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Golden Son (Red Rising Saga, #2)
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Golden Son (Red Rising #2) > Golden Son: Part IV - Ruin (Ch 40-51/End)

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*❆ Kαɾҽɳ ❆* | 3040 comments Mod
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Darcey | 1846 comments Mod
... i'm sorry Karen, i couldn't help it, i finished the book!!

and my god, what an ending. i'm still in shock, i honestly don't have the brain cells to write a whole paragraph about it, so i'll probably just wait for your nice chapter notes before i actually have a conversation about this set haha. this book killed me!

i just have to say that everything is looking pretty trashy for Darrow, and it's stressing me out haha. i really hope it wasn't Mustang that told everyone he's a Red... but i don't know who else it could be. i just hope Sevro and Darrow (and also Ragnar, what a legend) make it out alive by the end of this series...

Roque is dead to me. i wasn't surprised by the Jackal (he was never trustworthy), but Roque?! what a classist asshole. it'll take a lot for me to forgive him after this. also Mustang? i expected better... unless maybe she's been kidnapped?? ahh i don't want to consider that!

also poor Victra... she was a cutie, i liked her. and poor Lorn! also Fitchner, i was so surprised by his reveal as Ares, but i loved it! it broke my heart a little that he got killed as well... i wonder how Sevro will take that.

haha wow, maybe i did write a paragraph after all😂

*❆ Kαɾҽɳ ❆* | 3040 comments Mod
Don't feel sorry! I need to read this asap, I was feeling under the weather which is why I disappeared for a bit but feeling a lot better
so I should be able to finish this soon and we can start book 3 !
it was so hard not to read your thoughts just now ahh!

*❆ Kαɾҽɳ ❆* | 3040 comments Mod
Part IV - Ruin
Ch 40 Mud
- [ ] Man my heart is beating and I can’t stop feeling sad! 😭 all those howlers!
- [ ] How Darrow had to escape his shell, it was so terrifying. So well written

Ch 41 Achilles
- [ ] Wowowowowowo I have never read so fast! That last few pages had me reading and reading! Ahh Darrow be careful!
- [ ] Also loved how he gave razors to the Obsidians! No longer treated as slaves but as a person!

Ch 42 Death of a Gold
- [ ] By the name of this chapter, I hope it means Cassius dies, not Mustang or Servo or anyone else!
- [ ] Flitchner is Ares!!! Oh my goodness! Servo must know right? Is that why he tried to stop Darrow from going? 😱
- [ ] Also not Cassius but at least his brother is dead!

Ch 43 The Sea
- [ ] I don’t know if that means they have made amends with each other ? I hope Darrow can let Mustang help him more

Ch 44 The Poet
- [ ] Okay so there is hope for Roque and Darrow’s friendship but I still worry
- [ ] Damn the Jackal is already on the lose

Ch 45 Gifts
- [ ] How is this going to end? So good

Ch 46 Brotherhood
- [ ] Ah Dancer is alive! So glad Darrow’s family is alive too
- [ ] Oh my! He is going to tell her? Good though I hope Servo doesn’t have to shoot her
- [ ] Also Darrow becoming heir? And then Sovereign ?? Wow huge ambition Ares
- [ ] But I am glad he wants to see his family, 4 years is a long time, they will all be surprised his alive!
- [ ] Also Servo is half Red! And he found out a few days ago. Now I see why Flitchner is Ares, he is doing this for a woman too, Bryn and Eo

Ch 47 Free
- [ ] 😖 Darrow you sweetheart! Be free like Eo is now

Ch 48 The Magistrate
- [ ] Ooooo he’s about to reveal himself isn’t he!!

Ch 49 Why We Sing
- [ ] Darrow! I loved their interaction, he really needed to see her and I am glad he did
- [ ] I am so proud that he revealed himself to Mustang. I just hope she stays with him eventually and forgives him

Ch 50 The Deep
- [ ] Oh man oh man! Mustang is so not impressed! And I don’t blame her!

Ch 51 Golden Son
- [ ] What is going to happen now???? Darrow is now captured, Mustang and a Servo are missing
- [ ] But how did they know about Ares and Darrow? Do you think Mustang spilled?! Ahh I don’t know anymore!
- [ ] This book actually destroyed me! Wowowoo
- [ ] I don’t know what to expect for the next book but I am so pumped!

*❆ Kαɾҽɳ ❆* | 3040 comments Mod
Darce wrote: "... i'm sorry Karen, i couldn't help it, i finished the book!!

and my god, what an ending. i'm still in shock, i honestly don't have the brain cells to write a whole paragraph about it, so i'll p..."

Hahaha I am in shock too, that last chapter ruined me completely! It was so shocking to see Ares dead. Just when I thought things were going well. I am so shocked about Roque too, he is dead to me too. I had such high hopes about him and their friendships, he is a snake! Had me convinced things were fine between them! Argh betrayed!

Also yes I get the Jackal betraying him, it is only a matter of time, he will use anyone to his favour including his sister, but wow I was so shocked he killed his father!

You know I was worried that it might be Mustang that spilled but maybe Harmony? Just thinking now it might have been her, she could have switched sides by now. Gosh I really hope it’s her and not Mustang

Man I don’t know what book 3 will be but I’m desperate now!
I was going to read the first part of ATATN but maybe I might start reading Morning Star now haha!

Darcey | 1846 comments Mod
*❆ Kαɾҽɳ ❆* wrote: "Don't feel sorry! I need to read this asap, I was feeling under the weather which is why I disappeared for a bit but feeling a lot better
so I should be able to finish this soon and we can start b..."

i hope you're feeling much better now :))

Darcey | 1846 comments Mod
*❆ Kαɾҽɳ ❆* wrote: "Ah Dancer is alive! So glad Darrow’s family is alive too"

ahh yeah i was so glad Dancer was alive, he's such a cutie! what happened to him at the end of the book? he's still alive, right? as far as we know?

Also Darrow becoming heir? And then Sovereign ?? Wow huge ambition Ares

yeah that would have been crazy... and it almost happened too, he was about to become heir... but then it all fell apart!

I am so proud that he revealed himself to Mustang. I just hope she stays with him eventually and forgives him.

yeah i really want to know what she thought when she found out.... and what happened to her... ahh!

This book actually destroyed me! Wowowoo

SAME AHHH. can't wait to start book #3!

message 8: by Darcey (last edited Jun 25, 2021 05:22AM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Darcey | 1846 comments Mod
*❆ Kαɾҽɳ ❆* wrote: "Darce wrote: "... i'm sorry Karen, i couldn't help it, i finished the book!!

and my god, what an ending. i'm still in shock, i honestly don't have the brain cells to write a whole paragraph about..."

yeah things were going so well.... stupid damn Roque! why did it all have to go so wrong ahhh. it's so like Pierce Brown to break our hearts and souls like that!

oh yes yes yes Harmony is definitely an option because she was superrrrr suspicious and had already gone pretty bad... you're right, it's probably her! surely it's not Mustang.

haha we can always move ATATN to july as well so we have more time to read it ;) it's been a busy month for both of us!

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