Buddy Reads discussion

Introduction > Introduce Yourself

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message 1: by Aqsa, Dracarys! (new)

Aqsa (her_747) | 10619 comments Mod
New Members Introduce Yourself Here!

message 2: by Shi (new)

Shi Sneddon | 4 comments Ok hi im shianna but my friends call me shi. I am a book worm and i will read anything

message 3: by Aqsa, Dracarys! (new)

Aqsa (her_747) | 10619 comments Mod
Welcome Shianna or Shi? What can I call you?

Glad to have you :)

Nenia ✨ I yeet my books back and forth ✨ Campbell (neniacampbell) Hello. I am Nenia. I use my Kindle to read books that are too sexy for the bus. When I'm not riding wooden unicorns, I'm enjoying the San Francisco nightlife or daydreaming about imaginary worlds. :D

message 5: by Aqsa, Dracarys! (new)

Aqsa (her_747) | 10619 comments Mod
Nenia ✨ Queen of Literary Trash, Protector of Out-of-Print Gems, Khaleesi of Bodice Rippers, Mother of Smut, the Unrepentant, Breaker of Convention ✨ wrote: "Hello. I am Nenia. I use my Kindle to read books that are too sexy for the bus. When I'm not riding wooden unicorns, I'm enjoying the San Francisco nightlife or daydreaming about imaginary worlds. :D"


message 6: by Aqsa, Dracarys! (new)

Aqsa (her_747) | 10619 comments Mod
Hi! I'm Aqsa and I will read anything that can a mind can digest.

I love books, movies, seasons, music, calm and peace, ocean, wind, rain, nature, animals, everything!!

Imagining is what I love to do since a child. Love to be alone and love to be with people too!

message 7: by Shi (new)

Shi Sneddon | 4 comments Shi will do and thanks for the welcome

message 8: by Victoria (new)

Victoria (fleurdulis) Hi! I'm Tori, and I read just about everything. :)

message 9: by Yusra (new)

Yusra  ✨ (yusraxo) hey I’m Yusra, love writing crazy reviews & book boyfriends

message 10: by Jasmine (new)

Jasmine from How Useful It Is Hi Everyone :-) I’m Jasmine. I read YA fantasy, thriller and contemporary. I work full time so a book usually takes me a week to two to complete. I have a blog so I will write a review for every book I read.

Helpless_Choleric Hi guys! I am Zhenya from Ukraine and I’m 16. Love reading books or comics and watch some tv shows with a cup of tea :))) I’d love to meet some new people))

message 13: by Gem (new)

Gem Ward | 1 comments Hi all! I'm Gem, I work 30 hours a week and I have 2 boys. My boys are both autistic so it can take me a little longer to read books. I like to read most genres but always have a child's book on the go as I read to my boys. Thanks for the invite! xx

message 14: by Sarah (new)

Sarah Simpson (sarahrsimpson) Hi, I’m Sarah, author of Her Greatest Mistake. I will contribute all I can but I am also working as a mental health therapist at the moment, as well as family..... I live in Cornwall, UK.
Look forward to getting to know some of you :-) x

message 15: by Aqsa, Dracarys! (new)

Aqsa (her_747) | 10619 comments Mod
Hello everyone :)

*❆ Kαɾҽɳ ❆* | 3040 comments Mod
Hi everyone I'm Karen! Happy to be here and talk about books every time we get :D

message 17: by Yurena (new)

Yurena (bookishyure) Thanks for the invite! :-)

I am Yurena, a Canary Islander currently teaching in Sofia, the capital city of Bulgaria -well, I teach at a school and I also work Monday to Friday in an American company with offices here dealing with cryptocurrency so Sunday is my only day off! - I adore traveling, swimming and books among maaany other things.

The best book I read last year was American Pastoral by Philip Roth but I would read almost anything except things related to witchcraft and erotic stuff.

Science-fiction, anthropology, lots of Russian authors, Mexican writer Guadalupe Nettel's novels, I adore short stories, some horror etc... All of that really appeals to me :-)

message 18: by Aqsa, Dracarys! (new)

Aqsa (her_747) | 10619 comments Mod
Saman wrote: "heyy I m a poet a medical student as well as a reader .I wrote 3 poems by myself .I ll write more .I love writing poems u know everyone got a hidden talent which may sometimes be obscured this exam..."

Yurena wrote: "Thanks for the invite! :-)

I am Yurena, a Canary Islander currently teaching in Sofia, the capital city of Bulgaria -well, I teach at a school and I also work Monday to Friday in an American compa..."

Karen wrote: "Hi everyone I'm Karen! Happy to be here and talk about books every time we get :D"

Glad to have you :)

message 19: by Arunima (new)

Arunima Hi! My name is Arunima, fun fact: my name means "red rays of the morning sun" . When I'm not reading, I'm usually doing art, writing, or on my computer. I'm so excited to be a part of this buddy read!

message 20: by Aqsa, Dracarys! (new)

Aqsa (her_747) | 10619 comments Mod
Welcome Arunima. You have a unique name :) I like its meaning.
Nice to have you here :)

message 21: by Katherine (new)

Katherine (katherinelovesbooks) Hi,my name is katherine and i have an unhealthy obsession with books.I love reading books of all genres.
Thank you Aqsa for inviting me to this wonderful group :)

message 22: by Aqsa, Dracarys! (new)

Aqsa (her_747) | 10619 comments Mod
Katherine wrote: "Hi,my name is katherine and i have an unhealthy obsession with books.I love reading books of all genres.
Thank you Aqsa for inviting me to this wonderful group :)"

Hi! Your Welcome :)

message 23: by Aqsa, Dracarys! (last edited Mar 15, 2018 09:18AM) (new)

Aqsa (her_747) | 10619 comments Mod
Graciethebookworm wrote: "Hiya, I'm Gracie, I'm 14 and I love reading and writing. I read YA - mostly realistic fiction, historical fiction or mysteries. Looking forward to meeting some new people!"

Hi Gracie! Nice to meet you. Welcome :)

message 24: by Ria (new)

Ria { semi-hiatus } (nerdiiieee) | 19 comments Hey, I'm Victoria. But some people call me Vic so there's that. I am your usual person who keeps telling themself that they will read all their books but actually keeps their books in piles or on a side of a bookshelf for safe-keeping. 😂

message 25: by Aqsa, Dracarys! (new)

Aqsa (her_747) | 10619 comments Mod
Victoria 🎈 wrote: "Hey, I'm Victoria. But some people call me Vic so there's that. I am your usual person who keeps telling themself that they will read all their books but actually keeps their books in piles or on a..."

Welcome! Glad you joined!

message 26: by Kristi (new)

Kristi Zeyn | 1 comments Hi, I’m Kristi, author of fantasy, detective and horror books. I live in Istanbul/Turkey. I will be so glad to know you all :) Maybe sometimes I will not be here, but it just because of writing new books. But I always will check new posts.

message 27: by Aqsa, Dracarys! (new)

Aqsa (her_747) | 10619 comments Mod
Hi Kristi! Welcome to the group :)

message 28: by Defy_the_books (new)

Defy_the_books | 15 comments Hi, I'm Alma. I mostly read ya -fantasy, sci-fi or romance, but I can read almost anything
It will be really fun to get to know all of you!

message 29: by Aqsa, Dracarys! (new)

Aqsa (her_747) | 10619 comments Mod
Hi Alma! Looking forward to know you :)

꒰ Dane ꒱ ༉‧˚۞ (danebookowlx1f989) Hi my name is Bernadane but you guys can call me Dane I’m 12 years of age and I’m from south east Asia, Nice to meet you guys!!

message 31: by Ella (new)

Ella | 2 comments Aye I’m Ella. I’m 14 and I’m from north London. Reading is my life and I’m addicted...

message 32: by Luffy Sempai (new)

Luffy Sempai (luffy79) I'm Luffy. Between the hassles of trying to be the Pirate King, I save some time to read. Glad to be here.

message 33: by Aqsa, Dracarys! (new)

Aqsa (her_747) | 10619 comments Mod
@Dane ll 🎭The Book Owlet 🦉ll
Nice to meet you too!
Welcome :)
Glad to have you :)

message 34: by tiffany (new)

tiffany hi i'm kazually thats not my real name though XD reading is cool

message 35: by Wesley (new)

Wesley (wesleykate) | 3 comments Hey I’m wesley and am a big fan of books. That about sums it up

message 36: by tiffany (new)

tiffany Wesley wrote: "Hey I’m wesley and am a big fan of books. That about sums it up"

haha same though XD

message 37: by Camile (new)

Camile Souza (This Chamber of Books) (camilesouzaa) | 1 comments Hey, I'm Camile and I'm from Brazil. I usually favor YA fantasy and a few contemporary in between :)

message 38: by Aqsa, Dracarys! (new)

Aqsa (her_747) | 10619 comments Mod
Wesley wrote: "Hey I’m wesley and am a big fan of books. That about sums it up"

Hey. Welcome :)
That sure sums up a lot of us ;)

message 39: by Aqsa, Dracarys! (new)

Aqsa (her_747) | 10619 comments Mod
Camile wrote: "Hey, I'm Camile and I'm from Brazil. I usually favor YA fantasy and a few contemporary in between :)"

Hey :)
Glad u joined :)

꒰ Dane ꒱ ༉‧˚۞ (danebookowlx1f989) Sorry I mean 13 years old..😅

message 41: by Salma (new)

Salma hey! am Salma am living in qatar and my friends sucks xD ( they believe reading is for boring people) ik ik, I wanna kill them too cant believe I call them friends anyway,
I love reading sci-fic, fantasy, YA
Never read harry potter ( DONT KILL ME PLZZ)


message 42: by Aqsa, Dracarys! (new)

Aqsa (her_747) | 10619 comments Mod
Dane || The Book Owlet 🦉|| wrote: "Sorry I mean 13 years old..😅"

Not much of a difference (don't mind plz)
But good :)

message 43: by Aqsa, Dracarys! (new)

Aqsa (her_747) | 10619 comments Mod
Salma wrote: "hey! am Salma am living in qatar and my friends sucks xD ( they believe reading is for boring people) ik ik, I wanna kill them too cant believe I call them friends anyway,
I love reading sci-fic, ..."

Hehe! Ok I rem! That's what I texted u about!
That my friends and family also think the same!
Thanks for coming :)
And Harry Potter? I'm still in the minority who haven't read it! Loved the movies though!

message 44: by (new)

✨ (clingyphilosopher) | 194 comments Hello everyone and thanks for the invite Aqsa. I am a medical student from India. I am crazy for books, cats and apples. Hope to have loads of fun here :)

message 45: by Aqsa, Dracarys! (new)

Aqsa (her_747) | 10619 comments Mod
Catreads wrote: "Hello everyone and thanks for the invite Aqsa. I am a medical student from India. I am crazy for books, cats and apples. Hope to have loads of fun here :)"

HI! Thanks for joining!

message 46: by rimsha (new)

rimsha Hii!! Aqsa thanks for the invite. I’m from Pakistan and I fangirl over fictional characters a lot. Like A. Lot

message 47: by Aqsa, Dracarys! (new)

Aqsa (her_747) | 10619 comments Mod
Rimsha wrote: "Hii!! Aqsa thanks for the invite. I’m from Pakistan and I fangirl over fictional characters a lot. Like A. Lot"

Hey! Thanks for joining!
Pakistan? Same as me :)

message 48: by dania♡ (new)

dania♡ (daniag) Hi! I'm Dania (how you pronounce my name with your accent?) I'm from Venezuela, and I love to read, but my favorites are fantasy

Thanks to Aqsa for invite me!

message 49: by Aqsa, Dracarys! (new)

Aqsa (her_747) | 10619 comments Mod
dania☀️ wrote: "Hi! I'm Dania (how you pronounce my name with your accent?) I'm from Venezuela, and I love to read, but my favorites are fantasy

Thanks to Aqsa for invite me!"

Welcome Dania :)

message 50: by Barbara (new)

Barbara Senteney (trollbridgeblogger) | 60 comments My name is Barbara , I am a member of a few groups here, and also have my own, which is not doing well, because I don't know what the heck I am doing, but I see you are all reading books I either own or want to own, so I might fit in. I don't know how often I will buddy read, since I have a massive tbr of my own. Thanks for the invite though very much I feel very welcomed in the goodreads community. I am from Cincinnati, and read everything I can get my hands on. I have a birthday this month so I bought some books, I have been told I need BA,lol

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