The Challenge Factory discussion

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♦SS Archives♦ > R4: 6 Book Girls (6)

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message 1: by Jenne (last edited Jan 12, 2015 07:51AM) (new)

Jenne  (jennetheinstigator) | 7439 comments Captain:
Shy The WidowMaker

maria helena

message 2: by Jenne (last edited Mar 17, 2015 09:27AM) (new)

message 3: by Jenne (new)

Jenne  (jennetheinstigator) | 7439 comments

message 4: by Jenne (last edited Jan 22, 2015 06:41AM) (new)

Jenne  (jennetheinstigator) | 7439 comments Alternates:
Each number corresponds with the spot on the board.
For colors: The cover has to be at least 50%
For locations: As long as the book takes part at all in the given location .
For Shelves: Any book on the given shelf
For Publication Years: I'll be using how GR has it's publication date listed.
For Authors Names: The first, middle, or last name of the author is ok.
For Cover Items: Must have the given item on the cover
For Titles: Only the first word of the title. A, An, And, and The do not count.
So if the letter is B: The Best Day would be ok. Dear Betty would not be ok.

1. N/A
2. White
3. 2004
4. Re read
5. Title C
6. Cover Item Tree(s)
7. Author W
8. California
9. Green
10. 2002
11. Friendship
12. Title K
13. Cover Item Mode of Transportation
14. Author P
15. Illinois
16. Silver/Gray
17. 2001
18. Tbr Own
19. Title E
20. Cover Item Silhouette
21. Author O
22. Massachutes
23. Yellow
24. 2010
25. Free
26. Title N
27. Cover Item Tattoo
28. Author H
29. England
30. Blue
31. 1999
32. Meh
33. Title L
34. Cover Item Fire
35. Author D
36. Nevada
37. Pink
38. 2014
39. Usa
40. Title B
41. Cover Item More than 2 people
42. Author A
43. Washington, state
44. Red
45. 2012
46. 3 star
47. Title R
48. Cover Item Headless Person
49. Author S
50. Louisiana
51. Orange
52. 2008
53. Amazing
54. Title F
55. Cover Item Animal(s)
56. Author G
57. Texas
58. Black
59. 2013
60. Interested
61. Title M
62. Cover Item Furniture
63. Author T
64. New York
65. Purple
66. 2011
67. Listened
68. Title P
69. Cover Item No People
70. Author C
71. Australia
72. Multi-colored (more than 3 colors)
73. 2009
74. Movies
75. Title S
76. Cover Item Moon
77. Author L
78. Florida
79. Black
80. 2012
81. The Best
82. Title I
83. Cover Item Smoke
84. Author V
85. Oregon
86. Blue
87. 2010
88. Borrowed Books
89. Title G
90. Cover Item Red Dress
91. Author K
92. Canada
93. Purple
94. 2014
95. Now
96. Title H
97. Cover Item 1 Person
98. Author J
99. Arizona
100. Yellow
(view spoiler)

message 5: by Shy The WidowMaker (last edited Jan 30, 2015 05:12AM) (new)

Shy The WidowMaker (booklovingmama) | 847 comments Week 1 Reviews:


Week 2 Reviews:

Week 3 Reviews

Week 4 Reviews

Week 5 Reviews:
Free space used in place of Wicked Review

Week 6 Reviews:

Week 7 Reviews:

Week 8 Reviews

Week 9 Reviews:

Week 10 Reviews

Week 11 Reviews:

message 6: by ~Melissa~ (new)

~Melissa~ | 5253 comments Shy The WidowMaker wrote: "Hi Team.

Ora I see we are on a team again."

Hi Shy and Ora - good luck :)

Shy The WidowMaker (booklovingmama) | 847 comments Thanks Melissa.

message 8: by Ora (new)

Ora (oeamis) Shy The WidowMaker wrote: "Hi Team.

Ora I see we are on a team again."

Great! Can't wait to do get started

message 9: by maria helena (new)

maria helena (mariahel) | 378 comments Hello team!

message 10: by Ora (new)

Ora (oeamis) Any ideas for names?

Shy The WidowMaker (booklovingmama) | 847 comments Hhm 6 book girls(not sure if we are a group of all ladies though and it might be because of addiction to the show 2 broke girls. If I think of more I will be back. Anyone want to be captain?

message 12: by Ora (new)

Ora (oeamis) I like 6 book girls. I would prefer not being captain.

message 13: by maria helena (new)

maria helena (mariahel) | 378 comments I also like 6 book girls and I would prefer not to be captain

message 14: by Kme_17 (last edited Nov 10, 2014 07:41PM) (new)

Kme_17 | 543 comments Hi guys! Cant wait to be on team with you all I like 6 book girls also : )I would prefer not to be a captain.

Wicked ♥  (Wickedly Bookish Reviews) aka Bat-Jess Hey everyone! Really looking forward to this challenge with you ladies. 6 book girls is a adorable I agree :-)

Shy The WidowMaker (booklovingmama) | 847 comments Ok sounds like 6 book girls it is. I can be captain if nobody else wants to do it.

message 17: by Ora (new)

Ora (oeamis) Shy The WidowMaker wrote: "Ok sounds like 6 book girls it is. I can be captain if nobody else wants to do it."

If you really don't mind. I know you did it last time.

Shy The WidowMaker (booklovingmama) | 847 comments It's cool Ora. Is everyone in agreement with me being Captain so I can let Jenne know about that and the team name?

message 19: by maria helena (new)

maria helena (mariahel) | 378 comments Shy The WidowMaker wrote: "It's cool Ora. Is everyone in agreement with me being Captain so I can let Jenne know about that and the team name?"

That's ok with me :)

message 20: by Kme_17 (last edited Nov 11, 2014 01:42PM) (new)

Kme_17 | 543 comments Good with me to : )

Shy The WidowMaker (booklovingmama) | 847 comments Ok I posted our team name and that I am captain. Do we have anyone that is normally up around midnight that can roll otherwise I will roll when on Fridays once I get up and get to work in the mornings so should be around 7:30 am.

message 23: by Kme_17 (new)

Kme_17 | 543 comments I can roll if you need me to just let me know I am usually up at that time.

Shy The WidowMaker (booklovingmama) | 847 comments Yep Kme you can roll for us if cool with you.

message 25: by Kme_17 (new)

Kme_17 | 543 comments sounds good : )

Shy The WidowMaker (booklovingmama) | 847 comments Thanks

message 27: by Kme_17 (new)

Kme_17 | 543 comments Rolled a 6

message 28: by Kme_17 (last edited Nov 13, 2014 10:26PM) (new)

Kme_17 | 543 comments I think I am going to read Storm Dancer by J.A. Pierce 6. Cover Item Tree(s)

message 29: by Ora (last edited Nov 14, 2014 01:44AM) (new)

Ora (oeamis) I'll do Cover Item Tree and read To Capture a Rake (Seduction, #2) by Lori Brighton

message 30: by Shy The WidowMaker (last edited Nov 14, 2014 04:58AM) (new)

Shy The WidowMaker (booklovingmama) | 847 comments Thanks kme for rolling and posting our spot for me. Next week if you roll can you not post the spot because I will have to link up all the reviews together when we post the next spot. I will be back with what I am reading.

Shy The WidowMaker (booklovingmama) | 847 comments I am going with a tree cover will read Blood Of My Blood (Jasper Dent #3) by Barry Lyga

Wicked ♥  (Wickedly Bookish Reviews) aka Bat-Jess I will be going with book 6 in a series:

Iced (Fever, #6) by Karen Marie Moning

message 33: by Kme_17 (new)

Kme_17 | 543 comments Shy The WidowMaker wrote: "Thanks kme for rolling and posting our spot for me. Next week if you roll can you not post the spot because I will have to link up all the reviews together when we post the next spot. I will be bac..."

sorry about that

message 34: by maria helena (new)

maria helena (mariahel) | 378 comments I haven't decided which book to read yet, but it will probably be with a tree cover

Shy The WidowMaker (booklovingmama) | 847 comments Its no problem Kme it was cool for this week because we didn't have to have reviews in. I just don't want you to go through the work to do it and then I have to redo it because we have to have the reviews linked with the new spot. No biggie.

message 36: by Ora (new)

Ora (oeamis) Roll 1 Spot 6
To Capture a Rake (Seduction, #2) by Lori Brighton
11/15 3 1/2 stars

I enjoyed this book. There is a bit of a mystery in the book. Throughout the story it is believed that Elizabeth’s mother in law is trying to kill her so she can have her youngest son take over the title since she believes Elizabeth’s son isn’t worthy of it. Even though she is a cold woman, she isn’t planning Elizabeth’s or her son’s demise.
Elizabeth brought Gideon to her country estate in order to help protect her family and eventually get him to marry her. Gideon has erected walls in order to protect himself. It all sounds too good to be true and is constantly waiting for the other shoe to drop. Elizabeth doesn’t help by only giving him a little information at a time. Eventually the entire story comes out about why Gideon was chosen and why she needs to marry him.
This book was different from other historicals I have read because it Gideon was manipulated in becoming a whore in a brothel that caters to women. He never wanted to be there, but felt he had no choice. He needs to overcome his past before moving forward with his life. It takes a lot for him to realize that. I did like that it didn’t happen overnight for him and his friend and Elizabeth were able to help him break free of the brothel without any reprecussions.

message 37: by maria helena (new)

maria helena (mariahel) | 378 comments I'm reading Echo Park (Harry Bosch, #12) by Michael Connelly (trees on cover)

Shy The WidowMaker (booklovingmama) | 847 comments How is everyone's reading going? I am half way through my book.

message 39: by maria helena (new)

maria helena (mariahel) | 378 comments I should finish mine tomorrow (or Tuesday the latest)

message 40: by maria helena (new)

maria helena (mariahel) | 378 comments Roll #1, Spot #6

Echo Park (Harry Bosch, #12) by Michael Connelly

Book: Echo Park by Michael Connelly
Alternative: trees on cover
Finished on: 11/17/14
Rating: ★★★★
Review: This is the first Michael Connelly book I've read and I don't know why I waited so long. I loved this crime novel (12th in the Harry Bosch series). The characters are great and the plot is awesome. I could not figure out the details until everything was revealed in the end. I'll definitely read the rest of the series.

message 41: by Kme_17 (new)

Kme_17 | 543 comments roll 1 spot 6

Storm Dancer by J.A. Pierce

Book: Storm Dancer by J.A. Pierce
Alternative: trees on cover
Finished on: 11/17/14
Rating: ★★★★
Review: This one was good. It is an unusual historical fiction. It is about a man that has to go through problems to achieve his goal. I enjoy the main character. I also liked how he had parts of him that where white man and parts that were Indian. I also enjoyed the authors style. Definitely want to read the next one in the series.

Wicked ♥  (Wickedly Bookish Reviews) aka Bat-Jess I"m about 1/3 of the way through. Plan on getting some serious reading tonight, but I most likely won't have my review up until Thursday evening.

Shy The WidowMaker (booklovingmama) | 847 comments I should have my book finished by tomorrow. I have linked all reviews so far that are in.

Shy The WidowMaker (booklovingmama) | 847 comments Blood Of My Blood (Jasper Dent #3) by Barry Lyga
5 Stars
Finished 11/19/14

This book marks the end of one of the best YA series I have read in a long time. I fell so in love with Jazz and his determination to not turn into his father and I loved every minute of this book. If you think you know what is going to happen in this book you quickly find out that you have no idea. This book keeps you guessing the whole time and also has you hoping that who you want to come out on top does. This book was a perfect ending to this series and I am so sad to see if all end.

message 45: by Jenne (new)

Jenne  (jennetheinstigator) | 7439 comments Just a reminder:

Thanksgiving-Teams will roll the Friday before (11/21) two times for two spots. No roll on 11/28. Both book's deadline will be Friday (12/5) and then the game resumes it's normal schedule.

Wicked ♥  (Wickedly Bookish Reviews) aka Bat-Jess Roll 1 Spot 6

Book 6 in a series

Iced (Fever, #6) by Karen Marie Moning

Rating: ★★★★★
Finished: 11/20/14

It's been quite awhile since I've been in Karen Marie Moning's Fever world, yet it still feels like home. Seeing it through Dani's eyes this time around manages to make it feel fresh and nostalgic simultaneously.

As always, Moning packs a punch with her staggeringly diverse characters, vicious Fae, and epic plot twists. She's not afraid to delve into the tough stuff and I think that's why I enjoy her writing so much.

Fantastic follow-up to a fantastic series. I look forward to seeing our Dani grow and mature in future books.

message 47: by Kme_17 (new)

Kme_17 | 543 comments Okay guys the first roll was a five so that means space 11

then the second role was a six so we are on 17

message 48: by Ora (new)

Ora (oeamis) For roll 2 space 11 I am going to read Marked (Eternal Guardians, #1) by Elisabeth Naughton . I will post spot 17 when I figure out what I want to read.

Shy The WidowMaker (booklovingmama) | 847 comments Thanks for rolling kme. I linked all reviews and posted our spots. I will be back with what I'm reading.

message 50: by Jenne (new)

Jenne  (jennetheinstigator) | 7439 comments Congrats y'all earned your free pass last roll :)

Also wanted to clarify that you can read the two spots in whatever order you'd like. And if anyone thinks they might not be able to make the deadline due to traveling, cooking, cleaning etc lol. Just please let me or your captain know. Thanks!

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