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2024 Group Read Suggestions > February (2024) Group Read Suggestions

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message 1: by Shaylah (new)

Shaylah | 424 comments Mod
Hey Y'all!

It's time to suggest a book for the month of February. Since it's Black History Month we're doing a theme.

Theme details:
-Non-fiction, biography or memoir
-No celebrities (people in the entertainment industry)
-Written before 1990
-It doesn't have to be a civil rights leader, it can be a person you believe we should know about

When we have 5 suggestions, I'll create the poll.

If you have any questions please let me know. I'm looking forward to your suggestions.


message 2: by Rashelle (new)

Rashelle | 1 comments I’ve been wanting to dive into Assata Shakur’s autobiography.

message 3: by Shaylah (new)

Shaylah | 424 comments Mod
Assata been in my to read list for a while. I suggested it last year but it didn’t win maybe this year it will 🤞🏾🙂

a.g.e. montagner (agem) | 4 comments I'm going to read Mom & Me & Mom by Maya Angelou for another reading group; I guess it's not eligible for being too recent, but maybe another of her books?

Otherwise there are so many authors in my TBR list: Angela Y. Davis, Audre Lorde, James Baldwin, Kwame Anthony Appiah, Ta-Nehisi Coates, members of the Black Panthers...

Dosha (Bluestocking7) Beard (bluestocking7) | 4375 comments Black Water Rising by Attica Locke
The Color Purple by Alice Walker - audio by Samila Wiley is OUTSTANDING

Dosha (Bluestocking7) Beard (bluestocking7) | 4375 comments Narrator name is Samira Wiley for the color purple

message 8: by Karin (last edited Jan 23, 2024 09:40AM) (new)

Karin | 623 comments I've read at least two of these that are excellent, but I have a few black authors in my pile for this month. In a reading game I'm doing our theme for Feb is authors of color, but the books I have for black authors are all published after 1990 and they are all fiction.

I'll check my want to read shelf if there's time, but it's far too long to get through quickly.

In any event, I want to reread at least one of the books already nominated.

message 9: by Angel (new)

Angel | 483 comments @Dosha, Samira Wiley is from Orange is the New Black and also The Handmaid’s Tale.I Love her!

message 10: by Angel (new)

Angel | 483 comments It’s not an autobiography and it’s not before 1990, but I’ve been wanting to read By Hands Now Known: Jim Crow’s Legal Executioners by Margaret Burnham. I don’t think it meets the criteria for February but I am hoping to read it this year.

message 11: by Shaylah (new)

Shaylah | 424 comments Mod
Hey Y'all!

The poll link is below. It will close February 1st at 11:59PM PST.

Happy Voting! 🤓🤓

message 13: by Shaylah (new)

Shaylah | 424 comments Mod
Hey Everyone!

The poll has ended. Our group read for February is Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl by Harriet Ann Jacobs.

I have created the thread and the link is below.

This is a great selection. Thanks for voting!


message 14: by Karin (new)

Karin | 623 comments Shaylah wrote: "Hey Everyone!

The poll has ended. Our group read for February is Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl by Harriet Ann Jacobs.

I have created the thread and the link..."

Excellent! I'll be picking up a copy at my library this coming week. I've been wanting to reread that one for some time.

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