Moning Maniacs discussion

FEVER : Characters > Papa Roach

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message 1: by A. (new)

A. Hall (tenover10) | 9 comments So. Many. Questions.

Not Fae, yet not one of the Old Earth Gods. I can't remember if it was ever explained what his origins are or who made him but I'd be interested to know.

Did anyone else find him to be so incredibly creepy. Like, I get his motives, wanting a solid body and all but I'm not sure why? Is it just respect he's after? Because he has so much power now as he is, what would a body do for him but limit him to a form? I also vaguely remember him getting all angsty during one of his POV chapters about how he used to be friends with humanity? Or am I confusing him with the Earth Gods?

Seriously. Let's talk about roaches. What are your thoughts on this duplicitous, mercurial mass of creepy crawlies?

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