The Garden of Books discussion

Gardens of Books > The backyard of lost dreams

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message 1: by Dreamer (new)

Dreamer   | 5128 comments Hiii

message 4: by Dreamer (new)

Dreamer   | 5128 comments okay.. a little boring but not a bad one.. yours?

:D o y i n :D (CURRENTLY OBSESSED WITH AOT iykyk) | 430 comments same well i just started tho

message 6: by Dreamer (new)

Dreamer   | 5128 comments :D o y i n :D wrote: "same well i just started tho"

Oh, really? To me it is already 5:23 PM

:D o y i n :D (CURRENTLY OBSESSED WITH AOT iykyk) | 430 comments no wayy it is 10 : 30 here

message 9: by Dreamer (last edited Mar 30, 2021 07:34AM) (new)

Dreamer   | 5128 comments noo, mediterranean here.. and you? (only if you don't have a problem to share)

:D o y i n :D (CURRENTLY OBSESSED WITH AOT iykyk) | 430 comments thats so cool
mediterranean have really good food ngl

message 12: by Dreamer (new)

Dreamer   | 5128 comments Oh, wow! It's strange when you realise that you're talking to people miles away...

message 13: by Dreamer (new)

Dreamer   | 5128 comments But it's also wonderfull!

message 15: by Dreamer (new)

Dreamer   | 5128 comments Goodmorning everyone! (or whatever it is where you are)

message 16: by Dreamer (new)

Dreamer   | 5128 comments I just found this, and it couldn't be more me, seriously!

message 17: by i f f a t (new)

i f f a t  (iffattheavidreader) | 60 comments ༺ Lady Night ༻ wrote: "I just found this, and it couldn't be more me, seriously!



message 18: by Dreamer (new)

Dreamer   | 5128 comments Iffat Nusaiba wrote: "༺ Lady Night ༻ wrote: "I just found this, and it couldn't be more me, seriously!



Yessss, truth!

message 19: by Willow Anne (new)

Willow Anne | 1604 comments ༺ Lady Night ༻ wrote: "I just found this, and it couldn't be more me, seriously!


Oh my goodness sooo true!!😂😂And then theres those nights you go to bed really early bc you want to get to a good book youre reading and everyone looks at you suspiciously

message 20: by Rushali (new)

Rushali Gupta (happy_soul) | 111 comments ༺ Lady Night ༻ wrote: "I just found this, and it couldn't be more me, seriously!


Even I am like

message 21: by Dreamer (new)

Dreamer   | 5128 comments Willow Anne wrote: "༺ Lady Night ༻ wrote: "I just found this, and it couldn't be more me, seriously!


Oh my goodness sooo true!!😂😂And then theres those nights you go to bed really early bc you want to get to a good..."

Yess, so truth! When it's still 8:00 but you tell to everyone you are sleepy, anf they all wonder if you are sick. And then your parents enter the room at 3 AM and find you still awake reading...

message 22: by Willow Anne (last edited Mar 31, 2021 01:53AM) (new)

Willow Anne | 1604 comments Yep😂😂exactly

message 23: by Dreamer (new)

Dreamer   | 5128 comments Something like that:

message 24: by Willow Anne (new)

Willow Anne | 1604 comments Yessss. Oh my word im dying😂 the accuracy 😂😂

message 25: by Dreamer (new)

Dreamer   | 5128 comments Willow Anne wrote: "Yessss. Oh my word im dying😂 the accuracy 😂😂"

YESSSS! And it's exctly how I feel, like they cought me doing something really bad!

message 26: by Ally (new)

Ally (alliereads33) ༺ Lady Night ༻ wrote: "Something like that:


I'm dyinggg. One time my mom saw my light on at 2 in the morning and she walked in and saw me reading and it felt just like this lol.

message 27: by Divya (new)

Divya (divyareadss) | 13 comments the speed i have when shoving a book under the bed is crazy

message 28: by [deleted user] (new)

My mom encourages me to read as much as I can even at night!

message 29: by Willow Anne (new)

Willow Anne | 1604 comments Divya wrote: "the speed i have when shoving a book under the bed is crazy"

Yep yep lol. Is it an olympic sport yet?

message 30: by Ally (new)

Ally (alliereads33) Divya wrote: "the speed i have when shoving a book under the bed is crazy"

Some people would think I'm the flash as fast as I hide my book.

message 31: by Dreamer (new)

Dreamer   | 5128 comments ✰Allie✰ wrote: "Divya wrote: "the speed i have when shoving a book under the bed is crazy"

Some people would think I'm the flash as fast as I hide my book."

Yeahhhh, sooo true! Most of the times, they don't even realise I was reading, they just think I forgot the light open!

message 32: by Dreamer (new)

Dreamer   | 5128 comments Awww, that's so pretty!

message 33: by Ally (new)

Ally (alliereads33) ༺ Lady Night ༻ wrote: "Okay... I just can't wait till bookstores open, because I really want to read A Little Life and Thirteen Reasons Why.... WHEN WILL THEY OPEN???????????? Btw, if anyo..."

I really want to read A Little Life and Song of Achilles so bad!! I've heard they are so good!!

message 34: by Piya (new)

Piya (theredrumqueen) | 63 comments ༺ Lady Night ༻ wrote: "Awww, that's so pretty!



message 35: by Dreamer (new)

Dreamer   | 5128 comments Ƥiya wrote: "༺ Lady Night ༻ wrote: "Awww, that's so pretty!


yeah, it's me on a single picture!

message 36: by Dreamer (new)

Dreamer   | 5128 comments ✰Allie✰ wrote: "༺ Lady Night ༻ wrote: "Okay... I just can't wait till bookstores open, because I really want to read A Little Life and Thirteen Reasons Why.... WHEN WILL THEY OPEN??..."

yes, me too. And I've also heard that they're going to destroy me so... self-distruction club here :)

message 37: by Dreamer (new)

Dreamer   | 5128 comments ME ME ME ME ME ME ME MEEEEEEEEEEEE


message 39: by Dreamer (new)

Dreamer   | 5128 comments :D o y i n :D wrote: "AHH THIS JUST DESCRIBES ALL OF US"

Yeahhhh, the typical excuses to read more!

message 41: by Ally (new)

Ally (alliereads33) Omg that’s meee. I always make the dumbest excuses to keep reading

message 42: by Willow Anne (new)

Willow Anne | 1604 comments So truuuue lol

message 43: by Dreamer (new)

Dreamer   | 5128 comments I just started reading Les Misérables and it's just... beautiful.. and perfect. I don't know which words to use to describe it! I love it, even from the first 50 pages...

message 44: by Dreamer (new)

Dreamer   | 5128 comments ΜΕ ΜΕ ΜΕ

message 45: by Dreamer (new)

Dreamer   | 5128 comments Worst thing ever! I lended a book to someone and thay accidentaily ripped a little bit of the cover... I don't love the book that much, but it's seriously awful when it happens... when you trust someone and they return you the book like that :(

message 46: by Willow Anne (new)

Willow Anne | 1604 comments ༺ Lady Night ༻ wrote: "ΜΕ ΜΕ ΜΕ


Haha true true

message 47: by Willow Anne (new)

Willow Anne | 1604 comments ༺ Lady Night ༻ wrote: "Worst thing ever! I lended a book to someone and thay accidentaily ripped a little bit of the cover... I don't love the book that much, but it's seriously awful when it happens... when you trust so..."

That's horrible! Aww im sorry for the book :(

message 48: by Dreamer (new)

Dreamer   | 5128 comments Willow Anne wrote: "༺ Lady Night ༻ wrote: "Worst thing ever! I lended a book to someone and thay accidentaily ripped a little bit of the cover... I don't love the book that much, but it's seriously awful when it happe..."

Yeahhh, I almost mourned when I saw it...

:D o y i n :D (CURRENTLY OBSESSED WITH AOT iykyk) | 430 comments ༺ Lady Night ༻ wrote: "Worst thing ever! I lended a book to someone and thay accidentaily ripped a little bit of the cover... I don't love the book that much, but it's seriously awful when it happens... when you trust so..."


message 50: by Dreamer (new)

Dreamer   | 5128 comments :D o y i n :D wrote: "༺ Lady Night ༻ wrote: "Worst thing ever! I lended a book to someone and thay accidentaily ripped a little bit of the cover... I don't love the book that much, but it's seriously awful when it happe..."

I knowwwwwwwww

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