Play Book Tag discussion

Fevered Star (Between Earth and Sky, #2)
This topic is about Fevered Star
May 2023: Indigenous > Fevered Star by Rebecca Roanhorse, 3 stars

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Anne D | 39 comments Fevered Star is the second book in the Between Earth & Sky series that started with Black Sun. Xiala is a Teek, away from home and coming through an intense battle on the solstice, during an eclipse....

Not much else happens in this book. I have to say I really liked Black Sun, but this one was much more character driven compared to it. There were too many talking heads, political maneuverings and innuendos I didn't understand. I found myself not paying attention to the audiobook and having to back up and re-listen, this usually means I'm bored...I definitely like books with more action, less navel gazing.

message 2: by NancyJ (new) - added it

NancyJ (nancyjjj) | 10003 comments Anne wrote: "Fevered Star is the second book in the Between Earth & Sky series that started with Black Sun. Xiala is a Teek, away from home and coming through an intense battle on the solstice, during an eclips..."

I read her book Trail of Lightening last week. I liked it well enough (this isn’t really my genre), but I had a few “wait, what?” moments with the political maneuvering and betrayals too. It was fun as a change of pace and I will probably read Black Sun.

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