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Circe > Circe-Chapters 8-14

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message 1: by Aqsa, Dracarys! (new) - rated it 5 stars

Aqsa (her_747) | 10619 comments Mod
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Starr | 417 comments So I'm mad Circe went to see her sister. Her family treated her like shit but she still did whatever she could for them. That drives me crazy. Sorry I can't be a door mat for anybody. But it was interesting to see what her sister really thought, although part of it we already knew.

Ashley Chen | 950 comments I am up to chapter 9 and I must say, it's very interesting to see Hermes and Circe be interlinked. In Greek mythology, there is no sign of Circe and Hermes having sexual intercourse. 4.3 stars out 5 stars so far.

message 4: by Aqsa, Dracarys! (last edited Dec 25, 2018 01:56AM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Aqsa (her_747) | 10619 comments Mod
Chapter 8:
I really wished she could turn Scylla back to her old self. I am glad she didn’t take the men’ gratitude for it. I definitely don’t want her to help her sister really. I am happy that she doesn’t trust Hermes.

Chapter 10:
I knew I had heard the name Daedalus before! I like how it is retold here. Minotaur.

Chapter 12:
Her sister was right. No one listens to you unless you have true power. I love the writing so much. I love the way it’s all written. I loved Daedalus. I hope Circe finds someone in the end.

Chapter 14:
Those ungrateful bastards! She definitely did the right thing! Pigs!

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