Pick-a-Shelf discussion

ScatterShelves (2014) > September

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message 1: by Tien (new)

Tien (tiensblurb) | 9003 comments Mod
Letter: L


1. children-young-adult
2. comics-graphic-novels
3. young-adult-books
4. beautiful-covers
5. misc-fiction
6. social-commentary
7. family-drama
8. nature
9. speculative
10. modern-literature
11. Victorian
12. sweet


a. Published in: 1940 - 1959
b. Number of Pages: 501-600
c. Alternating POVs (2 only)
d. Main Character (90% of book): Male
e. Male Authors
f. Cover is primarily dark colours (black, brown, dark blue etc) Think: Gloomy
g. Number of Pages: 201-300
h. Number of Pages: 600+
i. Published in: 1900 - 1919
j. Published in: 1920 - 1949
k. Has more than 25,000 ratings
l. Published in: 19th Century

message 2: by LynnB (new)

LynnB | 1742 comments Oh, wow! August is going too fast! I can't believe the September list is already up.

message 3: by Amanda (new)

Amanda | 380 comments Woohoo! Two of the books I've been able to allocate I already have / are on hold with the library. Sadly, I'm bogged down by 2 books for August, otherwise I would start reading them tonight!

message 4: by Amanda (new)

Amanda | 380 comments And I found another one on the bedside table. If Little House on the Prairie is in Nature then I will be very happy ! ;)

message 5: by Bea (new)

Bea | 5215 comments Mod
Oh, my! I haven't even started on the summer months!

message 6: by Bea (new)

Bea | 5215 comments Mod
I have my books chosen...now to find out if they meet the categories. I do love the choosing part.

message 7: by Lauren (new)

Lauren (laurenjberman) | 1203 comments Bea wrote: " I do love the choosing part."

Me too :0)

Working on my list now!

message 8: by Tien (new)

Tien (tiensblurb) | 9003 comments Mod
one of the things which worries me when planning ScatterShelves were that due to the conditions the book will have to fit in (shelves & categories) that books picked will be nearly identical but I'm so glad to see it's not at all! There are maybe, one or two of the same book between a few people but other than that, it's as varied as I could wish :D

message 9: by LynnB (new)

LynnB | 1742 comments Tien wrote: "one of the things which worries me when planning ScatterShelves were that due to the conditions the book will have to fit in (shelves & categories) that books picked will be nearly identical but I'..."

I pick all the books I can on my own and then I look to see what others have picked for shelves and/or categories I'm having problems with. Sometimes I use the book they picked or at least the same author -- or sometimes it gives me other ideas to work from.

message 10: by Amanda (new)

Amanda | 380 comments I'm exactly the same, Lynn. I've picked up some books I wouldn't normally have read that way too, which is good :)

message 11: by Lauren (new)

Lauren (laurenjberman) | 1203 comments Amanda wrote: "I'm exactly the same, Lynn. I've picked up some books I wouldn't normally have read that way too, which is good :)"

Exactly. I've read and enjoyed books I would never have chosen without this challenge.

message 12: by Susan (last edited Aug 21, 2014 07:48AM) (new)

Susan | 3726 comments Mod
I think Between the Lines would count as only 2 POV, but I wanted to check. There are two protagonists, Oliver and Delilah, and alternate sections give each one's POV. So far, so good. But there are also sections where we read parts of the book in which Oliver lives. I don't think it's really a third POV, but some might see it that way.

What do you think?

message 13: by Tien (new)

Tien (tiensblurb) | 9003 comments Mod
I think that's fine as 2 POVs, Susan, as the other part is about Oliver anyway -though as a general background for the readers to help with understanding the story better(?)

message 14: by Susan (new)

Susan | 3726 comments Mod
Tien wrote: "I think that's fine as 2 POVs, Susan, as the other part is about Oliver anyway -though as a general background for the readers to help with understanding the story better(?)"

Great, thanks! I had been thinking about skipping the POV category until I started reading that book.

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