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Cinderella Is Dead
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Cinderella is Dead > Ch 13 - 18

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Darcey | 1846 comments Mod
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Darcey | 1846 comments Mod
Ahh this set started further developing the future plot-twists and overall storyline, which was good!

- I’m really not sure what to think of Constance, I think I like her but I’m not sure if I ship her and Sophia yet… but who knows! I could definitely grow to love them, I guess we’ll see.

- I’ve already started developing theories!! I reckon that the king is still Prince Charming but he’s got a curse/spell over him that makes him change appearance everyone 100 years or so, so that he can keep up the appearance of a new king. Because a mysterious village that no one can find seems suspicious… plus Sophia briefly thought she saw his magic slip and expose a gaunt face underneath his… yep, I reckon it’s the original Charming, and that’s why Cinderella was calling his name when she was dragged away: she knew he had to be properly killed!
Of course, I could be totally wrong, but that’s where my mind is going right now haha.

- also I found the ‘true’ story of Cinderella really interesting, where the sisters weren’t evil and the mother was a rebel - I love it! I’m so curious about why Cinderella went to the ball and what happened there truthfully… if we follow my above theory, then maybe she went to kill the prince?

- also I felt so sorry for the poor seamstress, she deserved so much better and what will happen to her son now?! She was so brave to fight back at that last instant though. Also poor Liv, poor poor Liv, she also deserved better. And I can’t believe Erin got chosen by Eduard (I totally made up that spelling, I only know it starts with Ed haha), that’s so horrible and the worst luck for her :((
I still hope Luke is ok!

Can’t wait to discuss with you, I promise I’ll wait before reading any more!

*❆ Kαɾҽɳ ❆* | 3040 comments Mod
Ch 12
- [ ] Unexpected ally. I think I remember the synopsis saying Constance was the last descendant from Cinderella. Although I don’t know how that is possible since it said Cinderella had no children.
- [ ] But perhaps that is what they wanted the people to believe?

Ch 13
- [ ] Oh my gosh what happened to Liv? What did they do to her! She’s aged! Are they giving her youth to some king or queen who takes it for immortality? How in the world did they take her youth!!
- [ ] Is that what happens to all of those bodies they find! It’s so disturbing and disgusting

Ch 14
- [ ] Wow! That is definitely a different story to the book, don’t know how I feel about Prince Charming being the one who caused so much trouble, but it does make sense since he was the outsider and revealed his true colours once he was crowned prince. How did he managed to stop the famine and drought though? Does he have magic of his own or a source of magic, like the fairy godmother ?
- [ ] And why did Cinderella go the ball? She knew the prince was evil and killed her mother and father. What does the fairy godmother have to do with this?
- [ ] This is so interesting! I’m loving it

Ch 15
- [ ] Looks like they have a plan going
- [ ] A witch, a curse? It looks likely this is how the real story would have been
- [ ] I hope they do find out what happened the fairy godmother/witch

Ch 16
- [ ] It’s good to see there are others like Constance who defy the king. I hope there are a lot of allies they can seek help from. Cause I don’t think just the two of them will be enough

Ch 17
- [ ] Oh my gosh! That guy claimed Erin! How horrible and he beat her up! How dare he!
- [ ] And now the king has come to punish the people?!

Ch 18
- [ ] Oh my goodness! They killed the seamstress! What will become of her son! The father will break him and make him as evil as he is
- [ ] This is dreadful but go Constance! She was able to threaten a man he peed himself!
- [ ] This is getting good but I feel like Sophia is making things worse with everything she tried to do, she needs to be extra careful now that she is a fugitive

*❆ Kαɾҽɳ ❆* | 3040 comments Mod
Ahh this set started further developing the future plot-twists and overall storyline, which was good!

- I’m really not sure what to think of Constance, I think I like her but I’m not sure if I ship her and Sophia yet… but who knows! I could definitely grow to love them, I guess we’ll see.

Yeah this was quite a set! It was really good!
Yeah I agree, haven’t put much thought into it but now that you have mentioned it, the romance does seem very rushed and forced? I don’t see a good connection between them yet. I like Constance as a companion to Sophia but yeah the spark between them seems too forced to me. But we will see

I’ve already started developing theories!! I reckon that the king is still Prince Charming but he’s got a curse/spell over him that makes him change appearance everyone 100 years or so, so that he can keep up the appearance of a new king. Because a mysterious village that no one can find seems suspicious… plus Sophia briefly thought she saw his magic slip and expose a gaunt face underneath his… yep, I reckon it’s the original Charming, and that’s why Cinderella was calling his name when she was dragged away: she knew he had to be properly killed!
Of course, I could be totally wrong, but that’s where my mind is going right now haha

Oh my gosh! That actually goes well with my theory of the ageing immortality thing! It would totally make sense it was the original Prince Charming and he is able to change face due to the ability of taking people’s lives for himself! This is a great theory! I hope we are both right! Hahah

also I found the ‘true’ story of Cinderella really interesting, where the sisters weren’t evil and the mother was a rebel - I love it! I’m so curious about why Cinderella went to the ball and what happened there truthfully… if we follow my above theory, then maybe she went to kill the prince?

Ooo maybe! That seems about right ! It would make perfect sense why she decides to marry the person who killed her parents!

also I felt so sorry for the poor seamstress, she deserved so much better and what will happen to her son now?! She was so brave to fight back at that last instant though. Also poor Liv, poor poor Liv, she also deserved better. And I can’t believe Erin got chosen by Eduard (I totally made up that spelling, I only know it starts with Ed haha), that’s so horrible and the worst luck for her :((
I still hope Luke is ok!

Yes! She was really brave by the end, I am glad she had that small moment of victory before her sad death
Hahahah I just keep calling him that guy or Morris and that guy! I can’t figure out his name, but his Edward in my head 😅
I know! She deserved so much more, I just hope by the end of the book she does defy the laws and societies and joins Sophia in her cause
I hope we see Luke soon! And he doesn’t get killed with the ageing thing !

*❆ Kαɾҽɳ ❆* | 3040 comments Mod
Wait where was the part about Sophia seeing the kings’ magic slip? I think I didn’t catch that part

message 6: by Darcey (last edited Aug 25, 2021 04:41AM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Darcey | 1846 comments Mod
Are they giving her youth to some king or queen who takes it for immortality? How in the world did they take her youth!!

OMG THEORIES THEORIES KAREN YOU GENIUS. ok so building on from my earlier theory (wow i've really developed this theory haha, it's going to be a letdown if i'm wrong) i reckon you're right and they're using the youth stolen from all those missing girls and Liv to keep Prince Charming/the king young! if my theory is wrong then honestly i'm ready to write a whole new story based on this theory hahaha, it's gotten reasonably intricate now!

How did he managed to stop the famine and drought though? Does he have magic of his own or a source of magic, like the fairy godmother ?

yeah that is interesting... maybe he has a witch that stopped all the famine etc, and is also doing the spell to steal youth? hmm not sure...

This is dreadful but go Constance! She was able to threaten a man he peed himself!
- [ ] This is getting good but I feel like Sophia is making things worse with everything she tried to do, she needs to be extra careful now that she is a fugitive

yeah Constance was so cool in that moment haha, i loved it. and yeah i swear Sophia does nothing except risk her life and make dangerous decisions... i didn't like that she went back home, that really annoyed me, though it's good that she got closure with her family. but yeah she has to be more damn careful!

Yeah I agree, haven’t put much thought into it but now that you have mentioned it, the romance does seem very rushed and forced? I don’t see a good connection between them yet. I like Constance as a companion to Sophia but yeah the spark between them seems too forced to me. But we will see

yeah not sure, i still reckon that Erin and Sophia will end up together and Constance is just a side-note for now, but i could be wrong! i guess we'll see.

I hope we see Luke soon! And he doesn’t get killed with the ageing thing !

yeah same, he's such a cutie, poor thing :((

Darcey | 1846 comments Mod
*❆ Kαɾҽɳ ❆* wrote: "Wait where was the part about Sophia seeing the kings’ magic slip? I think I didn’t catch that part"

she was standing in line at the ball and Liv got picked on and called out the front, and then the king got angry and Sophia said his face seemed to slip and grow "gaunt"... and possibly old, i can't quite remember the quote

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