Study Gang discussion

Poll Ideas

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ᖰhiᖱeɭia  (phidelia) | 149 comments Mod
....Uh, I've kinda run out of poll ideas. Anyone has any ideas or suggestions for polls?

message 2: by Rea (new)

Rea | 30 comments The survey things?
I for one am really curious if people prefer to digitalize their study materials or do them on paper <3

message 3: by Rea (new)

Rea | 30 comments I'm new though, maybe there already was such a thing

ᖰhiᖱeɭia  (phidelia) | 149 comments Mod
Rea wrote: "The survey things?
I for one am really curious if people prefer to digitalize their study materials or do them on paper <3"

Yeah (kind of) - in this GR group
Thank you so much for the idea!!!

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