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Archives - Monthly Challenges > June 2023 Judge A Book By Its Cover

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message 1: by Genevieve (last edited Jun 21, 2023 12:08PM) (new)

Genevieve | 8913 comments Mod
Judge Cover

"Judge A Book By Its Cover" Monthly Challenge
Duration: June 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023

Did ever see a book cover and say I've got to read that book and really have no idea what it is about?

For this challenge, choose a book that caught your eye because it was pretty, weird or just plain interesting.

Shallow: Read 1-2 books
Superficial: Read 3-4 books
Conceited: Read 5-6 books

Challenge Rules
*Please post a partial list of the challenge when you sign up.
*For each book that you read please post a link to the book, the author and the date you finished it.
*Each book may only be used for one task or letter
*To count a book towards a challenge you must read the majority of it after the start date of the challenge.
* Where more than one option is given for a task, please state which option your book relates to.
*If the task relates to the cover of your book, please post the cover AND the book link.
*All genres and formats are fine.
*Re-reads are allowed.
*No page minimum.
*Please update your original post as you go.

*When you have finished, please re-post your whole challenge as a new message and MARK AS FINISHED or you will not be considered to have completed the challenge and we will not be able to award your Hall of Fame badge

message 2: by Genevieve (last edited Jul 07, 2023 08:01AM) (new)

Genevieve | 8913 comments Mod


Christene Paula COMPLETED



Olivermagnus COMPLETED



message 3: by Genevieve (last edited Jun 20, 2023 05:04AM) (new)

Genevieve | 8913 comments Mod
"Judge A Book By Its Cover" Monthly Challenge
Duration: June 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023

1. Zesty Marinara Murder (Papa Pacelli's Pizzeria #40) by Patti Benning by Patti Benning 6/2/2023
2. Up to No Gouda (Grilled Cheese Mysteries, #1) by Linda Reilly by Linda Reilly 6/6/2023
3. Spooky Pizza Murder (Papa Pacelli's Pizzeria #38) by Patti Benning by Patti Benning 6/2/2023
4. Anne of Avonlea (Sterling Unabridged Classics) by L.M. Montgomery by L.M. Montgomery 6/12/2023
5. Grave Peril (The Dresden Files, #3) by Jim Butcher by Jim Butcher 6/13/2023
6. The Kite by N.R. Walker 6/17/2023

message 4: by D.L. (new)

D.L. | 90 comments Shallow: Read 1-2 books

Not That I Could Tell by Jessica Strawser The Senator's Wife by Karen Robards

message 5: by Genevieve (new)

Genevieve | 8913 comments Mod
Welcome D.L.

message 6: by Bobbi (last edited Jun 18, 2023 06:47AM) (new)

Bobbi  (schadenfreudian) | 506 comments

June 2023

1. The Butcher and the Wren - Alaina Urquhart 🌈🌈🌈 6/3/23
2. Sounder - William H. Armstrong 🌈🌈🌈 6/6/23
3. The City of Brass - S.A. Chakraborty 🌈🌈🌈 6/8/23
4. The Perfect Marriage - Jeneva Rose 🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈 6/10
5. The Deep - Nick Cutter 🌈🌈 6/17/23
The Butcher and the Wren (The Butcher and the Wren, #1) by Alaina Urquhart Sounder by William H. Armstrong The City of Brass (The Daevabad Trilogy, #1) by S.A. Chakraborty The Perfect Marriage by Jeneva Rose The Deep by Nick Cutter

message 7: by Genevieve (new)

Genevieve | 8913 comments Mod
Welcome Bobbi

message 8: by Barb (last edited Jun 19, 2023 06:13PM) (new)

Barb | 1720 comments JUNE JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS COVER, 6/1 – 6/30
Level : Conceited: Read 5-6 books

1. The Old Girls’ Network, by Judy Leigh, finished 6/6/ ★★★.5
2. Old Bones (Gideon Oliver #4), by Aaron Elkins, finished 6/8 ★★★★
3. The Darling Dahlias and the Texas Star (Darling Dahlias #4), by Susan Witting Albert, finished 6/10 ★★★.5
4. A Cryptic Clue (Hunter and Clewe #1), by Victoria Gilbert, finished 6/13 ★★★.5
5. Sleeping Murder (Agatha Christie #13), by Agatha Christie, finished 6/14 ★★★.5
6. Kerning to Crime (Hand Lettering #3), by Daisy Robyns, finished 6/17 ★★★★

The Old Girls' Network by Judy Leigh Old Bones (Gideon Oliver, #4) by Aaron Elkins The Darling Dahlias and the Texas Star (The Darling Dahlias, #4) by Susan Wittig Albert A Cryptic Clue (Hunter and Clewe #1) by Victoria Gilbert Sleeping Murder (Miss Marple, #13) by Agatha Christie Kerning to Crime (Hand Lettering Mystery #3) by Daisy Robyns

message 9: by christene_littlelibrary (last edited Jun 13, 2023 12:11AM) (new)

christene_littlelibrary (cpaulanavarro) | 143 comments JUNE JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS COVER, 6/1 – 6/30
Level : Conceited: Read 5-6 books Completed

1. My Word Against His by Lauren North June-1-2023
2. Delicates (Sheets, #2) by Brenna Thummler June-2-2023
3. The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood June-3-2023
4. Yellowface by R.F. Kuang June-4-2023
5. The Four Winds by Kristin Hannah June-6-2023
6. The Gilded Wolves (The Gilded Wolves, #1) by Roshani Chokshi June-8-2023

message 10: by Kathleen (last edited Jun 28, 2023 10:00PM) (new)

Kathleen Dixon (kiwikathleen) Judge A Book By Its Cover
Superficial: Read 3-4 books

1. The Pavilion in the Clouds / Alexander McCall Smith, 17th
2. Follow The Wind / Katherine Genet, 20th
3. The Sweetest Taboo / Frieke Janssens, 24th

message 11: by Genevieve (new)

Genevieve | 8913 comments Mod
Welcome Barb, Christene Paula, and Kathleen

message 12: by Wanda (last edited Jun 17, 2023 12:39PM) (new)

Wanda (wanda71) | 320 comments Finished Challenge 6/17/23

Judge a Book by its Cover

Conceited: Read 5-6 books

1. Abby Cooper, Psychic Eye (Psychic Eye Mystery, #1) by Victoria Laurie -Victoria Laurie-6/2-🔮🔮🔮🔮

2. Only the Beautiful by Susan Meissner -Susan Meissner-6/3/23-❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

3. A Conspiracy in Belgravia (Lady Sherlock, #2) by Sherry Thomas -Sherry Thomas-6/16-🕵️‍♂️🕵️‍♂️🕵️‍♂️🕵️‍♂️🕵️‍♂️

4. Something New Tales from a Makeshift Bride by Lucy Knisley -Lucy Knisley-6/2-👰👰🤵

5. Murder on a Bad Hair Day (Southern Sisters, #2) by Anne George -Anne George-6/8-💇‍♀️💇‍♀️💇‍♀️💇‍♀️

6. Daughter of Moloka'i (Moloka'i, #2) by Alan Brennert -Alan Brennert-6/5/23-🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺

message 13: by Genevieve (new)

Genevieve | 8913 comments Mod
Welcome Wanda

message 14: by Jill (new)

Jill I’m in for 3.

message 15: by Ferenc (last edited Jun 30, 2023 11:44PM) (new)

Ferenc (aeneth) | 2524 comments "Judge A Book By Its Cover" Monthly Challenge
Duration: June 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023

Goal: 6/6

Shallow: Read 1-2 books
Superficial: Read 3-4 books
Conceited: Read 5-6 books

1. The Pearl Sister - Lucinda Riley - 06/05/23
2. Alice in Leatherland - Iolanda Zanfardino - 06/08/23
3. The Sandman: Act III - Dirk Maggs & Neil Gaiman - 06/12/23
4. Jasmine: Crown of Kings - Howard Mackie - 06/20/23
5. Gideon the Ninth - Tamsyn Muir - 06/25/23
6. Van Helsing vs. The Mummy of Amun-Ra - 06/26/23

The Pearl Sister (The Seven Sisters, #4) by Lucinda Riley Alice in Leatherland by Iolanda Zanfardino The Sandman Act III by Dirk Maggs Jasmine Crown of Kings by Howard Mackie Gideon the Ninth (The Locked Tomb, #1) by Tamsyn Muir Van Helsing vs. The Mummy of Amun-Ra by Pat Shand

message 16: by Genevieve (new)

Genevieve | 8913 comments Mod
Welcome Jill and Ferenc

message 17: by Tari (last edited Jun 15, 2023 07:40AM) (new)

Tari (thann) | 2303 comments "Judge A Book By Its Cover" Monthly Challenge
Duration: June 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023

Conceited 6/6

1. Clues in the Clay (Pearl Sands Beach Resort Cozy Mystery, #2) by Danielle Collins Danielle Collins, Millie Briggs 6/2/23
2. Squirrel Skip Squabble A Cozy Animal Mystery (Ruff McPaw Mysteries Book 3) by Max Parrott Max Parrott 6/5/23
3. Death Knells and Wedding Bells (Lighthouse Library Mystery, #10) by Eva Gates Eva Gates 6/6/23
4. Songs of Wine and Murder (A Tourist Trap Mystery Book 15) by Lynn Cahoon Lynn Cahoon 6/6/23
5. Fool Me Once (A Piper Harris Mystery, Volume 2) by Deany Ray Deany Ray 6/8/23
6. Cappuccino Criminal (A Killer Coffee Mystery Book 12) by Tonya Kappes Tonya Kappes 6/15/23

message 18: by Olivermagnus (last edited Jun 27, 2023 02:58PM) (new)

 Olivermagnus (lynda11282) | 1251 comments June Judge a Book by its Cover
June 1 - 30, 2023

Level : Conceited: Read 5-6 books

of 6 Complete

1. Animal Magnetism - Jill Shalvis - 6/4/23
Animal Magnetism (Animal Magnetism, #1) by Jill Shalvis
2. Erotic Stories for Punjabi Widows - Balli Kaur Jaswal - 6/9/23
Erotic Stories for Punjabi Widows by Balli Kaur Jaswal
3. Front Desk - Kelly Yang - 6/9/23
Front Desk (Front Desk, #1) by Kelly Yang
4. Adrift - Lisa Brideau - 6/14/23
Adrift by Lisa Brideau
5. Surrender - Amanda Quick - 6/20/23
Surrender by Amanda Quick
6. Murder at Wedgefield Manor - Erica Ruth Neubauer - 6/23/23
Murder at Wedgefield Manor (A Jane Wunderly Mystery #2) by Erica Ruth Neubauer

message 19: by Shash (last edited Jun 24, 2023 03:12PM) (new)

Shash | 2781 comments "Judge A Book By Its Cover" Monthly Challenge
June 2023

Shallow: Read 1-2 books
Superficial: Read 3-4 books
Conceited: Read 5-6 books

1. The Enemy (It Happened in Charleston, #2) by Sarah Adams The Enemy by Sarah Adams (6/6/23)
2. Masquerade at Middlecrest Abbey by Abigail Wilson Masquerade at Middlecrest Abbey by Abigail Wilson (6/19/23)
3. The Cupcake Cottage (Hockey Sweethearts) by Jean Oram The Cupcake Cottage by Jean Oram (6/20/23)
4. I'm Not Charlotte Lucas by Kasey Stockton I'm Not Charlotte Lucas by Kasey Stockton (6/21/23)
5. An Uncommon Earl (Georgian Gentlemen #2) by Sian Ann Bessey An Uncommon Earl by Sian Ann Bessey (6/22/23)

message 20: by Katelyn (last edited Jul 01, 2023 07:27AM) (new)

Katelyn | 1011 comments JUNE JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS COVER, 6/1 – 6/30
Superficial: Read 3-4 books

1. Returning Home (The Seaside Chronicles, #1) by Kelly Elliott - Kelly Elliott, 6/5/23
2. Meet Me in the Blue (Hemlock Harbor #1) by A.M. Johnson - A.M. Johnson, 6/19/23
3. What's Left of Me by Kristen Granata - Kristen Granata, 6/24/23

message 21: by Genevieve (new)

Genevieve | 8913 comments Mod
Welcome Tari, Olivermagnus, Shash and Katelyn

message 23: by Genevieve (new)

Genevieve | 8913 comments Mod
Welcome Stephanie

christene_littlelibrary (cpaulanavarro) | 143 comments JUNE JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS COVER, 6/1 – 6/30
Level : Conceited: Read 5-6 books Completed

1. My Word Against His by Lauren North June-1-2023
2. Delicates (Sheets, #2) by Brenna Thummler June-2-2023
3. The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood June-3-2023
4. Yellowface by R.F. Kuang June-4-2023
5. The Four Winds by Kristin Hannah June-6-2023
6. The Gilded Wolves (The Gilded Wolves, #1) by Roshani Chokshi June-8-2023

message 25: by Genevieve (new)

Genevieve | 8913 comments Mod
Great job Christene Paula

message 26: by Tari (new)

Tari (thann) | 2303 comments Finished

"Judge A Book By Its Cover" Monthly Challenge
Duration: June 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023

Conceited 6/6

1. Clues in the Clay (Pearl Sands Beach Resort Cozy Mystery, #2) by Danielle Collins Danielle Collins, Millie Briggs 6/2/23
2. Squirrel Skip Squabble A Cozy Animal Mystery (Ruff McPaw Mysteries Book 3) by Max Parrott Max Parrott 6/5/23
3. Death Knells and Wedding Bells (Lighthouse Library Mystery, #10) by Eva Gates Eva Gates 6/6/23
4. Songs of Wine and Murder (A Tourist Trap Mystery Book 15) by Lynn Cahoon Lynn Cahoon 6/6/23
5. Fool Me Once (A Piper Harris Mystery, Volume 2) by Deany Ray Deany Ray 6/8/23
6. Cappuccino Criminal (A Killer Coffee Mystery Book 12) by Tonya Kappes Tonya Kappes 6/15/23

message 27: by Genevieve (new)

Genevieve | 8913 comments Mod
Great work Tari

message 28: by Tari (new)

Tari (thann) | 2303 comments Genevieve wrote: "Great work Tari"

Thanks, Genevieve!

message 29: by Wanda (new)

Wanda (wanda71) | 320 comments Finished Challenge 6/17/23-Message #12

Judge a Book by its Cover

Conceited: Read 5-6 books

1. Abby Cooper, Psychic Eye (Psychic Eye Mystery, #1) by Victoria Laurie -Victoria Laurie-6/2-🔮🔮🔮🔮

2. Only the Beautiful by Susan Meissner -Susan Meissner-6/3/23-❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

3. A Conspiracy in Belgravia (Lady Sherlock, #2) by Sherry Thomas -Sherry Thomas-6/16-🕵️‍♂️🕵️‍♂️🕵️‍♂️🕵️‍♂️🕵️‍♂️

4. Something New Tales from a Makeshift Bride by Lucy Knisley -Lucy Knisley-6/2-👰👰🤵

5. Murder on a Bad Hair Day (Southern Sisters, #2) by Anne George -Anne George-6/8-💇‍♀️💇‍♀️💇‍♀️💇‍♀️

6. Daughter of Moloka'i (Moloka'i, #2) by Alan Brennert -Alan Brennert-6/5/23-🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺

message 31: by Bobbi (new)

Bobbi  (schadenfreudian) | 506 comments

June 2023

1. The Butcher and the Wren - Alaina Urquhart 🌈🌈🌈 6/3/23
2. Sounder - William H. Armstrong 🌈🌈🌈 6/6/23
3. The City of Brass - S.A. Chakraborty 🌈🌈🌈 6/8/23
4. The Perfect Marriage - Jeneva Rose 🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈 6/10
5. The Deep - Nick Cutter 🌈🌈 6/17/23
The Butcher and the Wren (The Butcher and the Wren, #1) by Alaina Urquhart Sounder by William H. Armstrong The City of Brass (The Daevabad Trilogy, #1) by S.A. Chakraborty The Perfect Marriage by Jeneva Rose The Deep by Nick Cutter

message 32: by Barb (new)

Barb | 1720 comments Finished

Level : Conceited: Read 5-6 books

1. The Old Girls’ Network, by Judy Leigh, finished 6/6/ ★★★.5
2. Old Bones (Gideon Oliver #4), by Aaron Elkins, finished 6/8 ★★★★
3. The Darling Dahlias and the Texas Star (Darling Dahlias #4), by Susan Witting Albert, finished 6/10 ★★★.5
4. A Cryptic Clue (Hunter and Clewe #1), by Victoria Gilbert, finished 6/13 ★★★.5
5. Sleeping Murder (Agatha Christie #13), by Agatha Christie, finished 6/14 ★★★.5
6. Kerning to Crime (Hand Lettering #3), by Daisy Robyns, finished 6/17 ★★★★

The Old Girls' Network by Judy Leigh Old Bones (Gideon Oliver, #4) by Aaron Elkins The Darling Dahlias and the Texas Star (The Darling Dahlias, #4) by Susan Wittig Albert A Cryptic Clue (Hunter and Clewe #1) by Victoria Gilbert Sleeping Murder (Miss Marple, #13) by Agatha Christie Kerning to Crime (Hand Lettering Mystery #3) by Daisy Robyns

message 33: by Genevieve (new)

Genevieve | 8913 comments Mod
Great job Wanda, Stephanie, Bobbi and Barb

message 34: by Genevieve (last edited Jun 20, 2023 05:05AM) (new)

Genevieve | 8913 comments Mod
"Judge A Book By Its Cover" Monthly Challenge
Duration: June 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023

1. Zesty Marinara Murder (Papa Pacelli's Pizzeria #40) by Patti Benning by Patti Benning 6/2/2023
2. Up to No Gouda (Grilled Cheese Mysteries, #1) by Linda Reilly by Linda Reilly 6/6/2023
3. Spooky Pizza Murder (Papa Pacelli's Pizzeria #38) by Patti Benning by Patti Benning 6/2/2023
4. Anne of Avonlea (Sterling Unabridged Classics) by L.M. Montgomery by L.M. Montgomery 6/12/2023
5. Grave Peril (The Dresden Files, #3) by Jim Butcher by Jim Butcher 6/13/2023
6. The Kite by N.R. Walker by N.R. Walker 6/17/2023

message 35: by Olivermagnus (new)

 Olivermagnus (lynda11282) | 1251 comments ~~~ Complete ~~~

June Judge a Book by its Cover
June 1 - 30, 2023

Level : Conceited: Read 5-6 books

of 6 Complete

1. Animal Magnetism - Jill Shalvis - 6/4/23
Animal Magnetism (Animal Magnetism, #1) by Jill Shalvis
2. Erotic Stories for Punjabi Widows - Balli Kaur Jaswal - 6/9/23
Erotic Stories for Punjabi Widows by Balli Kaur Jaswal
3. Front Desk - Kelly Yang - 6/9/23
Front Desk (Front Desk, #1) by Kelly Yang
4. Adrift - Lisa Brideau - 6/14/23
Adrift by Lisa Brideau
5. Surrender - Amanda Quick - 6/20/23
Surrender by Amanda Quick
6. Murder at Wedgefield Manor - Erica Ruth Neubauer - 6/23/23
Murder at Wedgefield Manor (A Jane Wunderly Mystery #2) by Erica Ruth Neubauer

message 36: by Kathleen (new)

Kathleen Dixon (kiwikathleen) Judge A Book By Its Cover
Superficial: Read 3-4 books

1. The Pavilion in the Clouds / Alexander McCall Smith, 17th
2. Follow The Wind / Katherine Genet, 20th
3. The Sweetest Taboo / Frieke Janssens, 24th

message 37: by Ferenc (new)

Ferenc (aeneth) | 2524 comments Completed!

"Judge A Book By Its Cover" Monthly Challenge
Duration: June 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023

Goal: 6/6

Shallow: Read 1-2 books
Superficial: Read 3-4 books
Conceited: Read 5-6 books

1. The Pearl Sister - Lucinda Riley - 06/05/23
2. Alice in Leatherland - Iolanda Zanfardino - 06/08/23
3. The Sandman: Act III - Dirk Maggs & Neil Gaiman - 06/12/23
4. Jasmine: Crown of Kings - Howard Mackie - 06/20/23
5. Gideon the Ninth - Tamsyn Muir - 06/25/23
6. Van Helsing vs. The Mummy of Amun-Ra - 06/26/23

The Pearl Sister (The Seven Sisters, #4) by Lucinda Riley Alice in Leatherland by Iolanda Zanfardino The Sandman Act III by Dirk Maggs Jasmine Crown of Kings by Howard Mackie Gideon the Ninth (The Locked Tomb, #1) by Tamsyn Muir Van Helsing vs. The Mummy of Amun-Ra by Pat Shand

message 38: by Katelyn (new)

Katelyn | 1011 comments COMPLETE

Superficial: Read 3-4 books

1. Returning Home (The Seaside Chronicles, #1) by Kelly Elliott - Kelly Elliott, 6/5/23
2. Meet Me in the Blue (Hemlock Harbor #1) by A.M. Johnson - A.M. Johnson, 6/19/23
3. What's Left of Me by Kristen Granata - Kristen Granata, 6/24/23

message 39: by Genevieve (new)

Genevieve | 8913 comments Mod
Well done Olivermagnus, Kathleen, Ferenc, and Katelyn

message 40: by Shash (new)

Shash | 2781 comments Finished! :)

"Judge A Book By Its Cover" Monthly Challenge
June 2023

Conceited: Read 5-6 books

1. The Enemy (It Happened in Charleston, #2) by Sarah Adams The Enemy by Sarah Adams (6/6/23)
2. Masquerade at Middlecrest Abbey by Abigail Wilson Masquerade at Middlecrest Abbey by Abigail Wilson (6/19/23)
3. The Cupcake Cottage (Hockey Sweethearts) by Jean Oram The Cupcake Cottage by Jean Oram (6/20/23)
4. I'm Not Charlotte Lucas by Kasey Stockton I'm Not Charlotte Lucas by Kasey Stockton (6/21/23)
5. An Uncommon Earl (Georgian Gentlemen #2) by Sian Ann Bessey An Uncommon Earl by Sian Ann Bessey (6/22/23)

message 41: by Genevieve (new)

Genevieve | 8913 comments Mod
Great job Shash

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