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To Kill a Mockingbird
This topic is about To Kill a Mockingbird
To Kill a Mockingbird > To Kill a Mockingbird: Chapters 1-8

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message 1: by Aqsa, Dracarys! (new) - added it

Aqsa (her_747) | 10619 comments Mod
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Saarah Niña (saarahnina) | 197 comments My first time reading it so, I don't know too much of what is going to happen besides from the short blurb on the back of my copy. Not a lot of suspense anyway or foreshadowing, but I'm interested in Boo Radley. Why does he leave them stuff in the tree? Why now? What's up with him? Funny how there's a possible agoraphobe in this book just as there was in The Woman In The Window.

I like the family dynamics. Jem, Scout and Atticus. But also, how Scout is a keen observer and always ready to get involved. I'm just growing curious and curiouser...

Jess☺️ (jessicas1984) Well I hope you enjoy saarah, I forgot how much I loved this book after re-reading it many years later 😊

Saarah Niña (saarahnina) | 197 comments Thank you, Jess! I know what you mean- I can already tell it'll be something of a comfort read to revisit again in the future. :)

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