75 Books...More or Less! discussion

Archive (2015 ABC) > Kristin's ABC 2015 (Complete!)

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message 2: by Kristin (new)

Kristin (kristinnb) 6 down...

message 3: by Elyse, Moderator (new)

Elyse (winesaboutbooks) | 8627 comments Mod
Very nice!

message 4: by Kristin (last edited Jan 29, 2015 09:50AM) (new)

Kristin (kristinnb) S. Silver Shadows (Bloodlines, #5) by Richelle Mead

Great read! The last book comes out in 2 weeks. Thank goodness I don't have to wait for forever!

message 5: by Kristin (new)

Kristin (kristinnb) Now I'm going to fall behind... I have a bunch of C books that I will be reading. At least I still have 11 months! lol

message 6: by Andrea, Moderator (new)

Andrea | 4314 comments Mod
Hahah, well at least you are already off to a good start!

message 7: by Kristin (last edited Feb 12, 2015 01:05PM) (new)

Kristin (kristinnb) Trying to decide if I should make A Clockwork Orange my letter A. Normally I would count that as a C book...? How about everyone else? I'm sure I'll read another A book at some point anyway. ;)

message 8: by Elyse, Moderator (new)

Elyse (winesaboutbooks) | 8627 comments Mod
I would count it as 'C.'

message 9: by Kristin (new)

Kristin (kristinnb) Yeah. Makes more sense that it would be C. Because with 'The' I would never use that for T. Thanks!! ;-)

message 10: by Kristin (last edited Mar 02, 2015 08:12AM) (new)

Kristin (kristinnb) J. Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë Charlotte Brontë

Finally finished the C books I was stuck on and am able to add a new one!

I really enjoyed this story. The characters were quirky and entertaining. For some reason I've been wanting to read some classics, and I'm glad I chose this one!

message 11: by Kristin (new)

Kristin (kristinnb) D. The Dream Thieves (The Raven Cycle, #2) by Maggie Stiefvater Maggie Stiefvater

I didn't get into this so much. Maybe because I listened to the audiobook for most of it. I do want to know what happens in the third though.

message 12: by Kristin (new)

Kristin (kristinnb) E. The Elite (The Selection, #2) by Kiera Cass Kiera Cass

I really enjoyed it and it didn't take me long to get back into the book, even though it's been a while since I read the first one.

message 13: by Kristin (new)

Kristin (kristinnb) O. The One (The Selection, #3) by Kiera Cass Kiera Cass

I enjoyed it just as much as the first two.

message 14: by Kristin (new)

Kristin (kristinnb) R. The Ruby Circle (Bloodlines, #6) by Richelle Mead Richelle Mead

I enjoyed this series quite a bit. I love Sydney and Adrian and I hope Richelle makes another series about more characters from these books.

message 15: by Kristin (last edited Oct 21, 2015 12:55PM) (new)

Kristin (kristinnb) I have these letters left. Thought it would be easy to add them and edit as I go so I can keep track. Getting there!




message 16: by Kristin (last edited Apr 08, 2015 11:01AM) (new)

Kristin (kristinnb) P. The Prince (The Selection, #0.5) by Kiera Cass Kiera Cass

Q. The Queen (The Selection, #0.4) by Kiera Cass Kiera Cass

I feel kinda bad adding these because they're novellas, but I decided to add them anyway. If I read something different then I will change them out, but for now I will keep these. =-)

message 17: by Kristin (new)

Kristin (kristinnb) A. Anna Dressed in Blood (Anna, #1) by Kendare Blake Kendare Blake

This book was good, but I didn't love it. I switched between reading it and listening to the audio book. I think I enjoyed it more when I read it. I just couldn't get into the guy who I listened to. I couldn't stand his girly voices.

message 18: by Elyse, Moderator (new)

Elyse (winesaboutbooks) | 8627 comments Mod
Kristin wrote: "P.The Prince (The Selection, #0.5) by Kiera CassKiera Cass

Q.The Queen (The Selection, #0.4) by Kiera CassKiera Cass

I feel kinda bad adding these because they're novellas, but I decided to a..."

I'm counting novellas as well! I used The Queen as my Q too. ;)

message 19: by Elyse, Moderator (new)

Elyse (winesaboutbooks) | 8627 comments Mod
Kristin wrote: "A.Anna Dressed in Blood (Anna, #1) by Kendare BlakeKendare Blake

This book was good, but I didn't love it. I switched between reading it and listening to the audio book. I think I enjoyed..."

I ended the Anna sequel in book form but for most of it I listened to the audiobook. I didn't like the narrator's voice either.

message 20: by Kristin (new)

Kristin (kristinnb) K. A Kiss at Midnight (Fairy Tales, #1) by Eloisa James Eloisa James

Another take on Cinderella.

message 22: by Andrea, Moderator (new)

Andrea | 4314 comments Mod
Seriously....you are ALMOST done!!!!

message 23: by Hillary (new)

Hillary (hmom) | 352 comments You are =doing great!!

message 24: by Kristin (new)

Kristin (kristinnb) Thanks guys! I'm so excited that I'm so close to actually accomplishing this challenge finally. I've tried a few times but never actually finished. I think I got it this time!

U. The Ugly Duchess (Fairy Tales, #4) by Eloisa James Eloisa James

message 25: by Kristin (new)

Kristin (kristinnb) Still have the hard ones to do though... lol

message 26: by Elyse, Moderator (new)

Elyse (winesaboutbooks) | 8627 comments Mod
Yes, but you still have half the year! :)

message 27: by Kristin (new)

Kristin (kristinnb) Elyse wrote: "Yes, but you still have half the year! :)"

Hahaha... True

message 29: by Kristin (new)

Kristin (kristinnb) L. Lair of the Lion by Christine Feehan

I have seriously been slacking! Better finish this thing up!

message 30: by Kristin (new)

Kristin (kristinnb) T. Twisted by Laurie Halse Anderson

5 more to go! Of course it's mostly all the hardest letters... Time to knock them out though!

message 31: by Kristin (last edited Oct 21, 2015 12:56PM) (new)

Kristin (kristinnb) Let's do this!




message 32: by Elyse, Moderator (new)

Elyse (winesaboutbooks) | 8627 comments Mod
Good luck! So close!

message 33: by Kristin (new)

Kristin (kristinnb) N. The Notebook (The Notebook, #1) by Nicholas Sparks Nicholas Sparks

Reading the V right now then I have X Y Z. I think I got this... Just gonna have to not be picky for those ones. lol

message 34: by Kristin (new)

Kristin (kristinnb) V. Virals (Virals, #1) by Kathy Reichs Kathy Reichs

Y. The Young Elites (The Young Elites, #1) by Marie Lu Marie Lu

Two more!

message 35: by Elyse, Moderator (new)

Elyse (winesaboutbooks) | 8627 comments Mod
Almost done!

message 36: by Andrea, Moderator (new)

Andrea | 4314 comments Mod
Ihave all of my books in a pile to read. I just need a Q and X.....lol ohhh yea and time to read them all....haha

~☆~Autumn NOT RECEIVING NOTIFICATIONS) Andrea wrote: "Ihave all of my books in a pile to read. I just need a Q and X.....lol ohhh yea and time to read them all....haha"

You could read an X-Files book. I have read 2 of them and one was good. It was something about the wind.

message 38: by Andrea, Moderator (new)

Andrea | 4314 comments Mod
Ohhh thank you! I liked the show the x files.

message 39: by Kristin (new)

Kristin (kristinnb) I only need an X as well now. I will have to look at the X-files books.

message 40: by Kristin (last edited Dec 31, 2015 02:25PM) (new)

Kristin (kristinnb) Z. Zombies A Record of the Year of Infection Field Notes by Dr. Robert Twombly by Don Roff Don Roff

X. Xoe or Vampires, and Werewolves, and Demons, Oh My! (Xoe Meyers, #1) by Sara C. Roethle Sara C. Roethle

First time actually finishing this challenge. GO me! lol.

Now... Should I do titles again or authors names...? Or both!?!

message 41: by Elyse, Moderator (new)

Elyse (winesaboutbooks) | 8627 comments Mod
Congrats, Kristin! You snuck in! I might try both for 2016.

~☆~Autumn NOT RECEIVING NOTIFICATIONS) Good Work! This sounds way too tough for me! Happy New Year.

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