Fantasy Book Club discussion

The Sword of Kaigen
This topic is about The Sword of Kaigen
Books of the month: 2020 > Feb 2020: The Sword of Kaigen *First Impressions*

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message 1: by Virginie, Meow. (new) - added it

Virginie | 898 comments Mod
Our February read is The Sword of Kaigen by M.L. Wang.
It is part of the "Theonite" universe but can be read as a standalone. It was self-published in February 2019, and is currently a finalist for the 5th edition of the SPFBO contest organized by Mark Lawrence.

Are you planning to read it? Have you already started? Share your thoughts and first impressions in the comments but, as usual, please avoid spoilers or tag them properly.

Tnkw01 | 2293 comments Mod
Finished it yesterday. Not a bad story. That's all I'll say for now.

Elona Just read the first chapter and I'm intrigued and a little confused by the mix of modern technology and simple village life.

Tnkw01 | 2293 comments Mod
Elona wrote: "Just read the first chapter and I'm intrigued and a little confused by the mix of modern technology and simple village life."

It's like that throughout the story. For the most part, it's a pretty good story. I think a lot of people will like it.

message 5: by Ctgt (new)

Ctgt | 142 comments Wow..... this slipped right past me last month....Gonna try to catch up with it next week.

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