2-3-4 Challenge discussion

2018 Series Challenge > 2018 Series Up to Date

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message 1: by Jonetta (new)

Jonetta (ejaygirl) | 12598 comments Mod
Let's also work together in getting up to date in our series! It's as big a deal as completing one. And, let’s increase the goal to 300.

Here's how it works.

1. You can find the challenge here or on our group home page.
2. After selecting the challenge, complete the information requested, including the number of series where you plan to get up to date in 2018 (it says books here but for this challenge, think series). Where it asks for a shelf name, type in your profile name. Save the information.
3. Go to your shelf and edit "bookshelves." Type in "300 up to date" (without the quotes) and then select "Add." This will be the shelf you'll use to track your progress (more to come). You can select another name for your shelf if you prefer.
4. Return to the group home page and select "update my entry" and add the shelf name exactly as follows: 300-up-to-date (or, whatever shelf name you created)
5. Click "Save."
6. You've now entered the challenge!

Now, how do you track your series progress?
Whenever you read the last book in a series that you now consider up to date, add that book to your 300-up-to-date shelf (or other shelf name you created). It will be included in the challenge results.

If the series appears to be complete (last book released some time ago, the story feels final, no word from the author about continuing the series, etc.), consider it complete. Otherwise, if there's some doubt, mark it up to date.

Last year, a few I'd tagged as up to date ended up being finished and vice versa. No need to change a previous year but if things change in the current year, you can always adjust.

I've also used the GR "Ask the Author" feature with some success. For example, Robyn Carr answered my question about Thunder Point, letting me know the series was over when no formal announcement was made.

(If an author of one of your series releases another book during the year and you don't read the new book by December 31, 2018, you'll need to remove the last book you read from the 300 up to date shelf.)

We hope everyone will join!

message 2: by Michelle (new)

Michelle | 3126 comments I'll be thee. 300!! We'll get there.

message 3: by Jonetta (new)

Jonetta (ejaygirl) | 12598 comments Mod

message 4: by Eadie (last edited Dec 17, 2017 12:32PM) (new)

Eadie Burke (eadieburke) | 99 comments My Goal will be 15 for 2018:

1. The Grave's A Fine and Private Place by Alan Bradley - 1/30/18
2. The Fallen by David Baldacci (Amos Decker) - 4/17/2018
3. The Dark Angel by Elly Griffiths (Ruth Galloway) - May 15, 2018
4. The Vanishing Box by Elly Griffiths (Stephens/Mephisto - 2017
6. An Honorable Assassin by Steve Hamilton - May 15, 2018
7. A Gathering of Secrets by Linda Castillo - July 10, 2018
8. Day of The Death by Nicci French (Frieda Klein) - July 24, 2018
9. The Girl Who Takes An Eye For An Eye - Langercrantz - 2017
10. The Glass Room by Ann Cleeves (Vera) (2018)
11. The Cold Earth by Ann Cleeves (Shetland Island) 2017
12. Louise Penny - August 2018
13. Solomon Creed by Simon Toyne - 2018
14. The Fool on the Hill by Peter Robinson - 2018
15. A Game of Zeros by Robert Goddard (James Maxted) 2018

message 5: by ~ Giulia ~ (new)

~ Giulia ~ | 104 comments I hate this one because whenever I start feeling good about my progress, a new book gets published and my challenge shelf empties :P

I'll set my goal as a low number since this year I want to focus on completing series, but I'll cheer for you!

message 6: by Sharmon (last edited Mar 24, 2018 08:56PM) (new)

Sharmon (tpgirl) | 269 comments I am setting my goal as 8, but I will up it 9 if a expected pub date comes out for Lethal White .

Ross Poldark Series
Sookie Stackhouse Series
Cork O'connor Series
Maine Clambake Series
Flavia Du Luce Series ****up to date
Red Queen Series
Caraval Series
Me before you Series

message 7: by Monica (new)

Monica | 860 comments This is a good one for me. I have lots of series just idling by because they aren't complete yet and I'm waiting for the final book to be released (which could be years in most cases for some of these series). But I should at least get caught up on them. I'm in.

message 8: by Meera (new)

Meera | 138 comments I am aiming for 20 this year. My usual average is around there so I should meet it.

message 9: by Dana (new)

Dana | 15 comments I am aiming for 8 series up to date.

message 10: by Andrew (last edited Jan 04, 2018 11:08AM) (new)

Andrew (ajb65) | 58 comments Itargeted 20 to finish up to date. Already up and running with 1 :

1. The Seven Sisters Series by Lucinda Riley

message 11: by Jonetta (new)

Jonetta (ejaygirl) | 12598 comments Mod
That’s great, Andrew.

message 12: by Jennifer (new)

Jennifer (thebooknympho) Big goal for me in 2018 is to catch up / finish series I've started in past years so I'm joining the group and challenges.

message 13: by Karen ♐ (new)

Karen ♐ (kmk1214) | 444 comments I'm going with 10 again this year

message 14: by Jonetta (new)

Jonetta (ejaygirl) | 12598 comments Mod
Jennifer Y wrote: "Big goal for me in 2018 is to catch up / finish series I've started in past years so I'm joining the group and challenges."

Yay! Good to see you here.

message 15: by Monica (new)

Monica | 860 comments Jennifer Y wrote: "Big goal for me in 2018 is to catch up / finish series I've started in past years so I'm joining the group and challenges."

It is good to have you here! Hope this group helps you get caught up, it's been a huge help to me. We've got some great challenges this year.

message 16: by Jennifer (new)

Jennifer (thebooknympho) Monica wrote: "Jennifer Y wrote: "Big goal for me in 2018 is to catch up / finish series I've started in past years so I'm joining the group and challenges."

It is good to have you here! Hope this group helps yo..."

Thanks! I'm hoping the group will keep me on track.

message 17: by Jennifer (new)

Jennifer (thebooknympho) Jonetta wrote: "Jennifer Y wrote: "Big goal for me in 2018 is to catch up / finish series I've started in past years so I'm joining the group and challenges."

Yay! Good to see you here."

Figured I had more time for groups now.

message 18: by Jeff (new)

Jeff I'm going for 8, but may get to 9 or 10 depending on how I like the first books of a couple other series. Here are the ones I definitely expect to get caught up on:

The Deceivers (John Wells, 3 remaining)
The Midnight Line (Jack Reacher, 9 remaining)
The Fallen (Amos Decker, 2 remaining)
End Game (Will Robie, 1 remaining)
A Dance with Dragons (Song of Ice and Fire, 2 remaining)
Enemy of the State (Mitch Rapp, 1 remaining)
Career of Evil (Cormoran Strike, 3 remaining)
The Girl Who Takes an Eye for an Eye (Millennium, 1 remaining)

message 19: by Jonetta (new)

Jonetta (ejaygirl) | 12598 comments Mod
We are SO close to meeting our goal of 300...only 11 more to go!

message 20: by Jonetta (new)

Jonetta (ejaygirl) | 12598 comments Mod
Only 4 more...

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