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Good Buys > April Purchases 2018

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message 1: by Joseph (new)

Joseph  (bluemanticore) | 1866 comments Mod
Share your April book buys here.

message 2: by Terry (new)

Terry Holliger (terryholliger) | 3 comments Half price Books is open on Easter! Bought Crazy Rich Asians, Glory Over Everything, and These is My Words.

message 3: by Betsy (new)

Betsy Two books arrived today: WHEN GODS DIE, a mystery by C.S. Harris, and MARSHAL NEY: The Romance and the Real by Raymond Horricks.

message 5: by Karen M (last edited Apr 12, 2018 01:17PM) (new)

Karen M | 418 comments I've read the two of the three books of the Comfort Food Cafe series, so of course, when the 4th book is on sale, I have no resistance and decided to pickup the first one which I still hadn't read.

Summer at the Comfort Food Cafe Summer at the Comfort Food Cafe (Comfort Food Cafe #1) by Debbie Johnson

Sunshine at the Comfort Food Café Sunshine at the Comfort Food Café (Comfort Food Cafe #4) by Debbie Johnson

message 7: by Charles (new)

Charles (cbloky) | 49 comments speed the dawn by philip donlay

message 8: by Alex (new)

Alex | 11 comments Nemesis by Agatha Christie
Blood of the Four by Christopher Golden & Tim Lebbon
Nova by Margaret Fortune

message 9: by Melissa (last edited Apr 15, 2018 04:28PM) (new)

message 11: by Melissa (new)

Melissa | 363 comments Picked up Freedom's Holy Light Series:
The Gathering Dawn (Freedoms Holy Light #1) by Sally Laity The Kindled Flame (Freedoms Holy Light #2) by Sally Laity The Tempering Blaze (Freedoms Holy Light #3) by Sally Laity The Fires of Freedom (Freedoms Holy Light #4) by Sally Laity The Embers of Hope (Freedoms Holy Light #5) by Sally Laity The Torch of Triumph (Freedom's Holy Light #6) by Sally Laity

Wormwood by G.P. Taylor Gib and the Gray Ghost (Gib, #2) by Zilpha Keatley Snyder The Haunting of Granite Falls by Eva Ibbotson Carrying Mason by Joyce Magnin Small Steps The Year I Got Polio by Peg Kehret Bridget "Biddy" Mason From Slave To Businesswoman by Jean Kinney Williams Once-A-Month Cooking A Proven System for Spending Less Time in the Kitchen and Enjoying Delicious, Homemade Meals Everyday by Mary Beth Lagerborg

message 12: by Charles (new)

Charles (cbloky) | 49 comments first library sale of the season picked up
Snuff by Terry Pratchett
Charlatans by Robin Cook
Sole Survivor by Dean Koontz
Desperation by Stephen King
Legends of Shannara Bearers of the Black Staff and The Talismans of Shannara by Terry Brooks
Ender's Game and Ender's Shadow by Orson Scott Card

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