twilight lovers! discussion

what do you think?

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message 1: by jasmin ꨄ (new)

jasmin ꨄ | 1 comments what do you guys think about ,,New Moon”?

message 2: by Makiyah (new)

Makiyah | 9 comments I like New Moon but I wished Bella wasn't hallucinating Edward because it didn't add to the story at all and I just felt confused. I thought it was leading up to her having powers or something. Or maybe he actually was there but nope. And it didn't make sense.. I also wish she was angry towards the entire family for treating her so carelessly as opposed to just taking them all back with open arms. Jasper didn't even give her a proper apology. I think Edward apologized for him.

Yeehawwlovesbooks I agree I think. Bella jumped to conclusions when she first met the Cullens and she didn’t really take the time to get to know them all, but it seems like the minute Bella walked in The Cullens weren’t quite sure about her, and Victoria, Alice, Rosalie seemed super jealous of Bella right off the back. I think The Cullens are all very judgmental and all of them are cocky and arrogant and think they are better than everyone. I also didn’t think they all gave Bella a proper welcome and instead of welcoming her they all attacked her with stares, and they couldn’t control themselves when they were thirsty for blood.... so instead of explaining that they were vampires- they didn’t really give her a choice if she wanted to be a vampire or werewolf.... even if she didn’t want to choose they didn’t have to force themselves on her.

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