Cat Mystery Readers discussion

2019 Purrfect Reading Challenge > Julie R’s 2019 Challenge

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message 1: by Julie (last edited Dec 30, 2019 08:02PM) (new)

Julie Ringrose Cat Trick by Sofie Kelly
Cat Trick (A Magical Cats Mystery, #4) by Sofie Kelly

Final Catcall by Sofie Kelly
Final Catcall (A Magical Cats Mystery, #5) by Sofie Kelly

Reading Up a Storm by Eva Gates
Reading Up a Storm (Lighthouse Library Mystery #3) by Eva Gates

Cat Playing Cupid by Shirley Rousseau Murphy
Cat Playing Cupid (Joe Grey, #14) by Shirley Rousseau Murphy

Hexes and Hemlines by Juliet Blackwell
Hexes and Hemlines (A Witchcraft Mystery, #3) by Juliet Blackwell

A Spook in the Stacks by Eva Gates
The Spook in the Stacks (Lighthouse Library Mystery #4) by Eva Gates

Cat Who Knew a Cardinal by Lilian Jackson Braun
The Cat Who Knew a Cardinal (Cat Who... #12) by Lilian Jackson Braun

Cat Who Said Cheese by Lilian Jackson Braun
The Cat Who Said Cheese (Cat Who... #18) by Lilian Jackson Braun

Cat to the Dogs by Shirley Rousseau Murphy
Cat To The Dogs (Joe Grey, #5) by Shirley Rousseau Murphy

Cat Deck the Halls by Shirley Rousseau Murphy
Cat Deck the Halls (Joe Grey, #13) by Shirley Rousseau Murphy

Arsenic and Old Books by Miranda James
Arsenic and Old Books (Cat in the Stacks, #6) by Miranda James

Cat Shout for Joy by Shirley Rousseau Murphy
Cat Shout for Joy (Joe Grey #19) by Shirley Rousseau Murphy

Wicked Appetite by Janet Evanovich
Wicked Appetite (Lizzy & Diesel, #1) by Janet Evanovich

Cat Shining Bright by Shirley Rousseau Murphy
Cat Shining Bright (Joe Grey #20) by Shirley Rousseau Murphy

Cat Chase the Moon by Shirley Rousseau Murphy
Cat Chase the Moon (Joe Grey #21) by Shirley Rousseau Murphy

Cat in an Alien X-ray by Carole Nelson Douglas
Cat in an Alien X-Ray (Midnight Louie #25) by Carole Nelson Douglas

Cat Coming Home by Shirley Rousseau Murphy
Cat Coming Home (Joe Grey, #16) by Shirley Rousseau Murphy

Cat Bearing Gifts by Shirley Rousseau Murphy
Cat Bearing Gifts (Joe Grey, #18) by Shirley Rousseau Murphy

Cat Striking Back by Shirley Rousseau Murphy
Cat Striking Back (Joe Grey, #15) by Shirley Rousseau Murphy

Cat Pay the Devil by Shirley Rousseau Murphy
Cat Pay the Devil (Joe Grey, #12) by Shirley Rousseau Murphy

Pawful Truth by Miranda James
The Pawful Truth (Cat in the Stacks #11) by Miranda James

Cat Cross Their Graves by Shirley Rousseau Murphy
Cat Cross Their Graves (Joe Grey, #10) by Shirley Rousseau Murphy

Cat Breaking Free by Shirley Rousseau Murphy
Cat Breaking Free (Joe Grey, #11) by Shirley Rousseau Murphy

A Night’s Tail by Sofie Kelly
A Night's Tail (Magical Cats Mystery #11) by Sofie Kelly

The Cat Who Talked Turkey by Lilian Jackson Braun
The Cat Who Talked Turkey (Cat Who... #26) by Lilian Jackson Braun

The Cat Who Dropped a Bombshell by Lilian Jackson Braun
The Cat Who Dropped a Bombshell (Cat Who... #28) by Lilian Jackson Braun

message 2: by Julie (new)

Julie Ringrose Meow, meow, meow. 🐱

Looking forward to enjoying Catnip level in the Year of the Rat.

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