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Gods of Jade and Shadow > Gods of Jade and Shadow: Chs 22-28

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*❆ Kαɾҽɳ ❆* | 3040 comments Mod
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*❆ Kαɾҽɳ ❆* | 3040 comments Mod
Ch 22
- [ ] Oh boy, I don’t it is wise to make fun of a magician 😬
- [ ] Yep they shouldn’t have messed with him, he is one creepy goat magician!

Ch 23
- [ ] What a bittersweet chapter, hard to live a life or imagine it when you have so little to live

Ch 24
- [ ] Yeah I can see that Hun-Kame is Cas’ Desiré, I wonder how Vucub-Kame will use this to his advantage

Ch 25
- [ ] Poor Hun-Kame, he doesn’t know her hearts desire is the one thing he can’t give her, himself. Like he said, once it is over Hun-Kame will be a god and the whole feelings and emotions will be gone

Ch 26
- [ ] Hun-Kame can be cruel when he wants to be

Ch 27
- [ ] Both Martin and Cas have suffered with their grandfather, it’s only that they each dealt with it differently
- [ ] Vucub-Kame will offer nothing but seek his own triumph, and I am glad Cas is smart enough to see this

Ch 28
- [ ] “I wish we could keep dancing too,” he said. 💔💔💔💔😭😭😭😭 my heart hurts for them!
- [ ] I fear they may not have a happy ending

message 3: by Darcey (new)

Darcey | 1846 comments Mod
ahh i know, i'm also scared that this couple won't have a happy ending! i hope they do! they're really cute and i'd love to see how their relationship develops over time, but i just don't see how it can work out :((

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