Jewish Book Club discussion

Nominations > Nominations for our January 2021 book

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message 1: by Jan (new)

Jan Rice | 2846 comments Mod
Now taking nominations for a book of or about Jewish humor.

A list of examples follows. You can nominate one of them or another one you know about. We're counting on your knowing about many others!

The Joke and Its Relation to the Unconscious by Sigmund Freud
No Joke: Making Jewish Humor by Ruth Wisse
Still Foolin' 'Em: Where I've Been, Where I'm Going, and Where the Hell Are My Keys? by Billy Crystal
The Last Black Unicorn by Tifffany Haddish
Sh*t My Dad Says by Justin Halpern
Yes, I Can Say That: When They Come for the Comedians, We Are All in Trouble by Judy Gold (not out in paperback yet, but in the public library)

Looking for seven nominees by the end of Tuesday Nov. 24th (with a pause for Shabbat and before Thanksgiving).
One nomination per person, please
(A list does not constitute a nomination)
(Once again, the list at the top aren't the nominations; just a list of examples to stimulate your nominations.)
You can scroll through the years in the Discussions or look at the group Bookshelf to see if we've already read a particular book.)

Nominations by a book's author or other interested parties will be deleted. Please nominate the book on this subject that you'd most like to read.

Your moderators will help vet for availability and expense.

After we arrive at a consensus on the nominations, we'll have the poll.

message 2: by Daniel (new)

Daniel Victor | 13 comments I nominate Rabbi Joseph Telushkin's "Jewish Humor: What the Best Jewish Jokes Say About the Jews." It's a comprehensive collection of classic Jewish humor broken down by categories (e.g.'Parents and Children;' 'Chutzpah'; 'Jewish Braininess'; etc.). Not only will you laugh out loud, but you will come away with a conceptual framework for understanding the unique humor of the Jews.

message 3: by Melissa (new)

Melissa | 61 comments I nominate “Born to Kvetch: Yiddish Language and Culture in All of Its Moods” by Michael Wex.
(Although I have not read it)

message 4: by Jan (new)

Jan Rice | 2846 comments Mod
Daniel wrote: "I nominate Rabbi Joseph Telushkin's "Jewish Humor: What the Best Jewish Jokes Say About the Jews." It's a comprehensive collection of classic Jewish humor broken down by categories (e.g.'Parents an..."

Thank you for getting the ball rolling, Daniel!
Seems to be a classic, right? And lots of inexpensive copies out there (and a Kindle version).

1. Jewish Humor: What the Best Jewish Jokes Say About the Jews by Telushkin

When I looked at the Goodreads reviews, I saw another one that was well-liked: Let There Be Laughter A Treasury of Great Jewish Humor and What It Means by Michael Krasny. More recent. Maybe should be added to the list of examples..

message 5: by Brina (new)

Brina | 319 comments Mod
Ok why not. I’ll nominate SeinLanguage SeinLanguage by Jerry Seinfeld . I would love to nominate the new book but not sure how accessible it is at libraries. This will have to suffice for now :)

message 7: by Jan (new)

Jan Rice | 2846 comments Mod
Melissa wrote: "I nominate “Born to Kvetch: Yiddish Language and Culture in All of Its Moods” by Michael Wex.
(Although I have not read it)"

Thank you, Melissa! You don't have to have read it. Not necessary. In fact might be one you've been wanting to get to or heard of.
In looking at the reviews, though, seems like some are saying they couldn't read too much of it at once, because boring or even depressing (!). We don't have to take what they said, and it's not another treasury or anthology, so that's good. You must have heard good things? Or been wanting to read it? Shall we go ahead with nominating Born to Kvetch? Your call.

message 8: by M (new)

M Kat | 28 comments I nominate The Education of Hyman Kaplan by Leo Rostin, still one of the funniest, poignant books I've read.

message 9: by Jan (new)

Jan Rice | 2846 comments Mod
Brina wrote: "Ok why not. I’ll nominate SeinLanguage SeinLanguage by Jerry Seinfeld. I would love to nominate the new book but not sure how accessible it is at libraries. This will have to suffice..."

Thanks, Brina
2. SeinLanguage by Jerry Seinfeld
No Kindle, but lots of inexpensive copies out there

message 10: by Jan (new)

Jan Rice | 2846 comments Mod
Haha, when I was trying to respond, kept getting knocked off Goodreads and having to log back in.

"Eddy's in the time-space continuum"? or just lots of nominations coming in at the same time. ('scuse my Douglas Adams joke. Got to get it in whenever possible. 😆)

message 11: by Jan (new)

Jan Rice | 2846 comments Mod
Denise wrote: "I nominate The Bus Driver Who Wanted to be God & Other Stories by Etgar Keret"

Thank you, Denise. The blurb about it says Keret is "part court jester," so I guess that's saying humor? (Guess what: I haven't read everything! 🙃)
We've read one Keret but not for three years, so that's okay.
There are some very inexpensive ones on AbeBooks, but on Amazon Marketplace the shipping isn't included. So may be in the $9-$10 range. Not one of the Kerets that's in my public library, but may be in yours!
3. The Bus Driver Who Wanted to be God & Other Stories by Etgar Keret

message 12: by Jan (new)

Jan Rice | 2846 comments Mod
M wrote: "I nominate The Education of Hyman Kaplan by Leo Rostin, still one of the funniest, poignant books I've read."

4. The Education of Hyman Kaplan by Leo Rostin (or Leonard Q. Ross)

Unfamiliar w/that; sounds very interesting; almost a classic?
Too old for Kindle I guess but seem to be a number of used copies out there in the $7 range. Not in my library (at least not anymore). And I didn't even search under the other name of the author...

Thanks, M!

message 13: by Jan (new)

Jan Rice | 2846 comments Mod
Gotta take a break for a little while. Thanks for all the nominations; guess we could go to eight again, after all, if they keep coming.
And saving one for Melissa and Born to Kvetch. Melissa, please push back re what I said if you want to!

message 14: by Louise (new)

Louise (louisekf) | 40 comments M wrote: "I nominate The Education of Hyman Kaplan by Leo Rostin, still one of the funniest, poignant books I've read."

OMG, those books were the best! I remember them fondly.

message 15: by Louise (last edited Nov 19, 2020 01:40PM) (new)

Louise (louisekf) | 40 comments Alan Zweibel is a very funny guy and he's got a new book out: Laugh Lines.

message 16: by Stacey B (new)

Stacey B | 1899 comments Mod
Louise wrote: "Alan Zweibel is a very funny guy and he's got a new book out: Laugh Lines."
I read that Louise- it was good.

message 17: by Brina (new)

Brina | 319 comments Mod
I never heard of him but I checked and it’s gotten a lot of good reviews here. I think we all need a laugh so whatever wins ought to be a must read for everyone.

message 18: by Jan (new)

Jan Rice | 2846 comments Mod
Louise wrote: "Alan Zweibel is a very funny guy and he's got a new book out: Laugh Lines."

Sadly, not in my library, but even though it's new, only $9.62 on Amazon! Sounds good, Louise. Thanks!

5. Laugh Lines: My Life Helping Funny People Be Funnier by Alan Zweibel

message 19: by Stacey B (new)

Stacey B | 1899 comments Mod
Melissa wrote: "I nominate “Born to Kvetch: Yiddish Language and Culture in All of Its Moods” by Michael Wex.
(Although I have not read it)"

It's more fun to nominate a book you haven't read, most members do that.
No worries-if it wins and its' not good; our group "be kind" rules ,wont allow us hurt you. :)

message 20: by Stacey B (new)

Stacey B | 1899 comments Mod
Brina wrote: "I never heard of him but I checked and it’s gotten a lot of good reviews here. I think we all need a laugh so whatever wins ought to be a must read for everyone."
Totally agree!!!!

message 21: by Brina (new)

Brina | 319 comments Mod
Born to Kvetch sounds hysterical.

message 22: by Jan (new)

Jan Rice | 2846 comments Mod
Brina wrote: "Born to Kvetch sounds hysterical."

Brina and Stacey, see my comment No. 7. And see the Goodreads reviews. Several were people whose opinion I respect.
Am I being too picky? Was hoping Melissa would come back w/a little more feedback, but not a requirement! We can put it right in, no problem.

message 23: by Brina (new)

Brina | 319 comments Mod
Hmm. Maybe not. I thought the author was poking fun as being a kvetch but it seems more like he’s actually kvetchy. Oh well.

message 24: by Stacey B (last edited Nov 19, 2020 07:05PM) (new)

Stacey B | 1899 comments Mod
Jan wrote: "Brina wrote: "Born to Kvetch sounds hysterical."

Brina and Stacey, see my comment No. 7. And see the Goodreads reviews. Several were people whose opinion I respect.
Am I being too picky? Was hopin..."
put it in.
Melissa nominated it, we haven't heard from her as yet, so it needs to go in. She can also withdraw her nomination if she chooses. People will read the synopsis and some reviews on their own before voting.

message 25: by Jan (new)

Jan Rice | 2846 comments Mod
Okay, answering my own question: it's a nomination. And here's an NPR interview with the author from 2005 & an excerpt. , to help decide whether to vote for it. Good interview!

Not sure I'd agree w/the review that called it depressing. Maybe about deciding to laugh instead of crying!
And learn a little more Yiddish along the way! 😊

6. Born to Kvetch: Yiddish Language and Culture in All of Its Moods by Michael Wex

message 26: by Jan (new)

Jan Rice | 2846 comments Mod
Stacey wrote: "... put it in.
Melissa nominated it, we haven't heard from her as yet, so it needs to go in. She can also withdraw her nomination if she chooses. People will read the synop..."

We were writing at the same time once again, Stacey! Thanks. I came to same conclusion.
Don't want her to withdraw it.
If it wins, I may go with the audio.

message 28: by Stacey B (last edited Nov 20, 2020 08:06AM) (new)

Stacey B | 1899 comments Mod
Lior wrote: "I also nominate Born to Kvetch: Yiddish Language and Culture in All of Its Moods !"
The book you want to nominate is already on the list.
Do you want to choose a different one and add it?

message 29: by Jan (new)

message 30: by Susan (new)

Susan I nominate Fleishman is In Trouble

message 31: by Jan (new)

Jan Rice | 2846 comments Mod
Susan wrote: "I nominate Fleishman is In Trouble"

Susan, that gives us the requested seven nominations!

7. Fleishman Is in Trouble by Taffy Brodesser-Akner

I enjoyed checking out the book, plus the answers to a question posed about it were instructive.

It's in the library in all formats; also Amazon has inexpensive hardcovers, plus copies on AbeBooks. 🙂

message 33: by Jan (new)

Jan Rice | 2846 comments Mod
Poll to begin on Thanksgiving. 🦃 😊

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