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☕ Chat Room Drop-in > 150 Years of Postcards

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message 1: by Diana (last edited Jul 25, 2019 03:28AM) (new)

Diana (secondhandrose) | 45 comments "And none will hear the postman's knock
Without a quickening of the heart.
For who can bear to feel himself forgotten?"

On October 1st, postcards are celebrating their 150th anniversary, and everyone is invited to the party!

Introduced in 1869 as a way of sending a simple message, postcards quickly evolved beyond their practical purpose to become the universal souvenir that brightens everyone's mailboxes.

Remember that spike of excitement the last time a postcard magically appeared in your mailbox?

I will be sending postcards all through October and would love to send some obligation free postcards to Penpal Readers friends.

If you would like a postcard, comment here and message me your address.

I will send to everyone who requests mail.

message 2: by Diana (new)

Diana (secondhandrose) | 45 comments Michele wrote: "That would be lovely! Yes please x"

Please message me your address.

message 3: by Diana (new)

Diana (secondhandrose) | 45 comments Michele wrote: "Done! :)"


message 4: by Sharon (new)

Sharon Braithwaite (shazbook) | 3 comments What a fabulous idea, I'll have to build up my making postcard stash before October

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