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Looking for a Project? > Author profiles containing only blank notebooks

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message 1: by Jaclyn, Librarian Program Manager (new)

Jaclyn (jaclyn_w) | 5849 comments Mod
Hi Librarians

This thread is for the reporting of author profiles containing only blank notebooks, which need to be removed.

Please feel welcome to add links below, and we'll perform a bulk removal at regular intervals.

Thank you!

message 3: by Jaclyn, Librarian Program Manager (new)

Jaclyn (jaclyn_w) | 5849 comments Mod
You're welcome, and thanks for adding these! 😊

☕ Lachgas ♿  (lachgas) | 9386 comments there are several "authors" named "Notizbuch für [insert something]" listed


and "Notizbücher für..." as authors

message 6: by Arenda (new)

Arenda | 26357 comments Natsu wrote: "Following are authors with legitimate books and/or active members of GR, so please do not just bulk delete everything."

Please do not post those in this thread.

message 7: by Natsu (new)

Natsu | 104 comments Arenda wrote: "Natsu wrote: "Following are authors with legitimate books and/or active members of GR, so please do not just bulk delete everything."

Please do not post those in this thread."

Sure, where do I report them instead?

message 8: by Arenda (new)

Arenda | 26357 comments Natsu wrote: "Sure, where do I report them instead?"

In a new thread. I'd say in the "Looking for a project folder" would be the best option.

(view spoiler)

message 10: by paperlove (last edited Apr 18, 2023 08:21AM) (new)

paperlove (mrspaperlove) | 223 comments Can we also post links with specific keywords in this topic or just author profiles?

For example, here are about 84k results under the German keyword "Notizbuch" (which means notebook) with author profiles that can be NAB'd and it's a lot of effort to pick out every single profile and post them here in the topic:

(i just see that a lot has already happened there. last week there were 840k results. now there are "only" 84k wow!)

message 11: by Natsu (new)

Natsu | 104 comments Arenda wrote: "Natsu wrote: "Sure, where do I report them instead?"

In a new thread. I'd say in the "Looking for a project folder" would be the best option.

Without looking at those profiles it's hard to say ho..."

I think I'll contact support. These authors are active members and have followers etc, yet have a massive number of notebooks under their name, so it will be difficult to do anything without GR's help. Thanks for your advice!

message 20: by Eri (last edited Apr 21, 2023 10:56AM) (new)

message 22: by Akiva ꙮ (new)

Akiva ꙮ (wolbster) | 22 comments Oof, 21,000 of them are from this one "author":

message 23: by paperlove (new)

paperlove (mrspaperlove) | 223 comments Akiva Ѯ wrote: "Oof, 21,000 of them are from this one "author":"

but these are valid, since these are not blank notebooks and contain horoscopes or something.

message 24: by Akiva ꙮ (new)

Akiva ꙮ (wolbster) | 22 comments ah, good call!

message 26: by Liralen (new)

Liralen | 7783 comments Not notebooks but also...probably not valid?

message 27: by Clare (last edited Apr 22, 2023 07:00AM) (new)

Clare O'Beara | 1072 comments Hi, all this author's books are notebooks.

Coroner Gifts Publishing
Showing 17 distinct works.

message 28: by Mesembryanthemum (new)

Mesembryanthemum | 184 comments Here are a bunch of notebook-only sellers that are annoying me today. (All this junk makes it hard to find all the real editions of a real book that I'm cleaning up.)

TartanTitan (22438495)
Tangled Tartan Publishing (22266147)
Ron Grosset (5136682)
A Wee Bit Scot (22863731)
HighlandFour Publishing (22241789)
MacRory Mor (22259444)
Scottish Heritage Co (21490325)
Grant's Easter Composition Books (23366663)

The following authors had a few "real" books (i.e., allowed on GR), so I moved those items to a profile with an extra space. The remaining works are all notebooks/journals/blank books:

Bagtown Clans (22205467)
Jensen Lauren (23115512)

message 29: by Mesembryanthemum (last edited Jun 05, 2023 12:59PM) (new)

Mesembryanthemum | 184 comments For this one, hundreds of notebooks flooded a real author's profile, so I moved the 8 real books to a profile with an extra space. Now there are only notebooks on this profile:

Charles Eaton (442651)

After the notebooks are gone, it would be great to change the real author's profile (the temporary two-space one) back to a single-spaced name. But I don't want to commit to doing that if the bots will just continue to add notebooks or other junk to that profile.

Edited to add a link to the temporary two-space author profile that I created.

Done. Someone else removed hundreds of blank notebooks. (Thanks!) I removed the last 7, then changed the author's name back to Charles Eaton (1 space).

message 31: by paperlove (last edited Apr 23, 2023 07:38AM) (new)

paperlove (mrspaperlove) | 223 comments Here, you can find over a million results under the search term "6x9 inches" and as it looks at first glance, (almost?) all of them are blank notebooks. So have fun...

message 34: by Matt (new)

Matt Harry | 2 comments I just had a blank notebook linked to my Author Dashboard. here is the link:

message 35: by Julia (new)

Julia | 837 comments @38 : I've just marked it invalid.

message 40: by Clare (last edited Apr 26, 2023 12:57PM) (new)

Clare O'Beara | 1072 comments Everything by this author profile is either a calendar or a notebook. I've posted in the clean up thread as well, because calendars.

message 42: by Drace (last edited Jul 03, 2023 06:54AM) (new)

Drace (dracenines) | 4823 comments I hope it's OK if a non-librarian posts a couple here. If not I'll stay away from the thread in the future. [note: there seems to be one possibly legitimate book on this profile at the very bottom]

message 43: by L J (new)

L J | 617 comments Drace wrote: "I hope it's OK if a non-librarian posts a couple here. If not I'll stay away from the thread in the future. [note: there seems to be one..."

Thank you. Appreciate the help.

message 46: by Mesembryanthemum (last edited Apr 28, 2023 09:52PM) (new)

Mesembryanthemum | 184 comments Today's game: Guess the common search term for these notebook-only authors.



Give up? The common search term is "Tufte", as in Edward R. Tufte (the author worshiped by technical writers and information designers). GR's wildly random search also found everything containing the word "tufted", as in titmouse. Thanks to the millions of notebooks added by the amazon bots, GR searches are endlessly amusing. /SARCASM

message 47: by paperlove (last edited Apr 29, 2023 10:43AM) (new)

paperlove (mrspaperlove) | 223 comments I also found another search term with a lot of blank notebooks


But you have to start at page 100 and then go down, since the Mustermann authors on the first page are valid. But those on the last pages are not.

message 48: by Drace (new)

message 49: by Cameo (last edited Apr 30, 2023 08:26PM) (new)

message 50: by Drace (last edited Jul 03, 2023 06:54AM) (new)

Drace (dracenines) | 4823 comments Several more: (Note: This person has some legitimate books on their account as well)

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