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Archives Backyard Birding > Gretel's Backyard Bird Challenge

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message 1: by Erica, Quality Control Supervisor (new)

Erica | 3983 comments Mod

Backyard Birding Challenge
Duration July 1 - December 31, 2023

Bird Set 1:

1. American Robin - Male and female Robins are very similar in appearance. Though known for being worm eaters, robins have varied diets. American Robins mostly eat fruits in the fall and winter, and include more insects and worms in their spring and summer diets. You can occasionally spot tipsy robins in the late winter and early spring, thanks to fermented berries they have devoured.
a. Read a book with twins in it.
b. Read a book with a tipsy character.
c. Read a book by an author with first and last initials of A and R (in either order).
d. Read a book whose title or series name has all of the letters ROBIN in it.

2. Downy Woodpecker - These are the smallest North American woodpeckers. The male has a distinctive red spot on the back of the head. Their diet is largely insects, but you will also see them at suet feeders in your backyard.
a. Read a book with a red spot on the cover.
b. Read a book that mentions a something made with down - a comforter, pillow, jacket, etc.
c. Read a book by an author with first and last initials of D and W (in either order).
d. Read a book whose title or series name has all of the letters DOWNY in it.

3. American Goldfinch – This is the only finch that molts twice a year. In summer, males are a vivid yellow with a black cap and black wings. Females are a duller yellow and lack the black cap. They often feed on small-seeded plants like thistles.
a. Read a book whose cover has bright yellow and black on it.
b. Read a book where a character changes clothes more than once.
c. Read a book by an author with first and last initials of A and G (in either order).
d. Read a book whose title or series name has all of the letters FINCH in it.

4. House Sparrow – This bird did not exist in North America until 1851, when it was imported from Europe to combat a linden moth caterpillar infestation in New York City. It can now be found on every continent except Antarctica and is considered to be a pest species. It is not related to any other American sparrow species.
a. Read a book about a migrant or migrants.
b. Read a book with a MC who is a pest (your interpretation).
c. Read a book by an author with first and last initials of H and S (in either order).
d. Read a book whose title or series name has all of the letters SPARROW in it.

5. American Crow –These birds are incredibly clever, with the largest brain-to-body ratio of any bird. They not only use tools but also make them. They hold funerals for their dead. They can solve a metatool problem where each step was out of sight of the others, planning ahead three behaviors into the future. Populations of crows have different dialects, which a new crow will learn if it joins the flock.
a. Read a book where the MC is very good at solving problems.
b. Read a book where the MC learns a language other than their native one.
c. Read a book by an author with first and last initials of A and C (in either order).
d. Read a book whose title or series name has all of the letters CROW in it.

message 2: by Gretel (last edited Jul 19, 2023 07:22AM) (new)

Gretel Red | 40 comments Bird Set 1:

✔️1. American Robin
a. Read a book with twins in it.
Looking for Alaska/John Green 7/16/23 2☆

✔️2. Downy Woodpecker
b. Read a book that mentions a something made with down
"Lula was wearing a hot-pink down ski jacket" // pg 20
Three to Get Deadly/Janet Evanovich 7/18/23 3.75☆

✔️3. American Goldfinch
a. Read a book whose cover has bright yellow and black on it.
Small Town Sins by Ken Jaworowski /Ken Jaworowski 7/13/23 3.75☆

✔️4. House Sparrow
b. Read a book with a MC who is a pest (your interpretation).
“Don’t trouble your father with pestering questions, Christine,” loc 1435
Cities of Women/Kathleen B. Jones 7/19/23 2.75☆

✔️5. American Crow
b. Read a book where the MC learns a language other than their native one.
This Is Happiness/Niall Williams 7/10/23 2☆
Special Extra Bonus for me! .. MC's last name is CROWE. lol

message 3: by Gretel (new)

Gretel Red | 40 comments Fun Game!!

Ready for the 2nd Set of Birds.

message 4: by Erica, Quality Control Supervisor (new)

Erica | 3983 comments Mod
Here are your badges for Bird Set 1!

message 5: by Erica, Quality Control Supervisor (new)

Erica | 3983 comments Mod

Bird Set 2:

6. Black Capped Chickadee - This bird's black cap and bib make it easy to identify. It has a habit of investigating humans and everything around its home territory. Chickadees usually hide seeds and other food items to eat later. They choose different spots to place each item. A Chickadee can remember thousands of food hiding places.
a. Read a story where the MC investigates something.
b. Read a story where a character hides things.
c. Read a book by an author with first and last initials of B and C (in either order).
d. Read a book whose title or series name has all of the letters BLACK in it.

7. House Finch - Once limited to the Western United States and Mexico, House Finches are now found from coast to coast, and as far north as southern Canada. In 1939 a few of the birds, originally captured in Santa Barbara, California, were set free on New York’s Long Island by a pet store owner. Although House Finches are well adapted to dry climates, they still need a lot of water. On especially hot days, they can consume more than their own bodyweight in fluids.
a. Read a book set in the western United States or Mexico.
b. Read a book where the MC drinks a lot of water.
c. Read a book by an author with first and last initials of H and F (in either order).
d. Read a book whose title or series name has all of the letters HOUSE in it.

8. Yellow-Rumped Warbler - This is one of the most abundant birds in all of North America, and by far the most common of the 50 varieties of warbler. They are one of the first signs that spring migration is ramping up. If you see one Yellow-rumped Warbler, chances are good you'll see others. During spring and fall migration, these birds often forage in groups.
a. Read a book where the MC has an abundance of something (could be physical or nonphysical like an emotion)
b. Read a book where the MC goes out with a group of friends to eat.
c. Read a book by an author with first and last initials of Y and W (in either order).
d. Read a book whose title or series name has all of the letters WARBLER in it.

9. White Breasted Nuthatch - White-breasted nuthatches have short tails, white undersides and are bluish gray on top with a dark cap. Whenever you see a bird going headfirst down a tree trunk, it’s probably a nuthatch. They are a nonmigratory bird and form long-term bonds.
a. Read a book where the MC spends time upside down (think yoga, gymnastics, aerobatic flying, amusement park rides, etc.)
b. Read a book where the MC has a long-term relationship.
c. Read a book by an author with first and last initials of W and N (in either order).
d. Read a book whose title or series name has all of the letters WHITE in it.

10. Wood Thrush - These birds do not come to feeders but frequent backyards that are near wooded areas. Unlike many songbirds, males do not practice "song matching" but instead will respond to a rival's song with a different song of their own. These birds are prone to nest parasitism by Brown Headed Cowbirds, but accept the foreign eggs and raise them as their own.
a. Read a book where the MC loves to sing.
b. Read a book where the MC adopts a child.
c. Read a book by an author with first and last initials of W and T (in either order).
d. Read a book whose title or series name has all of the letters THRUSH in it.

message 6: by Gretel (last edited Jul 31, 2023 06:11AM) (new)

Gretel Red | 40 comments ✔️6. Black Capped Chickadee
a. Read a story where the MC investigates something.
The Book of Cold Cases/Simone St. James 7/22/23 4☆

✔️7. House Finch
b. Read a book where the MC drinks a lot of water. (although he does prefer a little whiskey in it:)
The Stone Cypher/Tormod Cockburn

✔️8. Yellow-Rumped Warbler
a. Read a book where the MC has an abundance of something (intuition)
The Square of Sevens/Laura Shepherd-Robinson 7/28/23 4.25☆

✔️9. White Breasted Nuthatch
b. Read a book where the MC has a long-term relationship.
A House for Alice: A Novel/Diana Evans 7/23/23 2☆

✔️10. Wood Thrush
b. Read a book where the MC adopts a child
Where You Once Belonged/Kent Haruf 7/31/23 3.25☆

message 7: by Gretel (new)

Gretel Red | 40 comments Ready for Set 3!

message 8: by Erica, Quality Control Supervisor (new)

Erica | 3983 comments Mod
Here are your badges for Bird Set 2!

message 9: by Erica, Quality Control Supervisor (new)

Erica | 3983 comments Mod

Bird Set 3:

11. Brown Headed Cowbird - This is a sturdy blackbird with an unusual approach to parenthood. Females do not build nests but use all their energy for producing eggs, sometimes over three dozen per summer. They lay their eggs in other birds’ nests, who become their chicks’ foster parents, with usually at least some of their foster parents’ chicks being victims in the process. Heavy parasitism by this species has pushed some birds to be "endangered" and has affected other populations as well.
a. Read a book where the MC gives up a child for adoption.
b. Read a book whose cover is more than 50% brown and black.
c. Read a book by an author with first and last initials of B and H (in either order).
d. Read a book whose title or series name has all of the letters BROWN in it.

12. House Wren - This is a very small, plain brown bird with a loud and insistent voice. Wrens will harass and peck at much larger birds, sometimes dragging eggs and young out of a nest site they want. House wrens are very famous for their rich bubbly song which is commonly heard during the nesting season.
a. Read a book with a MC who has a very loud and insistent voice or who is otherwise very aggressive.
b. Read a book with a character who has a rich, bubbly personality (your interpretation).
c. Read a book by an author with first and last initials of H and W (in either order).
d. Read a book whose title or series name has all of the letters WREN in it.

13. Northern Cardinal - The female Northern Cardinal is one of the few female North American songbirds who sing. The male cardinal fiercely defends its breeding territory from other males - if it sees its reflection in glass surfaces, it will frequently spend hours fighting the imaginary intruder. The Northern Cardinal is the state bird of seven states.
a. Read a book with a female character who sings.
b. Read a book where a male character fights to defend his or her territory (could be a love interest, a work project, a sporting title, etc.)
c. Read a book by an author with first and last initials of N and C (in either order).
d. Read a book whose title or series name has all of the letters NORTHERN in it.

14. Golden Crowned Kinglet - These tiny birds are barely larger than a hummingbird but can survive to 40 degrees below zero. Their nest is a well-concealed hanging cup suspended from a conifer branch. Males defend their nesting territory by singing.
a. Read a book where the MC survives temperatures below zero.
b. Read a book where the some of the action takes place in a pinewood forest.
c. Read a book by an author with first and last initials of G and K (in either order).
d. Read a book whose title or series name has all of the letters KINGLET in it.

15. Blue Jay - Both male and female Blue Jays appear to be a brilliant, lavender-blue with a dazzling pattern on the wing bars - but it is a trick of the light that makes the blue color visible. Their feathers are actually brown. Blue Jays fly very slowly compared to other birds by keeping their body and tail at the same level - a feature quite peculiar to the Jay. They particularly love to eat acorns.
a. Read a book where the MC does/doesn't see or do something because of a trick of the lighting.
b. Read a book where a character flies a slow plane - like an old biplane or a smaller recreational plane.
c. Read a book by an author with first and last initials of B and J (in either order).
d. Read a book whose title or series name has all of the letters JAY in it.

message 10: by Gretel (last edited Aug 15, 2023 06:12AM) (new)

Gretel Red | 40 comments ✔️11. Brown Headed Cowbird
b. Read a book whose cover is more than 50% brown and black.
A Son of the Circus A Novel by John Irving /John Irving 8/2/23 2☆

✔️12. House Wren
a. Read a book with a MC who has a very loud and insistent voice or who is otherwise very aggressive.
The Good Daughters/Joyce Maynard 8/6/23 2☆

✔️13. Northern Cardinal
b. Read a book where a male character fights to defend his or her territory (could be a love interest, a work project, a sporting title, etc.) Chenneville: A Novel of Murder, Loss, and Vengeance/Paulette Jiles 8/4/23 4☆

✔️14. Golden Crowned Kinglet
a. Read a book where the MC survives temperatures below zero.
The Lawless West/Max Brand 8/7/23 3.25☆

✔️15. Blue Jay
a. Read a book where the MC does/doesn't see or do something because of a trick of the lighting.
A Cold, Hard Prayer/John Smolens 8/15/23 3.75☆

message 11: by Gretel (new)

Gretel Red | 40 comments Ready for the next set

message 12: by Erica, Quality Control Supervisor (new)

Erica | 3983 comments Mod
Here are your badges for Bird Set 3!

message 13: by Erica, Quality Control Supervisor (new)

Erica | 3983 comments Mod

Bird Set 4:

16. Dark Eyed Junco - These birds are called Snowbirds because they usually emerge in the winter season. Because of their high population (estimated at 630 million individuals!), their relative tameness, and their affinity for back yard bird feeders, the Dark-eyed Junco is one of North America's most recognized birds.
a. Read a book with a MC who is a snowbird - living in the north in the hot summer months and maintaining a southern home for the cold winter months.
b. Read a book with a MC who lives in a city with a population over 5 million (list here:
c. Read a book by an author with first and last initials of D and J (in either order).
d. Read a book whose title or series name has all of the letters JUNCO in it.

17. Tufted Titmouse - This bird can be identified by its gray crest,
black forehead and bill, large, black eyes and rusty-orange flanks. When cracking open nuts and seeds, tufted titmice hold the seed in their feet and hammer them with their bill. Tufted titmice move along branches and over the ground by jumping and hopping. When flying, their flight path is direct and not undulating.
a. Read a book whose cover has gray, black and orange on it.
b. Read a book where the MC jumps or hops a lot.
c. Read a book by an author with first and last initials of T and T (in either order).
d. Read a book whose title or series name has all of the letters TUFTED in it.

18. Chipping Sparrow - Adult birds are gray below and an orangish-rust color above. The chipping sparrow is a voracious eater, particularly during the cold months, and will eat 70 times its weight in seeds during the winter. The chipping sparrow can replace the feathers on its throat and face up to six times each year.
a. Read a book with a character who has a voracious appetite (your interpretation).
b. Read a book where the MC shaves their face frequently.
c. Read a book by an author with first and last initials of C and G (in either order).
d. Read a book whose title or series name has all of the letters COMMON in it.

19. Red Bellied Woodpecker - The male red-bellied woodpecker displays red on both its nape and crown. In comparison, the female red-bellied woodpecker has red on its nape but not its crown. The red coloration found on the belly looks like nothing more than a light wash of red. Although they primarily eat insects and other invertebrates, they have also been known to devour small birds, fish, frogs, and bird eggs.
a. Read a book where the MC wears a red hat.
b. Read a book where a character eats fish or frog(legs).
c. Read a book by an author with first and last initials of R and W (in either order).
d. Read a book whose title or series name has all of the letters BELLIED in it.

20. Ruby Throated Hummingbird - Ruby-throated hummingbirds are very fast flyers and are capable of beating their wings as much as 50 times per second. When constructing the small cup-shaped nest out of plant materials and spider silk, the mother hummingbird keeps it pliable. She will stomp down the base, but leave the walls of the nest slightly flexible. This will allow the nest to stretch as the baby hummingbirds grow.
a. Read a book where the MC generally moves very quickly.
b. Read a book where a character has or wears rubies.
c. Read a book by an author with first and last initials of R and H (in either order).
d. Read a book whose title or series name has all of the letters RUBY in it.

message 14: by Gretel (last edited Aug 30, 2023 06:01AM) (new)

Gretel Red | 40 comments ✔️16. Dark Eyed Junco
a. Read a book with a MC who is a snowbird - living in the north in the hot summer months and maintaining a southern home for the cold winter months.
Sea Spray/John A. Heldt 8/20/23 2.75☆

✔️17. Tufted Titmouse
a. Read a book whose cover has gray, black and orange on it.
Northernmost (Eide Family, #3) by Peter Geye /Peter Geye 8/22/23 3☆

✔️18. Chipping Sparrow
a. Read a book with a character who has a voracious appetite (your interpretation). --- for travel
October in the Earth/Olivia Hawker 8/25/23 3.25☆

✔️19. Red Bellied Woodpecker
b. Read a book where a character eats fish
The River We Remember/William Kent Krueger 8/30/23 3.75☆

✔️20. Ruby Throated Hummingbird
a. Read a book where the MC generally moves very quickly.
Innocent in Death/J.D. Robb 8/28/23 4☆

message 15: by Gretel (new)

Gretel Red | 40 comments Ready for the next set.

message 16: by Erica, Quality Control Supervisor (new)

Erica | 3983 comments Mod
Here are your badges for Bird Set 4!

message 17: by Erica, Quality Control Supervisor (new)

Erica | 3983 comments Mod

Bird Set 5:

21. Cedar Waxwing - Cedar Waxwings are named for the waxy red tips on the end of their secondary feathers. The number of wax tips and their size increase as the bird gets older. They LOVE to eat fruit, and can even survive on fruit alone for several months! Cedar Waxwings don't have a real song. Instead they make a quiet trilling or buzzing sound. They eat in shifts. One group will eat first and then moves out of the way for the next group to come in. This is very polite compared to most birds, who just try to grab what they can individually.
a. Read a book where the MC loves to eat fruit.
b. Read a book where the MC is very polite.
c. Read a book by an author with first and last initials of C and W (in either order).
d. Read a book whose title or series name has all of the letters CEDAR in it.

22. Baltimore Oriole - The oriole's striking orange-and-black plumage makes it one of the most recognizable North American species. Maryland has called the Baltimore Oriole its state bird since 1947, and has given it special protections since 1882—36 years before congress passed the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. The Baltimore Oriole’s basket-like hanging nest is one of the great wonders of the avian world. Over five to eight days, females weave together whatever strong fibers they can find—grass, weeds, animal hair, string—until the nest is completed.
a. Read a book with a cover that is mostly orange and black (small amounts of other colors okay but it should be pretty obviously orange and black).
b. Read a book where a character does basket weaving.
c. Read a book by an author with first and last initials of B and O (in either order).
d. Read a book whose title or series name has all of the letters ORIOLE in it.

23. Eastern Bluebird - The Eastern Bluebird was first described in 1758 by Carl Linnaeus, a Swedish naturalist and zoologist. The female Eastern Bluebird is the dominant bird in their relationship. The male will often do everything that the female wants him to do – including any home improvements to the nest and even hunting for food. Both male and female bluebirds have blue feathers on their wings with red breasts, but you can tell them apart by the color of their throats: males have a red throat, while females have a grayish-blue throat with white spots on it.
a. Read a book where the female is the dominant partner in a male-female relationship (could be a marriage, partnership or other kind of relationship like business...)
b. Read a book with a male character who wears a red tie OR with a female character who wears an outfit with white polka dots.
c. Read a book by an author with first and last initials of E and B (in either order).
d. Read a book whose title or series name has all of the letters EASTERN in it.

24. Pine Siskin - Pine Siskins have a fondness for the seeds of pines and other conifers like cedars, larch, hemlock, and spruce. Pine Siskins flit about in the topmost canopy of seed-bearing trees. They'll often cling upside down to branch tips to empty hanging cones of their seeds. Unusually convivial and unterritorial, they sometimes nest in loose colonies, continuing to forage in flocks away from the nests. Males sing from high perches and during circular courtship flights. Pine Siskins sometimes migrate in flocks of several thousand.
a. Read a book where a MC spends a great deal of time upside down, for work or for recreation.
b. Read a book where the MC is part of a mass migration.
c. Read a book by an author with first and last initials of P and S (in either order).
d. Read a book whose title or series name has all of the letters PINE in it.

25. Rose Breasted Grosbeak - The Rose-breasted grosbeak is a large seed-eating bird in the cardinal family. Colloquially it is called "cut-throat" due to its coloration. It is primarily a foliage gleaner and can live up to 24 years in captivity. These birds are active during the day spending their time foraging in shrubs, and trees or catching insects in flight. They usually keep to the treetops and only rarely can be seen on the ground. Rose-breasted grosbeaks are serially monogamous and form pair bonds that last during the breeding season.
a. Read a book with a cut-throat character (your interpretation).
b. Read a book with a character who is serially monogamous (faithful to one partner at a time but changing partners regularly).
c. Read a book by an author with first and last initials of R and G (in either order).
d. Read a book whose title or series name has all of the letters ROSE in it.

message 18: by Gretel (last edited Sep 14, 2023 05:18AM) (new)

Gretel Red | 40 comments ✔️21. Cedar Waxwing
b. Read a book where the MC is very polite.
Unsettled/Patricia Reis 9/1/23 2.75☆

✔️22. Baltimore Oriole
b. Read a book where a character does basket weaving.
Death of a Dyer/Eleanor Kuhns 9/7/23 2.75☆

✔️23. Eastern Bluebird
b. Read a book with a male character who wears a red tie
The Refugee Ocean/Pauls Toutonghi 9/2/23 2.75☆

✔️24. Pine Siskin
a. Read a book where a MC spends a great deal of time upside down
This Present Darkness/Frank E. Peretti 9/14/23 3.5☆

✔️25. Rose Breasted Grosbeak
a. Read a book with a cut-throat character (your interpretation).
The Longmire Defense/Craig Johnson 9/9/23 4☆

message 19: by Gretel (new)

Gretel Red | 40 comments Ready for the next set

message 20: by Erica, Quality Control Supervisor (new)

Erica | 3983 comments Mod
Here are your badges for Bird Set 5!

message 21: by Erica, Quality Control Supervisor (new)

Erica | 3983 comments Mod

Bird Set 6:

26. Gray Catbird - The Gray Catbird is a medium-size gray songbird with a black cap that can commonly be found across the eastern United States and Midwest. Curious and active, these birds also have a feisty side when defending their territory from intruders. Gray Catbirds exhibit impressive vocal prowess, with males able to rattle off an array of phrases featuring chirps, squeaks, whistles, whines, and even gurgles. When singing, performances can last more than 10 minutes and incorporate songs from other bird species, tree frog calls, and even manmade and mechanical sounds!
a. Read a book where the MC usually wears a black cap or hat.
b. Read a book with a character who is known for their ability to mimic the voices/sounds of other people or animals.
c. Read a book by an author with first and last initials of G and C (in either order).
d. Read a book whose title or series name has all of the letters GRAY in it.

27. Scarlet Tanager - During the breeding season, Scarlet Tanager males are bright scarlet red all over, except for their jet-black wings and tail. The female is a pastel-colored yellow-green with dusky wings. The male molts into an olive-yellow color in the fall. When threatened, they mob their predators by diving and swooping. The Scarlet Tanager’s song is a series of high-pitched notes that fade in and out.
a. Read a book whose cover is primarily bright scarlet red and black (your interpretation).
b. Read a book where the MC participates in some kind of mob action.
c. Read a book by an author with first and last initials of S and T (in either order).
d. Read a book whose title or series name has all of the letters SCARLET in it.

28. Indigo Bunting - Indigo buntings are small songbirds, roughly about the size of a sparrow. Males in their breeding plumage have a brilliant jewel-like coloring that makes them a favorite among birdwatchers. Vibrant shades of blue cover their bodies, with slightly darker blues on their head. Wingtips and tails are blackish. Indigo Buntings learn songs while they’re young from male Indigo Buntings nearby. A local Indigo Bunting song can last for up to 20 years. These birds migrate at night and are said to use the stars as guides.
a. Read a book where the MC learns to sing from another character in the book.
b. Read a book where a character uses the stars to guide them.
c. Read a book by an author with first and last initials of I and B (in either order).
d. Read a book whose title or series name has all of the letters INDIGO in it.

29. Northern Flicker - The Northern Flicker gets its name from the way males compete for the attention of females. They flick their wings open and closed, showing off their size and colorful plumage. They also bob their bodies and weave their heads around in patterns. Some people call Northern Flickers the “anteaters of the sky.” Their slightly curved bill helps them hunt for ants on the ground and on the sides of trees. Northern Flickers are dedicated parents. Both the male and female excavate the nest cavity, incubate the eggs, and bring back food for the chicks. They even have a schedule!
a. Read a book where two males openly compete for the attention of a female (and yes, this is sex specific to mimic the birds' behavior).
b. Read a book where two partners work together as dedicated parents to raise their child or children (partners can be same or different sex).
c. Read a book by an author with first and last initials of N and F (in either order).
d. Read a book whose title or series name has all of the letters FLICKER in it.

30. Spotted Towhee - The Spotted Towhee is a large, striking sparrow of sun-baked thickets of the West. When you catch sight of one, they’re gleaming black above (females are grayish brown), spotted and striped with brilliant white. When it feeds on the ground it uses a two-footed, backwards-scratching hop called double-scratching. Early in the breeding season, male Spotted Towhees spend 70 to 90 percent of their mornings singing their hearts out, trying to attract a mate. Almost as soon as they attract a mate, their attention shifts to other things, and they spend only about 5 percent of their time singing.
a. Read a book where a character moon walks or does some other form of backwards walking or dancing (even if just for a little bit).
b. Read a book where the MC drops an obsessive behavior nearly completely and turns their focus to something else.
c. Read a book by an author with first and last initials of S and T (in either order).
d. Read a book whose title or series name has all of the letters SPOTTED in it.

message 22: by Gretel (last edited Sep 25, 2023 05:09AM) (new)

Gretel Red | 40 comments ✔️26. Gray Catbird
a. Read a book where the MC usually wears a black cap or hat.
Lost Colony: The Hennepin Island Murders/Steve Berg 9/17/23 3.5☆

✔️27. Scarlet Tanager
b. Read a book where the MC participates in some kind of mob action.
MC is mob crime boss. The Heights/Ray Franze 9/15/23 2☆

✔️28. Indigo Bunting
a. Read a book where the MC learns to sing
Murder by Degrees/Ritu Mukerji 9/25/23 2.75☆

✔️29. Northern Flicker
b. Read a book where two partners work together as dedicated parents to raise their child or children
Victim 2117/Jussi Adler-Olsen 9/21/23 2.75☆

✔️30. Spotted Towhee
a. Read a book where a character moon walks or does some other form of backwards walking or dancing
A Fall of Marigolds 9/23/23/3☆

message 23: by Gretel (new)

Gretel Red | 40 comments Ready for the next set, please

message 24: by Erica, Quality Control Supervisor (new)

Erica | 3983 comments Mod
Oh dear - there are no more...

Here are your badges for Bird Set 6. Congratulations!! You found all the birds!

message 25: by Gretel (last edited Sep 25, 2023 06:10PM) (new)

Gretel Red | 40 comments Oh, I didn't realize I was at the end. Oh, well. 😫 🤷‍♀️

Fun challenge, thanks!!

message 26: by Erica, Quality Control Supervisor (new)

Erica | 3983 comments Mod
Glad you enjoyed! Maybe run a marathon now?

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