2-3-4 Challenge discussion

Reading Goals > March 2024 Roundup

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message 1: by Jonetta (new)

Jonetta (ejaygirl) | 12591 comments Mod

1. Did you complete and/or get up to date in any series this month?
2. Did you start any new series? If so, what were they? Will you continue?
3. Did you move forward in any series (that you didn’t complete or finish)? How many?
4. Any standout or 5 star books read? Why did you love it/them?
5. Overall summary of your reading month?

message 2: by Victoria (new)

Victoria (crushedbymytbr) | 62 comments 1. Did you complete and/or get up to date in any series this month?

I finished the Circle Opens quartet by Tamora Pierce, moving onto Circle Reforged trilogy this month. Last year I reread all her Tortall books and this year it is Emelan's turn. I still love them all

2. Did you start any new series? If so, what were they? Will you continue?

Witchlings by Claribel A Ortega, a cute middlegrade series. Will continue

3. Did you move forward in any series (that you didn’t complete or finish)? How many?

Finally finished book 2 in the Wandering Inn series by Pirateaba. Only 1700 pages long. Next book is a much more reasonable 974 (*sobs*). I'm really enjoying the story but it is currently 11 books long (with book 12 soon) and most are >1000pgs with a lot over 1500!

4. Any standout or 5 star books read? Why did you love it/them?

I read The Warehouse by Rob Hart which I've owned since 2019. Not 5 stars but I enjoyed it, which is good because another of his books is sitting unread on my bookcase

5. Overall summary of your reading month?

I enjoyed most of what I read (do not get the hype for Kindred, I found it just okay). I seemed to spend more time thinking about what to read rather than actually reading

message 3: by Robin (new)

Robin (robinmy) | 3284 comments Victoria wrote: "1. Did you complete and/or get up to date in any series this month?

I finished the Circle Opens quartet by Tamora Pierce, moving onto Circle Reforged trilogy this month. Last year I reread all her..."

Wow! I'm impressed that you tackle books with 1700 pages. I'd be intimidated by the size of the book. Congratulations on a good month!

message 4: by Robin (new)

Robin (robinmy) | 3284 comments 1. Did you complete and/or get up to date in any series this month?
I finished Dark Corners by Megan Goldin which puts me up-to-date on the Rachel Krall series.

2. Did you start any new series? If so, what were they? Will you continue?
I started Rachel Caine's Stillhouse Lake series. Loved it!

3. Did you move forward in any series (that you didn’t complete or finish)? How many?
I moved forward in 5 series:
Fatal series - Marie Force
Criminal Profiler - Mary Burton
Blackbird Beach - Maggie Miller
Deep Ops - Rebecca Zanetti
Det. Josie Quinn - Lisa Regan

4. Any standout or 5 star books read? Why did you love it/them?
I read two 5-star books in March:
Her Mother's Grave (Detective Josie Quinn, #3) by Lisa Regan Stillhouse Lake (Stillhouse Lake, #1) by Rachel Caine

5. Overall summary of your reading month?
I finished 12 books in March. Most of them were 4 stars or better!

message 5: by Lauren (new)

Lauren (laurenjberman) | 5336 comments Mod
1. Did you complete and/or get up to date in any series this month? Finished 2 and caught up with 1
The Wedding Game (Matchmaker Duncan Sisters, #3) by Jane Feather Blood Magick (The Cousins O'Dwyer Trilogy, #3) by Nora Roberts
Dane's Mark (Breeds) by Lora Leigh

2. Did you start any new series? If so, what were they? Will you continue?
I started 2. One is a re-read and I am still debating the other.
A Kingdom of Dreams (Westmoreland, #1) by Judith McNaught My Lady Notorious (Malloren, #1) by Jo Beverley

3. Did you move forward in any series? How many?
Yes, 8
Falling for the Highlander (Highland Brides, #4) by Lynsay Sands Murder on Cold Street (Lady Sherlock, #5) by Sherry Thomas Fatal Deception (Fatal, #5) by Marie Force The Bride Hunt (Matchmaker Duncans, #2) by Jane Feather Shadow Spell (The Cousins O'Dwyer Trilogy, #2) by Nora Roberts Slightly Married (Bedwyn Saga, #1) by Mary Balogh Fear the Dark (Bishop/Special Crimes Unit, #16; Dark, #1) by Kay Hooper The Demon You Know (The Others, #11) by Christine Warren

4. Any standout or 5 star books read? Why did you love it/them?
No 5 stars but one did stand out and not in a good way. The Demon You Know (The Others, #11) by Christine Warren has one of the most unlikable heroines to ever not grace the pages of a book.

5. Overall summary of your reading month? I read 15 books and enjoyed most of them

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