EVERYONE Has Read This but Me - The Catch-Up Book Club discussion

Gone with the Wind
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BUDDY READS > Gone With the Wind - Buddy Read

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message 1: by Laura (last edited Nov 23, 2020 06:29AM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Laura  (Reading is a Doing Word) (readingisadoingword) | 345 comments Here's the thread for our Feb 2021 Gone with the Wind Buddy Read - welcome all :)

Frances (francesperez) | 352 comments Hi everyone! Is anyone up for this?

Laura  (Reading is a Doing Word) (readingisadoingword) | 345 comments Yep I'm still planning on reading this month :)

Tr1sha | 610 comments It’s been on my list for a while - I’d like to join a buddy read this month.

Samuel (kaisserds) | 90 comments I'm in as well. Do we have a schedule?

message 6: by Shaina (last edited Feb 01, 2021 10:37PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Shaina | 350 comments I'm in too!

Laura's Schedule formatted version:

1st Feb Chp 1-2
2nd Feb Chp 3-4
3rd Feb Chp 5-6
4th Feb Chp 7-9
5th Feb Chp 10-11
6th Feb Chp 12-13
7th Feb Chp 14-15
8th Feb Chp 16-18
9th Feb Chp 19-20
10th Feb Chp 21-22
11th Feb Chp 23-24
12th Feb Chp 25-27
13th Feb Chp 28-29
14th Feb Chp 30-31
15th Feb Chp 32-33
16th Feb Chp 34-36
17th Feb Chp 37-38
18th Feb Chp 39-40
19th Feb Chp 41-42
20th Feb Chp 43-45
21th Feb Chp 46-47
22th Feb Chp 48-49
23th Feb Chp 50-51
24th Feb Chp 52-54
25th Feb Chp 55-56
26th Feb Chp 57-58
27th Feb Chp 59-60
28th Feb Chp 61-63

Laura  (Reading is a Doing Word) (readingisadoingword) | 345 comments Excellent - welcome all :)
I made a rough schedule of about 2-3 chapters a day.
Here is a terribly formatted version - so on each date you should read up to and including that chapter number - hope that makes sense?!

1 Feb 2
2 Feb 4
3 Feb 6
4 Feb 9
5 Feb 11
6 Feb 13
7 Feb 15
8 Feb 18
9 Feb 20
10 Feb 22
11 Feb 24
12 Feb 27
13 Feb 29
14 Feb 31
15 Feb 33
16 Feb 36
17 Feb 38
18 Feb 40
19 Feb 42
20 Feb 45
21 Feb 47
22 Feb 49
23 Feb 51
24 Feb 54
25 Feb 56
26 Feb 58
27 Feb 60
28 Feb 63

Shaina | 350 comments Thank you, Laura! I'll try and put it down like you usually do.

I will start on the 3rd as it is almost the 2nd now here for me in India. ill try and catch up if I can.

Tr1sha | 610 comments Thank you, Laura. I will probably start reading later this week but catch up quickly.

Laura  (Reading is a Doing Word) (readingisadoingword) | 345 comments I just read Ch 1 & 2 tonight and I'm drawn in. It's a good intro to Scarlett's character, her family and the land and surrounding society.

Samuel (kaisserds) | 90 comments I made a spreadsheet with Laura's schedule like in the Moby Dick buddy read: Spreadsheet

So far I've read the first two characters and I've noticed a couple of small details that might be a bit of foreshadowing if I remember the movie correctly.

Laura  (Reading is a Doing Word) (readingisadoingword) | 345 comments Thanks Samuel!
I've never seen the movie, although I have some awareness of it. Finished ch 4 tonight and enjoyed learning more about Ellen and Gerald.

Laura  (Reading is a Doing Word) (readingisadoingword) | 345 comments Chapters 5 -6

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So far I'm loving it!

Shaina | 350 comments I just finished part 2. Am I the only one who dislikes Scarlett?? I'll add more thoughts once I have time.

Laura  (Reading is a Doing Word) (readingisadoingword) | 345 comments I find it interesting that she's utterly unlikable. I don't like her either but I almost admire her for not becoming a simpering fool. I'm interested in her.

Frances (francesperez) | 352 comments Darn! I wasn't getting notifications and I thought nobody was reading this book....😩 I'm going to try and catch up.

@Samuel, I'm 90% into Anna Karenina but got held up bec my 2 kitties ended up staying at the vets for a few days 1 after the other. So I'm going to have to juggle and stay up the next few nights. Then I'll read your last post after.

Thank you @Laura and @Samuel for the schedule. BTW, my son surprised me with a hardcover Moby-Dick or, the Whale for my birthday!

Hello again, Trisha and Shaina! 🤗 How were your holidays?

Tr1sha | 610 comments Frances wrote: "Darn! I wasn't getting notifications and I thought nobody was reading this book....😩 I'm going to try and catch up.

@Samuel, I'm 90% into Anna Karenina but got held up bec my 2 ki..."

I’m pleased you’re back here, Frances. Don’t worry, I got delayed too so haven’t started reading yet - my original plan was to catch up by today! Perhaps we’ll catch up at the same time.

Leona (mnleona) | 14 comments I am reading but not sure if I am on a list, if there is one.

Shaina | 350 comments Hello Frances! Hope the kitties are well now. Pls do share a pic of them when you can. I love cats! Thank you for reminding me that you'll had a buddy read for AK. I just bought the ebook and plan to start it soon. I will use that thread to read all comments and add my own if any.

I'm happy to hear Trisha, Frances and Leona are joining us. So far Laura has given me some food for thought. I'm eager to hear what all of you have to say about the book.

Leona, welcome to the buddy read.

Shaina | 350 comments @Laura, I'm more interested in Rhett and Ashely and Mel and I'm quite indifferent to Scarlet.

I get what you say about her not becoming a simpering fool but I also find her to be so self absorbed and while she thinks differently from others she isn't even as brave as Mel.

I also get what Rhett sees in her but I'm lost as to why Ashley would like her!! I find her so foolish. I laughed out loud at her ignorance at so many times.

Laura  (Reading is a Doing Word) (readingisadoingword) | 345 comments Hello Frances - glad you found us again and can join in.
Welcome Leona :)

I've fallen a day behind and need to catch up a bit too.
Will post more thoughts on here as I go.
I agree about Mel though Shaina - I did think that she might break through Scarlett's selfish shell, but no.
I'll read on and see what I think :)

message 22: by Laura (last edited Feb 08, 2021 07:19AM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Laura  (Reading is a Doing Word) (readingisadoingword) | 345 comments I finished Chapter 13 yesterday and will catch up today.

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Shaina | 350 comments Laura, I completely agree with you on all the points you mentioned above.

I think Scarlett is fascinated by Ashley because she cannot undertand him or as she says he is a mystery to her. The Twins like Scarlett for the same reason ( they find her very mysterious ).

As for Rhett, I wondered till I read chapter 21-22 when Rhett mentions why he likes her. So that question will be answered.

Samuel (kaisserds) | 90 comments I've just finished part II

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Laura  (Reading is a Doing Word) (readingisadoingword) | 345 comments Shaina - you're ahead of us I think - I can't wait to get to Ch 21 - 22 now :)

I caught up to Chapter 18 yesterday
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So Chapters 19 and 20 tonight!
Thanks everyone - I'm really enjoying these discussions!

Shaina | 350 comments Samuel, I agree with your adding insult to injury..hahahah. She hates Melanie despite her being so good. I think she would have liked her better if she wasn't so good. I too wonder what Ashley sees in her.

Laura, I am ahead and trying to wait for you'll to catch up (I need someone to discuss the happenings). I laughed quite a bit reading your " so consistently selfish" bit. I agree with her being self centered. All the adjectives that went through my mind when she was introduced 'selfish, self centered, shallow, naive, conceited' . The thought that crossed my mind when she thought about the Tarleton twins was it never occurred to her that her youngest sister would be deeply hurt. I hated how she puts one sister against another by saying " because she is going to be prettier than you " in the carriage on the way to Ashley's house.

Laura  (Reading is a Doing Word) (readingisadoingword) | 345 comments Hey Shaina - yeah she doesn't seem to have any real love for her sisters - just sees them as competition maybe?

I read up to Chapter 20 last night

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We'll see what today's chapters bring?!

Leona (mnleona) | 14 comments Today I need to read chapters 19-22.
Scarlett is selfish and Melanie is sweet.
I have seen the movie many times and wonder why Wade was left out.

Shaina | 350 comments Laura, I agree she sees every white woman as competition, her sisters included ( only Ellen is not on that list ). She even ensures others beaus are in love with her ( just for sport ). I can't believe her mother doesn't know her true nature ( considering Ellen is very smart )

As for society seeing woman as weak ( the definition of a lady), I think as long as they faint and are scandalized at everything they are seen as weak and decent ( it is disturbing to know women carry smelling salts around ). The men also shield them from everything real/ harsh realities or what they consider tough (mollycoddled from birth).

I felt it was an eye opener for everyone to be called to join the war. Till then they didn't know what they were talking about. They seem to think of war a glorious endeavor. I only felt bad for Mr. Wilkes and a few others ( not Gerald, I know I sound harsh but I think him selfish as well ).

As for Rhett and Scarlett, I think only Rhett is being honest. Scarlett is still in denial and refuses to be honest. It is good that Rhett sees through her.

Laura  (Reading is a Doing Word) (readingisadoingword) | 345 comments Leona wrote: "Today I need to read chapters 19-22.
Scarlett is selfish and Melanie is sweet.
I have seen the movie many times and wonder why Wade was left out."

Hello Leona,

I've never seen the movie but intend to watch it once I finish the book.
It's interested Wade isn't in the movie - I forget about him sometimes too as Scarlett can hardly be bothered with him in the book. I'm interested how he will grow up and what will happen to him in the book.

Laura  (Reading is a Doing Word) (readingisadoingword) | 345 comments Shaina wrote: "Laura, I agree she sees every white woman as competition, her sisters included ( only Ellen is not on that list ). She even ensures others beaus are in love with her ( just for sport ). I can't bel..."

Yeah the definition of a lady is all about appearances.
Also interesting that it seems unacceptable for men to acknowledge that women are pregnant. It'l like a taboo subject and Melanie has to hide her bump..

Samuel (kaisserds) | 90 comments General Johnston's strategy also reminded me of Kutuzov!

I think neither Rhett and Scarlett are good relationship material (neither among themselves nor with others) but at least they are being frank, at least Rhett. Scarlett does speak her mind but I doubt even she knows what she wants.

People see her a strong but she has yet to prove it. She has the potential to be strong, yet selfish. She resembles her father a lot and that makes for a good survivor.

Shaina | 350 comments Samuel, I too thought she is a lot like Gerald. I didn't think of her as being good survivor but your absolutely right she makes for a good survivor and so is Rhett.

message 34: by Tr1sha (last edited Feb 11, 2021 01:54PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Tr1sha | 610 comments I have almost caught up with the schedule now. I haven’t read the book before or seen the film, so wasn’t sure whether I would enjoy it. It’s far better than I had hoped, a fascinating story & I’m learning a lot about American history.

Laura, you must be too young to remember when pregnancy wasn’t mentioned in polite company! Even for a lot of the 20th century, pregnant women were expected to wear discreet clothes that hid their shape, & they stopped working or going out long before the baby was due.

Leona (mnleona) | 14 comments Times and words have changed. I am 82 and yesterday I told my daughter that grass was something we walked on when I was a kid.
Remember how strong the women are in this book to take care of the wounded and dying.
The words do not bother me as much as the violence of war, no matter who is right and who is wrong.
Wasn't there a reason Grerald did not go to war and did he not try?
One of my favoite lines in the book and the movie is when Scarlett says she forgot to lock the front door. Our minds sometimes are not thinking.

Tr1sha | 610 comments Leona wrote: "Times and words have changed. I am 82 and yesterday I told my daughter that grass was something we walked on when I was a kid.
Remember how strong the women are in this book to take care of the wou..."

I love your comment about grass, Leona! You are right about the women being strong to care for the wounded men - I was reading part of that yesterday & found it shocking, especially as they knew many of the men & their families.

Laura  (Reading is a Doing Word) (readingisadoingword) | 345 comments Hello all - so I caught up with the schedule and finished chapter 31 yesterday. Wow - what a lot is happening!

Thought so far...
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So I am absolutely LOVING this book. Much more than I thought I would. I love both Scarlett and Melanie and the story is sweeping me along. The images are vivid and I can picture everything in my mind (with a little influence from film images -although I've still to see the film)
Sorry for the unstructured brain dump!

Laura  (Reading is a Doing Word) (readingisadoingword) | 345 comments Also I was telling my friend that I was reading it.
Her name is Melanie and we sometimes call her Melly.
I had no idea but she's actually named after Melanie!
Apparently her dad is a HUGE Gone With the Wind fan - movie and book - and that's why they named her so.
This made me smile!

Leona (mnleona) | 14 comments Laura wrote: "Also I was telling my friend that I was reading it.
Her name is Melanie and we sometimes call her Melly.
I had no idea but she's actually named after Melanie!
Apparently her dad is a HUGE Gone Wit..."

That is a fun tidbit.

message 40: by Leona (last edited Feb 15, 2021 12:35PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Leona (mnleona) | 14 comments I removed some comment as it dawned on me (sorry, it took so long) that many have not seen the movie.

I need to read three chapters today. I got involed in a new crochet pattern and only read one chapter.

Samuel (kaisserds) | 90 comments I've just finished Part III as well.

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Laura  (Reading is a Doing Word) (readingisadoingword) | 345 comments Samuel wrote: "I've just finished Part III as well.

This part is critical to Scarlett's development as she has to go from being a spoiled brat from a rich family to being the head of the O'Haras in times of hun..."

Yes - it's fascinating how Scarlett has had to change.
I agree that Ashley's return will be a barrier to further improvement in Scarlett and Melanie's relationship.

I'm continuously struck by how other people perceive Scarlett as being strong. When she talks with Ashley, he says she's stronger than him and then is surprised when she breaks down.

I also enjoy the recognition of her love for Tara and how she appreciates what Gerald said early on about the land being worth fighting for. Coming from the Highlands of Scotland where many people were forcibly cleared of the land throughout the 1700s and 1800s - this really strikes a chord with me.

Perhaps her real love is Tara?

Tr1sha | 610 comments Laura wrote: "Hello all - so I caught up with the schedule and finished chapter 31 yesterday. Wow - what a lot is happening!

I’m loving this book too! I started reading with little idea what to expect & also rather daunted by the length of the book. But once I got started properly I caught up & am now a bit ahead of schedule as I can’t put the book down!

Frances (francesperez) | 352 comments Ok, I think there's something wrong with my Goodreads. I haven't gotten any notifications from this Buddy Read. 😩 I've written to the support team.

One cat still sick so I've got my hands full. The one who's recovered is jealous and demands TLC. Zero reading time. I'll catch you guys next month with The Master and Margarita?

Tr1sha | 610 comments I finished reading this today. I thought it was wonderful. At some time I will have to read this again & hopefully learn more from it. I’m so glad this book was chosen as a buddy read.

Laura  (Reading is a Doing Word) (readingisadoingword) | 345 comments Frances - that's a shame that you've not been getting the notifications! Sorry you're cat is unwell - poor thing.
Also a shame you can't carry on with the book but we'll definitely cross paths again.

Trisha - well done on finishing! I think I'd have flown ahead too but I'm committed to a few buddy reads so am struggling to keep up. I'll definitely catch up at the weekend - this is my favourite of the books I'm reading at the moment by miles!

Laura  (Reading is a Doing Word) (readingisadoingword) | 345 comments Think I'm at about Chapter 33

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Samuel (kaisserds) | 90 comments Spoilers for part IV so beware before reading this

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Leona (mnleona) | 14 comments I am on Chapter 58 and will probably finish today.

Laura  (Reading is a Doing Word) (readingisadoingword) | 345 comments I'm still reading - hope to finish by the weekend.

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