75 Books...More or Less! discussion

Archive (2014 General) > Nov 7-9 Readathon!

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message 1: by Elyse, Moderator (new)

Elyse (winesaboutbooks) | 8627 comments Mod
Looks like our Readathon will be next weekend, Nov 7-9! Gotta start preparing, though it is my birthday weekend so I don't know what the hubby has planned. ;)

message 2: by Charleen (new)

Charleen (charleenlynette) | 1688 comments I've been stuck on this one book all week, so definitely looking forward to a read-a-thon to spur me on!

message 3: by Karin (new)

Karin | 134 comments I'm game for it. Looks like a good weekend for me.

message 4: by Annie (new)

Annie | 420 comments Elyse, Happy Birthday wishes to you!

I really need this read-a-thon to give me a boost. It's been that crazy kind of busy that leaves no time for anything but sleep at the end of the day...

message 5: by Karol (new)

Karol | 131 comments OK, I'm in too. Happy Reading!

message 6: by Elyse, Moderator (new)

Elyse (winesaboutbooks) | 8627 comments Mod
Annie wrote: "Elyse, Happy Birthday wishes to you!

I really need this read-a-thon to give me a boost. It's been that crazy kind of busy that leaves no time for anything but sleep at the end of the day..."

Thank you, Annie! :) My goals are to finish The Siege of Macindaw, book 6 in Ranger's Apprentice series and Grave Mercy, book 1 in His Fair Assassin series, and hopefully get halfway through Erak's Ransom, the 7th book in Ranger's Apprentice series. Good luck all!

message 7: by Charleen (new)

Charleen (charleenlynette) | 1688 comments Well, I finally finished The Hunt for Red October after slogging through it all week. I can only hope the movie is better than the book. There's a good story in there, but all the political/military nitty-gritty detail did nothing for me.

So... clean slate! Next up is a re-read of The Venetian Betrayal, and then hopefully I can get started on, if not finish, a TBD book after that.

message 8: by Elyse, Moderator (new)

Elyse (winesaboutbooks) | 8627 comments Mod
Charleen wrote: "Well, I finally finished The Hunt for Red October after slogging through it all week. I can only hope the movie is better than the book. There's a good story in there, but all the poli..."

I'm a big fan of the Cotton Malone series, and Steve Berry in general, though I haven't ready any in a few years. I don't think I've read this one yet.

message 9: by Elyse, Moderator (new)

Elyse (winesaboutbooks) | 8627 comments Mod
I'm just now beginning my Readathon. Went out for dinner and Interstellar last night. Watched Edge of Tomorrow and cleaned this morning. Now I can get cozy by the fire and read!

message 10: by Charleen (new)

Charleen (charleenlynette) | 1688 comments I didn't read very much last night, but today I blitzed through The Venetian Betrayal (the pages go by faster when it's a re-read).

I think tomorrow I'm going to pick up Until You're Mine.

message 11: by Elyse, Moderator (new)

Elyse (winesaboutbooks) | 8627 comments Mod
I finished The Siege of Macindaw but that's all I achieved. I barely read any of Grave Mercy! Ah well. How did everyone else do?

message 12: by Charleen (new)

Charleen (charleenlynette) | 1688 comments I actually DNF'd Until You're Mine after starting chapter two and realizing it was going to be one of those books that alternates 1st-person perspective without actually letting you know which character's narrating...

So instead I read the first third or so of The Wicked Girls. Overall a very productive read-a-thon. I really needed a kick-start.

message 13: by Elyse, Moderator (new)

Elyse (winesaboutbooks) | 8627 comments Mod
Charleen wrote: "I actually DNF'd Until You're Mine after starting chapter two and realizing it was going to be one of those books that alternates 1st-person perspective without actually letting you..."

The Wicked Girls sounds really interesting. Can't wait for your thoughts on it!

message 14: by Karin (new)

Karin | 134 comments During the RAT I worked on Too Close to Home and managed to read 304 pages.

message 15: by Annie (new)

Annie | 420 comments Only managed to get in about 100 pages this weekend. Unexpected errands got in the way of my reading time.

message 16: by Andrea, Moderator (new)

Andrea | 4314 comments Mod
I finished Gone Girl FINALLY!

I have lots of free time to read this coming weekend. Anyone interested in doing a spur of the moment readathon?

message 17: by Annie (new)

Annie | 420 comments I'll join in! It would help me catch up a bit more.

message 18: by Andrea, Moderator (new)

Andrea | 4314 comments Mod

message 19: by Charleen (new)

Charleen (charleenlynette) | 1688 comments I probably won't read as much as I did last weekend, but I'm always up for a little extra push.

message 20: by Andrea, Moderator (new)

Andrea | 4314 comments Mod
And then there were three! I will set up a thread :)

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