Romance Readers Reading Challenges discussion

2014 Challenge Archive > 2014 Read-the-Month Welsh Edition: TACHWEDD (November)

Comments Showing 1-50 of 98 (98 new)    post a comment »
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message 1: by Zara's Retreat (new)

Zara's Retreat | 932 comments 2014 Read-the-Month Welsh Edition
TACHWEDD (November)
Duration: November 1st 2014 - November 30th 2014

The challenge lasts the entire month of November, starting on the 1st and ending on the 30th

Rules: Using the letters of the month, you may read a book by an author whose first or last name starts with that letter or you may read a book whose title or series title starts with that letter. Feel free to disregard articles: a, an, the, etc. If you use the series title, please make sure to include that in your book list.

*Please repost your progress rather than updating a previous post!*

Happy Reading!

message 2: by Susan A (last edited Nov 20, 2014 05:26PM) (new)

Susan A | 2125 comments 2014 Read-the-Month Welsh Edition
TACHWEDD (November)
Duration: November 1st 2014 - November 30th 2014

8/8 Read Complete

T Thorny Sterling Splinters Nov 7 ★★★★
A Lexi Ander Striker Nov 15 ★★★★
C K.J. Charles Flight of Magpies Nov 20 ★★★★★
H The Hanged Man's Ghost Nov 4 ★★★
W Willow Scarlett Jagged Rock Nov 13 ★★★
E Eater of Lives Nov 12 ★★★★★
D Bey Deckard Caged: Love and Treachery on the High Seas Nov 10 ★★★★★
D Kim Dare Gay Porn Nov 2 ★★★

Splinters by Thorny Sterling Striker (The Valespian Pact #2) by Lexi Ander Flight of Magpies (A Charm of Magpies, #3) by K.J. Charles The Hanged Man's Ghost (The Night Wars, #1) by Missouri Dalton Jagged Rock by Willow Scarlett Eater of Lives (Spectr, #4) by Jordan L. Hawk Caged Love and Treachery on the High Seas (Baal's Heart, #1) by Bey Deckard Gay Porn (G-A-Y #12.5) by Kim Dare

message 3: by Ora (last edited Nov 29, 2014 02:39PM) (new)

Ora (oeamis) 2014 Read-the-Month Welsh Edition
TACHWEDD (November)
Duration: November 1st 2014 - November 30th 2014
08/08 Read

T To Capture a Rake Lori Brighton 11/15
A Archangel's Shadows Nalini Singh 11/04
C Can't Wait: Jennifer Ryan 11/21
H An Heiress For All SeasonsSophie Jordan 11/09
W Christmas at Twilight Lori Wilde 11/07
E The Viscount Who Lived Down the Lane Elizabeth Boyle 11/02
D Dirty Rowdy Thing Christina Lauren 11/05
D Christmas in Transylvania Sandra Hill Deadly Angels series 11/10
To Capture a Rake (Seduction, #2) by Lori Brighton Archangel's Shadows (Guild Hunter, #7) by Nalini Singh Can't Wait (Originally appeared in the e-book anthology ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS IS A COWBOY) by Jennifer Ryan An Heiress For All Seasons (The Debutante Files, #1.5) by Sophie Jordan Christmas at Twilight (Twilight, Texas, #5) by Lori Wilde The Viscount Who Lived Down the Lane (Rhymes With Love, #4) by Elizabeth Boyle Dirty Rowdy Thing (Wild Seasons, #2) by Christina Lauren Christmas in Transylvania (Deadly Angels, #4.5) by Sandra Hill

Sallie(GeorgiaGirl) (shuga) | 1170 comments 2014 Read-the-Month Welsh Edition
TACHWEDD (November)
Duration: November 1st 2014 - November 30th 2014


message 5: by Rissa (last edited Oct 21, 2014 09:08PM) (new)

Rissa | 696 comments In! :)

Romance Readers Reading Challenges - Read the Month Welsh Edition - TACHWEDD (November)
Duration: November 1st 2014 - November 30th 2014

0/8 read

T-Clockwork Horizon by Therese Woodson
A-All In with the Duke by Ava March
C-A Reason To Believe by Diana Copland
H-Sleigh Ride by Heidi Cullinan
W-The Best Ever by Deanna Wadsworth
E-The Eskimo Slugger by Brad Boney
D-Double Full by Kindle Alexander
D-Dr. Feelgood by Various Authors

message 6: by Zara's Retreat (new)

Zara's Retreat | 932 comments welcome everyone and good luck.

message 7: by Taya:) (last edited Nov 23, 2014 02:22PM) (new)

Taya:) | 331 comments I'M IN.

T:The Tentacle Monster Everyone Wanted -11/10
A: Arthur, A.M. - Foundation of Trust - 11/4
C: Come See About Me - 11/3
H: Hollis Shiloh - A Wizard's Shelter 11/21
W: Wyre, Kelly - Fight - 11/1
E:The Enlightenment of Daniel - 11/5
D: Dane , Cameron - Grey's Awakening - 11/9

message 8: by Diane T. (new)

Diane T. (tickledpink49) | 254 comments 2014 Read-the-Month Welsh Edition
TACHWEDD (November)
Duration: 11/01/14 - 11/30/14


message 9: by Kelly (last edited Oct 25, 2014 02:21AM) (new)

Kelly (kellyvioletke) | 439 comments Read-the-Month Welsh Edition: TACHWEDD (November)
Duration: November 1, 2014 thru November 30, 2014

0/8 read

T - Ten by Gretchen McNeil
A - Almost A Bride by Sarah Mayberry
C - Christmas Catch by Chelsea M. Cameron
H - The Best Man by Kristan Higgins
W - Wrongfully Accused by Ana Barons
E - Entwined with You by Sylvia Day
D - Bared to You by Sylvia Day
D - Reflected in You by Sylvia Day

message 10: by Shelby (last edited Nov 19, 2014 03:07AM) (new)

Shelby (stang_lee) | 1926 comments November - COMPLETE


T. Sex & Sourdough by A.J. Thomas (11/12) ★★★★
A. The Dark Angels: Tied Together by Z. Allora (11/2) ★★★
C. Coming Home (11/6) ★★★★½
H. The Fire's Stone by Tanya Huff (11/7) ★★★★½
W. Wacky Wednesday (11/18) ★★★★
E. Every Move He Makes (11/10) ★★★★
D. Dirty Deeds (11/4) ★★★★★
D. The Degan Incident (11/16) ★★★

Sex & Sourdough by A.J. Thomas The Dark Angels Tied Together (The Dark Angels, #2) by Z. Allora Coming Home (Rock Bay, #1) by M.J. O'Shea The Fire's Stone  by Tanya Huff Wacky Wednesday by J.A. Rock Every Move He Makes by Barbara Elsborg Dirty Deeds (Cole McGinnis, #4) by Rhys Ford The Degan Incident (Galactic Conspiracies, #1) by Rob Colton

message 11: by Sadean (new)

Sadean Alexandra (pisicutza) | 8 comments T

message 12: by ✿~Danielle~✿ (new)

✿~Danielle~✿ (dmh1) I'm in

message 13: by Dana (aNovelAllure) (last edited Oct 22, 2014 06:21AM) (new)

Dana (aNovelAllure) (dana7lynn9) | 108 comments Read-the-Month Welsh Edition
TACHWEDD (November)
Duration: 11/01/14 - 11/30/14


message 14: by Claire (new)

Claire I'm in!

message 15: by Kme_17 (last edited Nov 29, 2014 05:11PM) (new)

message 16: by Barbara ★ (new)

Barbara ★ | 3856 comments November Read the Month

READ: 0/8

T: Twisted Things - Madge Swindells
A: Alex Cross, Run - James Patterson
C: Contest - Matthew Reilly
H: The Host - Stephanie Meyer
W: Waking Up with a Rake - Connie Mason
E: The Grand Finale - Janet Evanovich
D: Down to You - M. Leighton
D: Dream a Little Dream - Susan Elizabeth Phillips

Twisted Things by Madge Swindells Alex Cross, Run (Alex Cross, #20) by James Patterson Contest by Matthew Reilly The Host (The Host, #1) by Stephenie Meyer Waking Up with a Rake (The Royal Rakes, #1) by Connie Mason The Grand Finale by Janet Evanovich Down to You (The Bad Boys, #1) by M. Leighton Dream a Little Dream (Chicago Stars, #4) by Susan Elizabeth Phillips

message 17: by Lynne (last edited Oct 22, 2014 12:57PM) (new)

Lynne (lovetoreadgal) | 1181 comments READ THE MONTH T-A-C-H-W-E-D-D (November)
0 of 8 Complete!

T. Then Came You by Jill Shalvis
A. Archangel's Blade by Nalini Singh
C. Carniepunk: The Demon Barker of Wheat Street by Kevin Hearne
H. My Little Runaway by Helen Conrad
W. Wallflower Gone Wild by Mary Rodale
E. Holding You by Jewel E. Ann
D. Darius: Lord of Pleasures by Grace Burrowes
D. Desperately Seeking Fireman by Jennifer Bernard

To Read:
Then Came You (Animal Magnetism, #5) by Jill Shalvis Archangel's Blade (Guild Hunter, #4) by Nalini Singh Carniepunk The Demon Barker of Wheat Street by Kevin Hearne My Little Runaway (Destiny Bay Romances-Forever Yours #1) by Helen Conrad Wallflower Gone Wild (Bad Boys & Wallflowers, #2) by Maya Rodale Holding You (Holding You, #1) by Jewel E. Ann Darius Lord of Pleasures (Lonely Lords, #1) by Grace Burrowes Desperately Seeking Fireman (The Bachelor Firemen of San Gabriel, #4.5) by Jennifer Bernard


message 18: by siriusedward (last edited Nov 24, 2014 11:04AM) (new)

siriusedward (elenaraphael) 2014 Read the month welsh edition
Nov.1 - 30

T - The Awakening (Leopard People, #1) by Christine Feehan by christine feehan

A - Archangel's Shadows (Guild Hunter, #7) by Nalini Singh by nalini singh ******(5+ stars)

C -Carolina Blues (Dare Island, #4) by Virginia Kantra by Virginia Kantra ***(3 stars)

H - elizabeth Hunter Long Ride Home (Cambio Springs #0.5) by Elizabeth Hunter

W - The Warlord Wants Forever (Immortals After Dark, #1) by Kresley Cole by kresley cole**

E -Ellen O'ConnellWithout Words by Ellen O'Connell.... ***

D -Demon Angel (The Guardians, #1) by Meljean Brook by Meljean Brook****

D - Dream Lake (Friday Harbor, #3) by Lisa Kleypas by lisa kleypas*****

message 19: by Tracey (last edited Nov 07, 2014 02:52AM) (new)

Tracey | 158 comments Read the month November 4/8 completed

H. Hot vampire kiss Lisa Renee Jones 01/11
W. Woman on the run Lisa Marie Rice 01/11
E. Marked Elisabeth Naughton 01/11
D. Lord of the isles Debbie Mazzuca 05/11

Hot Vampire Kiss (Vampire Wardens, #1) by Lisa Renee Jones Woman On The Run by Lisa Marie Rice Marked (Eternal Guardians, #1) by Elisabeth Naughton Lord of the Isles (Men of the Isles, #1) by Debbie Mazzuca

message 20: by Lily (last edited Nov 30, 2014 08:54AM) (new)

Lily (lilygcs) | 200 comments 8/8 ~~ finished Nov 26th

T: Tequila Mockingbird by Rhys Ford ~~ Read 11/26/14 ~ 4★
A: A Heart for Robbie by J.P. Barnaby ~~ Read 11/02/14 ~ 5★
C: Consent by A.J. Rose ~~ Read 11/25/14 ~ 4★
H: Highway Man by Eden Winters ~~ Read 11/05/14 ~ 3.5★
W: (Watch Me) Break You by Avril Ashton ~~ Read 11/13/14 ~ 4★
E: The Mating of Michael by Eli Easton ~~ Read 11/18/14 ~ 4★
D: Double Blind by Heidi Cullinan ~~ Read 11/22/14 ~ 5★
D: Don't Trust the Cut by Kade Boehme ~~ Read 11/09/14 ~ 3.5★

Tequila Mockingbird (Sinners #3) by Rhys Ford A Heart for Robbie by J.P. Barnaby Consent (Power Exchange, #3) by A.J. Rose Highway Man by Eden Winters (Watch Me) Break You (Run This Town, #1) by Avril Ashton The Mating of Michael (Sex in Seattle, #3) by Eli Easton Double Blind (Special Delivery, #2) by Heidi Cullinan Don't Trust the Cut by Kade Boehme

message 21: by Suzanne (last edited Nov 30, 2014 06:46PM) (new)

Suzanne (esmerelda1) | 2244 comments Romance Readers Reading Challenges
2014 Read-the-Month Welsh Edition: TACHWEDD (November)
11/1/2014 - 11/30/2014

Progress: 8 out of 8

T: The 5th Wave by Rick Yancey - ** - 11/22/2014
A: Jennifer L. Armentrout; Onyx - ***** - 10/3/2014 - 366 Pages
C: Loretta Chase; Silk Is for Seduction - ***** - 11/23/2014
H: Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick - *** - 11/2/2014 - 391 Pages
W: J.R. Ward; The King - **** - 11/17/2014
E: Jennifer Estep; Spider's Bite - ***** - 11/29/2014
D: Devil in Winter by Lisa Kleypas - ***** - 11/24/2014
D: Dangerous Lover by Lisa Marie Rice - ***** - 11/30/2014

Hush, Hush (Hush, Hush, #1) by Becca Fitzpatrick Onyx (Lux, #2) by Jennifer L. Armentrout The King (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #12) by J.R. Ward The 5th Wave (The Fifth Wave, #1) by Rick Yancey Silk Is for Seduction (The Dressmakers, #1) by Loretta Chase Devil in Winter (Wallflowers, #3) by Lisa Kleypas Dangerous Lover (Dangerous, #1) by Lisa Marie Rice Spider's Bite (Elemental Assassin, #1) by Jennifer Estep

message 22: by Jonquil (last edited Nov 14, 2014 08:12PM) (new)

Jonquil | 307 comments 8/8 DONE

T: Three Days to Dead 11/7 ★★★
A: Ashes of Midnight 11/1 ★★★★
C: The Cat, the Quilt and the Corpse 11/12 ★
H: Hot Button 11/9 ★★★
W: Weeding Out Trouble 11/9 ★★
E: Exit Strategy 11/4 ★★★★
D: A Demon Does It Better 11/3 ★★★
D: Demons Are a Girl's Best Friend 11/1 ★★★

message 23: by Runell (last edited Nov 16, 2014 12:48PM) (new)

Runell I'm in!


T: The Boyfriend Mandate [11/3/14] 3 ★
E: Eli Easton: Unwrapping Hank [11/16/14] 3 ★

message 24: by BJ Rose (new)

BJ Rose (bjrose) | 4413 comments Here's my likely list…

Read the Month Welsh Edition
TACHWEDD (November)
Duration: November 1-30, 2014


T = Trouble in Mudbug by Jana DeLeon
A = Alexander, Victoria: The Scandalous Adventures of the Sister of the Bride
C = Christine Feehan: Dark Lycan
H = The Homecoming by Robyn Carr
W = Winning Miss Wakefield by Vivienne Lorret
E - Emily March: Heartache Falls
D = Daring Miss Danvers by Vivienne Lorret
D = Darkness at Dawn by Elizabeth Jennings

message 25: by Meka♥books (new)

Meka♥books (book143er) | 66 comments Count me in

Romance Readers Reading Challenges
2014 Read-the-Month Welsh Edition: TACHWEDD (November)

Duration: 11/1/2014 - 11/30/2014

T-Picture Perfect by Janice Thompson
A-The Summer Solstice: Enchanted by K.K. Alan
C-Continental Breakfast by Ella Dominguez
H-The House by Cassie Alexander
W-White Lies by Emily Harper
E-The Escort by Ramona Gray
D-Sweet Addiction by Jessica Daniels
D-More Than Cookies by Christine DePetrillo

message 26: by Margaret (new)

Margaret | 354 comments I'm in :)

Read-the-Month Welsh Edition (2014) TACHWEDD (November)
Duration: 1 November to 30 November, 2014

Books Read = 0 /8

T: True North by Marie Force
A: Alpha One by Cynthia Eden
C: Changes of Heart by Paige Lee Elliston
H: Hell or High Water by Jerrie Alexander
W: Within Reach by Sarah Mayberry
E: Every Breath She Takes by Norah Wilson
D: Deadly Devotion by Sandra Orchard
D: Dating Husbands by Lindy Zart

message 27: by Lindy-Lane (last edited Dec 01, 2014 08:27AM) (new)

Lindy-Lane (moonbacklit) | 452 comments i keep aiming for this one.
last updated 11.4

A: V.C. Andrews the book Flowers in the Attic
H: High Country Bride by Linda Lael Miller

message 28: by KarenF (new)

KarenF (cleocleveland) | 1099 comments I'm in. I'll post as I go.

0/8 Read


message 29: by Cassandra (new)

Cassandra (vampiregoth28) | 265 comments I'm in!
Read-the-Month Welsh Edition 2014: TACHWEDD (November) - 0/8 Read
Duration: November 1st 2014 - November 30th 2014

The Hexed by Heather Graham
Artificial Mirage, The by T. Warwick
Crave The Night by Lara Adrian
Hatler, Susan - Licence to Date
Witches of Bourbon Street by Deanna Chase
Eternals, The by Kristie K. Shafer
Driven to Date by Susan Hatler
Dangerous Match by Alyssa Stevens

The Hexed (Krewe of Hunters, #13) by Heather Graham The Artificial Mirage by T. Warwick Crave The Night (Midnight Breed, #12) by Lara Adrian Licence to Date (Better Date than Never, #6) by Susan Hatler Witches of Bourbon Street by Deanna Chase The Eternals by Kristie K. Shafer Driven to Date (Better Date than Never, #7) by Susan Hatler Dangerous Match by Alyssa Stevens

message 30: by LaurLa (new)

LaurLa | 4819 comments Read-the-Month Welsh Edition
TACHWEDD (November)

--T: Take Me – Olivia Cunning
--A: Along Came Trouble – Erin Kern
--C: Cake – Lauren Dane
--H: A Heart to Heal – Synthia Williams
--W: Woman on the Run – Lisa Marie Rice
--E: Eternity – Maggie Shayne
--D: The Darkest Angel – Gena Showalter
--D: The Darkest Passion – Gena Showalter
Take Me (One Night with Sole Regret, #3) by Olivia Cunning Along Came Trouble (Trouble, #3) by Erin Kern Cake by Lauren Dane A Heart to Heal by Synithia Williams Woman on the Run by Lisa Marie Rice Eternity (Immortal Witches, #1) by Maggie Shayne Heart of Darkness (Includes Lords of the Underworld, #4.5) by Gena Showalter The Darkest Passion (Lords of the Underworld, #5) by Gena Showalter

message 31: by Angie (new)

Angie | 761 comments T - Breath of Fire - Tammy Kane
A - Obsession - Jennifer L Armentrout
C - My Darkest Passion - Carolyn Jewel
H - The Summons - Shona Husk
W - Whispers In The Dark - Maya Banks
E - Echoes At Dawn - Maya Banks
D - The Cursed - Alyssa Day
D - The Darkest Craving - Gena Showalter
Breath of Fire by Tammy Kane Obsession by Jennifer L. Armentrout My Darkest Passion (My Immortals, #5) by Carolyn Jewel The Summons (Shadowlands, #0.5) by Shona Husk Whispers in the Dark (KGI, #4) by Maya Banks Echoes at Dawn (KGI, #5) by Maya Banks The Cursed (League of the Black Swan, #1) by Alyssa Day The Darkest Craving (Lords of The Underworld, #10) by Gena Showalter

message 32: by Amie (new)

Amie (alm0824) | 260 comments Read-the-Month Welsh Edition
TACHWEDD (November)
Duration: 11/01/14 - 11/30/14


message 33: by Tina (new)

Tina (whitley97) | 232 comments 2014 Read-the-Month Welsh Edition
TACHWEDD (November)
Duration: November 1st 2014 - November 30th 2014

Read 0/8

message 34: by Juana "Darkness" (new)

Juana "Darkness" Duran | 423 comments I'm in.

Read-the-Month Welsh Edition: TACHWEDD (November)

message 35: by ☼♎ Carmen the Bootyshaker Temptress ☼♎ (last edited Nov 29, 2014 09:04PM) (new)

☼♎ Carmen the Bootyshaker Temptress ☼♎ | 2438 comments I'm in. I hope to finish this one. :)

2014 Read-the-Month Welsh Edition
TACHWEDD (November)
Read 8/8 Completed

T: The Lies of Locke Lamora 11/14
A: Allyson Lindt, Operation: Cupid 11/1
C: Code Name Verity 11/11
H: Harlow, Melanie Frenched 11/29
W: Whiskey Beach 11/18
E: Evangeline Love A Dom's Gift 11/10
D: Deborah Harkness /The Book of Life 11/28
D: Day,Sylvia Spellbound 11/4

The Book of Life (All Souls Trilogy, #3) by Deborah Harkness Spellbound by Sylvia Day The Lies of Locke Lamora (Gentleman Bastard, #1) by Scott Lynch Code Name Verity (Code Name Verity, #1) by Elizabeth Wein Frenched (Frenched, #1) by Melanie Harlow Whiskey Beach by Nora Roberts A Dom's Gift by Evangeline Love Operation Cupid by Allyson Lindt

message 36: by Kesha (last edited Nov 01, 2014 06:10AM) (new)

Kesha | 705 comments 2014 Read-the-Month Welsh Edition
TACHWEDD (November)
Read 0/8


message 37: by Maggie (last edited Dec 06, 2014 11:02AM) (new)

Maggie (magzzzz) | 84 comments 2014 Read-the-Month Welsh Edition
TACHWEDD (November)
Duration: November 1st 2014 - November 30th 2014


T: Twice the Growl 11/30 ****
A: No More Mr. Nice Guy by: Amy Andrews 11/2 ****
C: Chew, Vol. 4: Flambé 11/8 ****
H: Hawkeye, Vol. 3: L.A. Woman 11/1 ****
W: The Wicked Wallflower
E: Polar Bared by:Eve Langlais 11/10 ****
D: Daring Miss Danvers
D: Burning Up Flint by:Laurann Dohner 11/30 ****

To Read:
The Wicked Wallflower (Bad Boys & Wallflowers, #1) by Maya Rodale Daring Miss Danvers (Wallflower Weddings, #1) by Vivienne Lorret

Hawkeye, Vol. 3 L.A. Woman by Matt Fraction No More Mr. Nice Guy (Entangled Brazen) by Amy Andrews Chew, Vol. 4 Flambé by John Layman Polar Bared (Kodiak Point, #3) by Eve Langlais Burning Up Flint (Cyborg Seduction, #1) by Laurann Dohner Twice the Growl (Paranormal Dating Agency, #1) by Milly Taiden

message 38: by Cheryl (last edited Nov 28, 2014 11:47PM) (new)

Cheryl Z (cziemak) | 59 comments 2014 Read-the-Month Welsh Edition
TACHWEDD (November)
Duration: November 1st 2014 - November 30th 2014

T: Tatted Cowboy 11/17/14
A: Asher 11/20/14
C: Love at First Roar by Celia Kyle 11/11/14
H: Hard to Hold on To 11/11/14
W: Wasted Love 11/2/14
E: Outfoxed by Love by Eve Langlais 11/18/14
D: Kitten's Tale by Tymber Dalton 11/24/14
D: Love at First Bight by Tymber Dalton 11/29/14

message 39: by Sallie(GeorgiaGirl) (last edited Nov 04, 2014 08:10PM) (new)

Sallie(GeorgiaGirl) (shuga) | 1170 comments 2014 Read-the-Month Welsh Edition
TACHWEDD (November)
Duration: November 1st 2014 - November 30th 2014

T Town in a Blueberry Jam, b.b. haywood...finished~11.01.2014
E Big Girl Panties, stephanie Evanovich...finished~11.04.2014

message 40: by Kesha (new)

Kesha | 705 comments 2014 Read-the-Month Welsh Edition
TACHWEDD (November)
Read 1/8

E: Enoch, Susanne - Stolen Kisses 11-2-14

message 41: by Rissa (new)

Rissa | 696 comments Romance Readers Reading Challenges - Read the Month Welsh Edition - TACHWEDD (November)
Duration: November 1st 2014 - November 30th 2014

2/8 read

T-Clockwork Horizon by Therese Woodson finished 11/2/2014
A-All In with the Duke by Ava March
C-A Reason To Believe by Diana Copland
H-Sleigh Ride by Heidi Cullinan
W-The Best Ever by Deanna Wadsworth finished 11/1/2014
E-The Eskimo Slugger by Brad Boney
D-Double Full by Kindle Alexander
D-Dr. Feelgood by Various Authors

message 42: by Cassandra (last edited Nov 04, 2014 07:40PM) (new)

Cassandra (vampiregoth28) | 265 comments Read-the-Month Welsh Edition 2014: TACHWEDD (November) - 3/8 Read
Duration: November 1st 2014 - November 30th 2014
T Twisted by Elisabeth Naughton - 11/4
A Murder at the Vicarage by Agatha Christie - 11/2
D Driven to Date by Susan Hatler - 11/3

message 43: by Kesha (new)

Kesha | 705 comments 2014 Read-the-Month Welsh Edition
TACHWEDD (November)
Read 2/8

E: Enoch, Susanne - Stolen Kisses 11-2-14
D:avid Handler - The Coal Black Asphalt Tomb 11-6-14

message 44: by Cassandra (new)

Cassandra (vampiregoth28) | 265 comments Read-the-Month Welsh Edition 2014: TACHWEDD (November) - 4/8 Read
Duration: November 1st 2014 - November 30th 2014
T Twisted by Elisabeth Naughton - 11/4
A Murder at the Vicarage by Agatha Christie - 11/2
H Her One Wish by Marie Hall - 11/7
D Driven to Date by Susan Hatler - 11/3

message 45: by BJ Rose (new)

BJ Rose (bjrose) | 4413 comments Read the Month Welsh Edition
TACHWEDD (November)
Duration: November 1-30, 2014


T = Thyme of Death by Susan Wittig Albert
A = Alexander, Victoria: The Scandalous Adventures of the Sister of the Bride
√ C = Child, Lee: Running Blind - 11.05
√ H = Harkness, Deborah: The Book of Life - 11.04
W = Winning Miss Wakefield by Vivienne Lorret
√ E = Elizabeth Hoyt: Duke of Midnight - 11.08
D = Daring Miss Danvers by Vivienne Lorret
D = Darkness at Dawn by Elizabeth Jennings

message 46: by Kesha (last edited Nov 08, 2014 09:28PM) (new)

Kesha | 705 comments 2014 Read-the-Month Welsh Edition
TACHWEDD (November)
Read 3/8

W: What a Sicilian Husband Wants - Michelle Smart 11-9-14
E: Enoch, Susanne - Stolen Kisses 11-2-14
D: David Handler - The Coal Black Asphalt Tomb 11-6-14

message 47: by KarenF (new)

KarenF (cleocleveland) | 1099 comments I'm in. I'll post as I go.

3/8 Read

C: Vixen in Velvet by Loretta Chase 11/9/14
H: Night's Honor by Thea Harrison 11/2/14
D: Discount Armageddon by Seanan McGuire 11/6/14

Night's Honor (Elder Races, #7) by Thea Harrison Discount Armageddon (InCryptid, #1) by Seanan McGuire Vixen in Velvet (The Dressmakers, #3) by Loretta Chase

Sallie(GeorgiaGirl) (shuga) | 1170 comments 2014 Read-the-Month Welsh Edition
TACHWEDD (November)
Duration: November 1st 2014 - November 30th 2014

T Town in a Blueberry Jam, b.b. haywood...finished~11.01.2014
H The Prince Who Loved Me, karen Hawkins...finished~11.09.2014
E Big Girl Panties, stephanie Evanovich...finished~11.04.2014

message 49: by Kesha (last edited Nov 22, 2014 07:17AM) (new)

Kesha | 705 comments 2014 Read-the-Month Welsh Edition
TACHWEDD (November)
Read 4/8

H: Holling, Jen - My Shadow Warrior 11-9-14
W: What a Sicilian Husband Wants - Michelle Smart 11-9-14
E: Enoch, Susanne - Stolen Kisses 11-2-14
D: David Handler - The Coal Black Asphalt Tomb 11-6-14

message 50: by Cassandra (last edited Nov 11, 2014 10:01AM) (new)

Cassandra (vampiregoth28) | 265 comments Read-the-Month Welsh Edition 2014: TACHWEDD (November) - 5/8 Read
Duration: November 1st 2014 - November 30th 2014
T Twisted by Elisabeth Naughton - 11/4
A Murder at the Vicarage by Agatha Christie - 11/2
H Her One Wish by Marie Hall - 11/7
D Driven to Date by Susan Hatler - 11/3
D Seventh Grave and No Body by Darynda Jones - 11/10

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