Star Trek Reads discussion

Hailing Frequencies > Rank the New Star Trek Series

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message 1: by Lizzie (new)

Lizzie | 81 comments 1. Strange New Worlds
2. Prodigy
3. Discovery
4. Picard

Star Trek Lower Decks - I haven't watched, yet.
Prodigy and Discovery I would put equally in 2nd place.

message 2: by Daniel (new)

Daniel (danintennessee) | 12 comments Lizzie wrote: "1. Strange New Worlds
2. Prodigy
3. Discovery
4. Picard

Star Trek Lower Decks - I haven't watched, yet.
Prodigy and Discovery I would put equally in 2nd place."

Good picks! Seems like everyone loves Strange New Worlds. I'm in the camp that says "Discovery paved the way for all of this." If they had produced Strange New Worlds in 2017 all the naysayers would have said "it's just the same 'ol thing they've done before."

message 3: by Lizzie (new)

Lizzie | 81 comments Daniel wrote: "Lizzie wrote: "1. Strange New Worlds
2. Prodigy
3. Discovery
4. Picard

Star Trek Lower Decks - I haven't watched, yet.
Prodigy and Discovery I would put equally in 2nd place."

Good picks! Seems l..."

I agree. SNW would not be as successful if we hadn't done it the other way first, before returning to episodic TV.

message 4: by Tundrorock (new)

Tundrorock | 2 comments SNW FTW! I also like Enterprise, which most people view as subpar. DS9 the ending blew me away and had some great characters.

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