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Anna Karenina
This topic is about Anna Karenina
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message 1: by Irene (new) - added it

Irene (astrocat42) | 14 comments Added two danish volumes of Anna Karenina

Can they be combined with the main Anna Karenina?

message 2: by Scott (new)

Scott | 510 comments We would not combine parts with the whole.

message 3: by Irene (new) - added it

Irene (astrocat42) | 14 comments Is there a way to delene these again? Could I then add them as new editions to the main one?

message 4: by rivka, Former Moderator (new)

rivka | 45178 comments Mod
Deleting them and re-adding them would not change the fact that they are separate volumes. The real question is: Are they sold individually or as a set? Do they have one or two ISBNs?

message 5: by Irene (new) - added it

Irene (astrocat42) | 14 comments Sold together, same ISBN

message 6: by rivka, Former Moderator (new)

rivka | 45178 comments Mod
Ok, then we should indeed merge them into a single edition. Which cover would you like to keep, and what is the ISBN?

message 7: by Irene (new) - added it

Irene (astrocat42) | 14 comments

If merged, it should be with the above, I had hoped it was possible to have each volume seperate

message 8: by Irene (new) - added it

Irene (astrocat42) | 14 comments 9788702332858 ISBN

message 9: by rivka, Former Moderator (new)

rivka | 45178 comments Mod
Merge in process. We would only list them separately if they were published separately.

message 10: by Irene (new) - added it

Irene (astrocat42) | 14 comments Ok, too bad, but thanks for clearing that up and helping out!

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