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Radio Silence
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Radio Silence > Radio Silence: 1 - Summer Term (a)

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*❆ Kαɾҽɳ ❆* | 3040 comments Mod
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Emma | 47 comments Okay! I don’t know if anyone else is reading this, but I just picked up my hold from the library and I’m SO excited to finally read this.

Ashley Chen | 950 comments Em wrote: "Okay! I don’t know if anyone else is reading this, but I just picked up my hold from the library and I’m SO excited to finally read this."

I'm trying to find time to read this!

Emma | 47 comments Totally forgot to update this, as I was reading this book and then got distracted by others, as is usual for me 😂 I just picked it up again Wednesday and I’m loving it so far, it’s sooo hilarious

Ashley Chen | 950 comments Em wrote: "Totally forgot to update this, as I was reading this book and then got distracted by others, as is usual for me 😂 I just picked it up again Wednesday and I’m loving it so far, it’s sooo hilarious"

It is hilarious? How so? And it's okay, that happens to me a lot..lol

Ashley Chen | 950 comments Futures - Oh my goodness, the school's on fire. I wonder whether we would find out who really set it on fire. Maybe it's not the pranksters..

I Was Clever - I could totally relate to Frances back in 7th grade.

The Narrator - Man, is this book reading my 7th grade mind??? XD

Ashley Chen | 950 comments I completed Summer Term (a), and it was pretty good. I've noticed that the writing is like Frances is writing a memoir about herself and the past. I could see why some people were not a fan of writing. The story is also very easy to relate to. So far, this is a good 4.3 stars.

Emma | 47 comments Oh my gosh, I’ve totally been forgetting to update this 😂 I’m on Spring Term A (pg 374) and wow I love this. I was skeptical in the beginning because the whole thing is a bit weird, but you just get so attached to the characters

Ashley Chen | 950 comments Em wrote: "Oh my gosh, I’ve totally been forgetting to update this 😂 I’m on Spring Term A (pg 374) and wow I love this. I was skeptical in the beginning because the whole thing is a bit weird, but you just ge..."

That's so true! Like the writing was a little iffy at first, it seemed that I couldn't really connect, but I can now once I got into Summer Term (b).

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