation stuff works . . . IDEK how to insert a picture on here LOL. But I can brainstorm some house names/aesthetics and find a quiz website for the house selection thing. It might take a while, because I work, so I only go on here on the weekends. I could start brainstorming and then just update you on how it's going in this thread. Does that sound okay?

message 5: by Bryana (new)

Bryana If you guys want I can help too

message 6: by Augusta (new)

Augusta Dionysus | 18 comments I'm just letting Rim decide the next steps, because they're the moderator:) For now, I'm just brainstorming house names/aesthetics. If you have any, I'd love to hear them! So far I've just got Ethereal House. I'm going for the whimsical, romantic vibe :)

message 7: by Augusta (new)

Augusta Dionysus | 18 comments So far, this is what I have (some houses have more info than others, as I am still working on it.)

1. Ethereal House: The Wanderers. The whimsical people with a thirst for adventure. The nature-lovers.

Clothing/Fashion: Flowy, light garments that offer freedom of movement.

Symbol: The Willow Tree

NOTE: IDK if any members are into Greek mythology, but just in case, I added a corresponding "house guardian" for each house.

Guardian: Dionysus, God of Wine, Revelry, Theatre, and Dancing.

2. Ivory House: The Romantics. The light, forces of positivity. Ivories search for enlightenment through knowledge, and light is sacred to them. Ivories are a force of light and hope for others and they strive to spread this light wherever they tread.

Clothing/Fashion: Light, airy, and practical. Neutral colors.

Locations: bright, wide-open spaces. Ivories are a force of light and hope for others and they strive to spread this light wherever they tread.

Emblem/Insignia: The Sun and Moon

Guardian: Theia, Goddess of Light

3. Nebula House: The Seekers. Introverts with a thirst for knowledge.

Clothing/Fashion: Dark, practical, and often vintage.

Location: dimly-lit spaces of learning. Ancient libraries, academic halls, or private meeting places.

Activities: poetry discussions and literary discussions. Small, close-knit meetings among like-minded individuals. Nebulas are known to lead private lives, but they are always willing to show up for those they love.

Emblem/Insignia: the Night Sky

Guardian: Hecate, Goddess of the Crossroads, Magic, and the Night

4. Swan House: The leaders. The ones that uphold the mantle when others go astray. Members of Swan House use their knowledge to guide others. They share their ideas with the world and dedicate their life to learning so they can better lead those in need.

Clothing/Fashion: a mix of dark and neutral. Golds, reds, and blacks. Swans are the wise, the leaders, the teachers and the mentors.

Emblem/Insignia: The Black Swan

Guardian: Athena, Goddess of Wisdom

message 8: by paula ʚїɞ (new)

paula ʚїɞ | 5 comments i love it! that’s so creative ♡

message 9: by Addison (new)

Addison Michlig | 52 comments I love the quiz idea and descriptions I don’t know how to do it but I know others have made quizzes and posted the link onto the strand if someone were to make one of those we could have separate discussions for each house over the books and add up the total points at a certain time.

message 10: by Augusta (new)

Augusta Dionysus | 18 comments This is exactly what I was thinking! I'm in the process of creating all of this and putting it all together :)

message 11: by Bryana (new)

Bryana For the people with the skill of words, why don’t we host competitions like Poetry and short stories and songs.

message 12: by Augusta (new)

Augusta Dionysus | 18 comments That's an awesome idea, Bryana! I can create a discussion board for group suggestions. Moderators are limited to three new thread additions per hour, so I can't create any more, as of right now, but once I get some of the basic info finalized, I will definitely add a suggestions discussion thread!

When it's active, feel free to post the idea there :)

message 13: by Bryana (new)

Bryana Of course. Thanks Augusta

message 14: by lex (new)

lex | 9 comments Im so so so excited for this! I can also help if needed, i’m extremely happy that I was invited here!!

message 15: by Augusta (new)

Augusta Dionysus | 18 comments We're glad you're here :))

message 16: by Autumn (new)

Autumn The Knight | 26 comments I'm so excited that looks so fun

message 17: by Jazz (new)

Jazz Navarro (jazznavarro) 🖤the quiz idea

message 18: by Jacqueline (new)

Jacqueline (thereaderx1f4da) | 22 comments I can’t wait 😜! These are all great ideas 💡 best of luck 🤞 with the implementation of this project.

message 19: by Janay (new)

Janay Johnston (janayisreading) | 6 comments I'm excited to participate and be a part

message 20: by Elena (new)

Elena (just_elena) | 4 comments Hi Rim,
Another suggestion would be to create book of the month polls, or to create topics for books that match a theme. I was in a group that would vote on a book of the month and a series of the month to read then create a topic about it. This helped keep the group more organized, and attract to readers who like the dark academia genre.
Every few months a link would release to vote on your favorite read. And books would get eliminated, this encouraged people to read books on the poll and to become interactive so they can vote for their favorite book. Towards the end of the voting, teams would form for each book and it was a whole competition to see what book would win.
I wasn’t incredibly active when I was in this group but it was fun to participate when it would happen. It’s a confusing concept, but if you want to spin it to make your own ideas with it, feel free to do so.

message 21: by Ellie (new)

Ellie | 21 comments The “Send Invite” button isn’t coming up for me :( has anyone had this problem before?

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