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Spinning Silver
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Spinning Silver > Spinning Silver-Chapters 21-25

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message 1: by Aqsa, Dracarys! (new) - rated it 5 stars

Aqsa (her_747) | 10619 comments Mod
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message 2: by Aqsa, Dracarys! (new) - rated it 5 stars

Aqsa (her_747) | 10619 comments Mod
Chapter 21:
I just love the siblings. I love how they take care of each other.

Chapter 22:
Will Chernobog be able to come back without the help of Irina? She's so similar to the Staryk in the way she tries to save her people.
Will he die? I so hope not :/ (P.S. I love how he makes everyone bargain.)

Chapter 24:
Oh wow. I'm just so so happy. My siblings are asking me what the hell I am doing alone in the kitchen (because they have occupied all the other rooms and won't stop speaking) at 3 in the morning (they are all up because they have exam in the morning and I'm up for this), and I can't stop smiling.
P.S. I almost wish Miryem would stay with the Staryk-and please someone tell me his name!

Chapter 25:
I hope Miryem doesn't forget about the Staryk kingdom as everyone does.
This was so so good. But you didn't tell me the name :'(

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