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Gods of Jade and Shadow
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Gods of Jade and Shadow > Gods of Jade and Shadow: Chs 29-35

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Darcey | 1846 comments Mod
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*❆ Kαɾҽɳ ❆* | 3040 comments Mod
Ch 29
- [ ] I really hope Hun-Kame is not seriously considering his offer

Ch 30
- [ ] Why? Why did he have to make her choice so hard for her?!
- [ ] Either way, if she wins, she loses human Hun-Kame, if she loses he is dead. There is no win situation for them 💔💔

Ch 31
- [ ] Oh my I’m so tensed right now! This going to be some race indeed!

Ch 32
- [ ] Kill her?! Argh don’t do it Martin!

Ch 33
- [ ] What just happened?!

Ch 34
- [ ] Wait, wait, so there is still love in Hun-Kame? Does he still remember and love her ?

Ch 35
- [ ] I AM SO MAD RIGHT NOW!!! WHY WHY OH WHY 😭😭😭😭😭💔💔💔💔💔💔
- [ ] Where is my happily ever after? Why aren’t they together? Why argh why?!
- [ ] Argh this was a good book but I really wish the ending was better!
- [ ] I am a huge sucker for HEAs! And I really wanted it to work in this book!
- [ ] But overall, great story, great plot, great world building and character development, thoroughly enjoyed it!
- [ ] But why 😞😣😖😭😭😭😭😭😭

Darcey | 1846 comments Mod
I KNOW. WHAT WAS THAT ENDING 😭😭😭😭. this book broke my heart.... where was my romance! my magical ending where everything worked out! the plot-twist that joined our couple forever! i hate this realistic and heartbreaking ending💔😭.
i mean all in all, it was actually a decent ending.... Hun-Kame still has some love so he made Xibalba a better place.... and he decided to forgive his brother, like Cas forgave (kinda) Martin.... and Cas is kinda happy, riding around with whatshisname.... but i'm still so sad😭.

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