The Catholic Book Club discussion

Champions of the Rosary
This topic is about Champions of the Rosary
Past Voting > May 2018 BOTM - Results

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message 1: by John (new) - added it

John Seymour | 2239 comments Mod
It was a very tight vote this time, with ties for first all the way to the last vote and a tight group of challengers immediately behind the leaders. But the final vote put Champions of the Rosary, by Donald H. Calloway ahead for the win and that will be our May 2018 BOTM.

Three books did not receive votes this month and were not protected from the randomizer. So Martyr for the Truth, Scarlet Pimpernel and Myth of Hitler's Pope went into the randomizer which selected Martyr for the Truth for elimination from the nominations for next month.

The two books being added to the nominations list for consideration next month are The Benedict Option: A Strategy for Christians in a Post-Christian Nation, by Rod Dreher and Tales from the Brackenwood Ghost Club, by Andrew M. Seddon.

I am excited about next month's discussion as Champions of the Rosary has been on the Nominations list for a long time and has had dogged support from a variety of people over that time. It drew solid support this month from people who haven't normally participated in the discussions, so I am looking forward to some new voices in the discussion next month.

Bice (bicebeechay) | 111 comments Great Choice! Looking forward to reading this and actually participating in discussion this time.

Mariangel | 669 comments And a good choice for the month of May.

message 4: by John (new) - added it

John Seymour | 2239 comments Mod
Bice wrote: "Great Choice! Looking forward to reading this and actually participating in discussion this time."

I'm looking forward to it.

Steven R. McEvoy (srmcevoy) | 142 comments I had the physical book for this one for almost a year, and it collected dust on my bedside table. When the eBook was released I picked it up also. I devoured it in 2 days while on retreat, and have since given away a few copies. It is an excellent read and I look forward to the discussion.

message 6: by C.D. (last edited Apr 30, 2018 03:52AM) (new)

C.D. (skymama) | 58 comments Yes! So glad Champions has been chosen. I was the first to nominated it way back. It's about time! :)

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