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They Both Die at the End (Death-Cast, #1)
This topic is about They Both Die at the End
They Both Die at the End > They Both Die at the End: Reviews

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Darcey | 1846 comments Mod
Feel free to post reviews here (with spoiler tags please) :))

sadiereads books (view spoiler)

message 3: by Darcey (last edited Nov 12, 2021 04:49AM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Darcey | 1846 comments Mod
sadiereads wrote: "[spoilers removed]"

ahh yes i loved this as well, it also broke me, though i can't say (view spoiler) were unexpected😭

Inaaya Khatri | 16 comments (Review contains spoilers)

Throughout the book i just wanted something to happen that would save them. It broke me when nothing did. This book portrayed the epitome of friendship. I believe everyone should have a friend or lover like them in their life.

Darcey | 1846 comments Mod
Inaaya wrote: "(Review contains spoilers)

Throughout the book i just wanted something to happen that would save them. It broke me when nothing did. This book portrayed the epitome of friendship. I believe everyo..."

i completely agree, Inaaya... this book broke me as well :((

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