The Seasonal Reading Challenge discussion
Questions/Problems in Completed Tasks

Summer Task 5.9 - Isn't it Romantic? requires a book with a main page genre that includes “Romance” or “Romantic”.
The Blonde and the Ballplayer has no main page genres.
For a complete description of main page genres, please see the Main Page genres thread in the Frequently Asked questions folder.

It looks like you may be claiming a Golden Oldie ticket.
Please review Golden Oldies and Big Book Tickets
"You must specifically mention in your completed task post that a book is a Golden Oldie. Updating a tally at the top or bottom of your post is NOT enough. "

Task 20.7 requires a book with a minimum of 250 pages. You posted a link to an ebook edition, so the most shelved mass market paperback edition should be used to determine page count. Diarios de motocicleta (Mass Market Paperback) has only 211 pages so it will not work for this task.

Task 20.7 requires a book with a minimum of 250 pages. You posted a link to an ebook edition, so the most shelved mass market paperback edition should be used to determine page co..."
Sorry! I will fit it in somewhere else and repost.

Task 10.2 requires a book with a word from the track titles to be found in the title or subtitle. You stated in your post that you were using the word "Run" from the track title "Run to You". However, the book, Dare to Stay, does not have "run" in the title so it does not fit the task.

There is no Denise on the Readerboard. If you are new to the challenge, you can request a Readerboard name in the Readerboard Names thread. If you are a returning player, please repost your task(s) with your Readerboard name at the top of your post.

My golden oldie ticket for this post is included in the reader board, but my points are not.

My golden oldie ticket for this post is included in the reader board, but my points are not."
Whoops. Sorry about that, Kim. All fixed.

Task 5.5 is a task that requires a specific number of pages. The edition of Dark Saturday you linked to is an ebook, which cannot be used to determine the number of pages.
For ebooks, use the the page count for the mass market paperback if one exists. If there is no mass market paperback edition, use the paperback edition and if no paperback is available use the hardcover edition.
There is no mass market paperback for Dark Saturday, but the most shelved paperback edition, Als het zaterdag wordt, has 387 pages and will not fit the task.

Task 5.4 -- The edition of Dinner at the Center of the Earth you've linked to has 254 pages and, therefore, will not work for Summer 2017 task 5.5. If you read a different edition, please repost this task with a link to the edition you read.

Task 5.4 -- The edition of Dinner at the Center of the Earth you've linked to has 254 pages and, therefore, will not work for Summer 2017 task 5.5. If you read a d..."
Oh sorry about that! I read the e-book which comes in at 272 pages, will repost with the correct link.
Sam M post 135
Task 5.4 Dinner at the Center of the Earth: A novel, an ebook
When determining page count, you should go by the copy you read- EXCEPT as noted below for ebooks, audiobooks, and large print books. Therefore, if you obtain (own, borrow, check out from the library, etc.) the hardback edition, use the page count for the hardback edition. If you obtain the paperback edition, use that page count.
If you read an ebook, or audiobook use the page count for the mass market paperback if one exists. If there is no mass market paperback edition, use the paperback edition and if no paperback is available use the hardcover edition.
>If there are multiple editions in a format:
From the editions page (click all editions on the main book page)
Set the Format, beginning with Mass Market Paperback
Set the Sort By as "num ratings"
Use the top edition result to determine the page number for ebooks and audiobooks
If there are no editions in MMPB, reset with Paperback and the same sort (num ratings). If there are no paperback editions, reset with Hardcover and the same sort (num ratings). If there are no print editions the ebook or audiobook may not be used for a task requiring a page number
> If the sort results in a Large Type edition at the top omit that book and move to the next record or format.
> If the sort results in an edition in a language other than English the edition SHOULD be used to establish length.
There is no MMPB, moving to paperback there is an edition but it is Large Print- move on to Hardcover- the top edition is Dinner at the Center of the Earth with 254 pages which does not contain a 6, 7 or 8.
P.S. Please only repost the task that had a question/problem.
Task 5.4 Dinner at the Center of the Earth: A novel, an ebook
When determining page count, you should go by the copy you read- EXCEPT as noted below for ebooks, audiobooks, and large print books. Therefore, if you obtain (own, borrow, check out from the library, etc.) the hardback edition, use the page count for the hardback edition. If you obtain the paperback edition, use that page count.
If you read an ebook, or audiobook use the page count for the mass market paperback if one exists. If there is no mass market paperback edition, use the paperback edition and if no paperback is available use the hardcover edition.
>If there are multiple editions in a format:
From the editions page (click all editions on the main book page)
Set the Format, beginning with Mass Market Paperback
Set the Sort By as "num ratings"
Use the top edition result to determine the page number for ebooks and audiobooks
If there are no editions in MMPB, reset with Paperback and the same sort (num ratings). If there are no paperback editions, reset with Hardcover and the same sort (num ratings). If there are no print editions the ebook or audiobook may not be used for a task requiring a page number
> If the sort results in a Large Type edition at the top omit that book and move to the next record or format.
> If the sort results in an edition in a language other than English the edition SHOULD be used to establish length.
There is no MMPB, moving to paperback there is an edition but it is Large Print- move on to Hardcover- the top edition is Dinner at the Center of the Earth with 254 pages which does not contain a 6, 7 or 8.
P.S. Please only repost the task that had a question/problem.
Sara G post 141
Just FYI
To determine page numbers when using ebooks
>If there are multiple editions in a format:
From the editions page (click all editions on the main book page)
Set the Format, beginning with Mass Market Paperback
Set the Sort By as "num ratings"
Use the top edition result to determine the page number for ebooks and audiobooks
If there are no editions in MMPB, reset with Paperback and the same sort (num ratings). If there are no paperback editions, reset with Hardcover and the same sort (num ratings). If there are no print editions the ebook or audiobook may not be used for a task requiring a page number
MMPB: Diarios de motocicleta, PB: Great Women of Imperial Rome: Mothers and Wives of the Caesars
Just FYI
To determine page numbers when using ebooks
>If there are multiple editions in a format:
From the editions page (click all editions on the main book page)
Set the Format, beginning with Mass Market Paperback
Set the Sort By as "num ratings"
Use the top edition result to determine the page number for ebooks and audiobooks
If there are no editions in MMPB, reset with Paperback and the same sort (num ratings). If there are no paperback editions, reset with Hardcover and the same sort (num ratings). If there are no print editions the ebook or audiobook may not be used for a task requiring a page number
MMPB: Diarios de motocicleta, PB: Great Women of Imperial Rome: Mothers and Wives of the Caesars
perletwo post 148
Task 20.7 requires "a book with a minimum of 250 pages. "
Monk's Hood, the kindle edition
The top MMPB: Monk's Hood has 210 pages.
Task 20.7 requires "a book with a minimum of 250 pages. "
Monk's Hood, the kindle edition
The top MMPB: Monk's Hood has 210 pages.

Task 5.4 Dinner at the Center of the Earth: A novel, an ebook
When determining page count, you should go by the copy you read- EXCEPT as noted below for ebooks, aud..."
Thanks, I should have looked at the ebook rules again, I so rarely read ebooks. Will figure out if this works elsewhere and repost as needed.

Task 20.7 requires "a book with a minimum of 250 pages. "
Monk's Hood, the kindle edition
The top MMPB: Monk's Hood has 210 pages."
And yet it seemed soooo much longer when I was reading it...
Will find appropriate replacement & repost ASAP.

Task 20.7 requires "a book with a minimum of 250 pages. "
Monk's Hood, the kindle edition
The top MMPB: Monk's Hood has 210 pages."
Christy T post 165
It's fine to include more than one newly completed task in a post. If you do include more than one task, the tasks must be listed in numerical order, lowest to highest. Please repost these tasks in task number order
It's fine to include more than one newly completed task in a post. If you do include more than one task, the tasks must be listed in numerical order, lowest to highest. Please repost these tasks in task number order

It's fine to include more than one newly completed task in a post. If you do include more than one task, the tasks must be listed in numerical order, lowest to highest. Please r..."
Shannon South Africa post 171
Task 20.7 option C You stated: Option C: set in California
yet Camino Island states "the sleepy resort town of Santa Rosa on Camino Island in Florida."
Florida still works for the task, but please clarify.
Task 20.7 option C You stated: Option C: set in California
yet Camino Island states "the sleepy resort town of Santa Rosa on Camino Island in Florida."
Florida still works for the task, but please clarify.
Oma1229 post 179
Task 5.9 This Book Loves You
From the description "a collection of beautifully illustrated inspirational sayings"
From the rules
"...books consisting primarily of images or photographs without a substantial written component (essays, criticism, etc.) may not be be claimed for points. These books may often have the genre Art or Humor."
Please explain the content of this book and how it works for SRC.
Task 5.9 This Book Loves You
From the description "a collection of beautifully illustrated inspirational sayings"
From the rules
"...books consisting primarily of images or photographs without a substantial written component (essays, criticism, etc.) may not be be claimed for points. These books may often have the genre Art or Humor."
Please explain the content of this book and how it works for SRC.
Mhairi post 192
Just FYI - no need to repost
To determine page numbers when using ebooks
>If there are multiple editions in a format:
From the editions page (click all editions on the main book page)
Set the Format, beginning with Mass Market Paperback
Set the Sort By as "num ratings"
Use the top edition result to determine the page number for ebooks and audiobooks
If there are no editions in MMPB, reset with Paperback and the same sort (num ratings). If there are no paperback editions, reset with Hardcover and the same sort (num ratings). If there are no print editions the ebook or audiobook may not be used for a task requiring a page number
MMPB: The Boleyn Inheritance
Just FYI - no need to repost
To determine page numbers when using ebooks
>If there are multiple editions in a format:
From the editions page (click all editions on the main book page)
Set the Format, beginning with Mass Market Paperback
Set the Sort By as "num ratings"
Use the top edition result to determine the page number for ebooks and audiobooks
If there are no editions in MMPB, reset with Paperback and the same sort (num ratings). If there are no paperback editions, reset with Hardcover and the same sort (num ratings). If there are no print editions the ebook or audiobook may not be used for a task requiring a page number
MMPB: The Boleyn Inheritance
Christi post 198
There are several members named Christi. Please repost including your Readerboard name. If you need one, you may request it here
There are several members named Christi. Please repost including your Readerboard name. If you need one, you may request it here
Didi3023 post 206
Task 10.1 You state "Set in New York and China" Please confirm that at least half of The Leavers takes place in China.
Task 10.1 You state "Set in New York and China" Please confirm that at least half of The Leavers takes place in China.
Diana K post 211
Task 5.10 You already claimed The Cherry Harvest for task 5.8. Books may only be claimed once per season.
Task 5.10 You already claimed The Cherry Harvest for task 5.8. Books may only be claimed once per season.
Tien post 216
Task 30.6 option D requires " a book whose number of pages includes the digits in the number of servings that your recipe says it makes. "
The blueberry muffin recipe states :
0:20 Prep 0:25 Cook Makes 12 Capable cooks
The Ice Beneath Her has 390 pages and does not contain 12.
Task 30.6 option D requires " a book whose number of pages includes the digits in the number of servings that your recipe says it makes. "
The blueberry muffin recipe states :
0:20 Prep 0:25 Cook Makes 12 Capable cooks
The Ice Beneath Her has 390 pages and does not contain 12.

Task 5.10 You already claimed The Cherry Harvest for task 5.8. Books may only be claimed once per season."
Sorry, I didn't mean to claim it twice. I guess I didn't hit the button on add book/author at the right time. Will repost 5.10 correctly.
Diana K post 229
Task 10.7 requires " a book with a hyphenated word in the title or subtitle."
Noonday does not have a word with a hyphen in the title.
Task 10.7 requires " a book with a hyphenated word in the title or subtitle."
Noonday does not have a word with a hyphen in the title.
Christy post 234
There are several members named Christy in the challenge. Please repost including your Readerboard name. If you need one, you may request it here
There are several members named Christy in the challenge. Please repost including your Readerboard name. If you need one, you may request it here

There are several members named Christy in the challenge. Please repost including your Readerboard name. If you need one, you may request it here"
BARBARA ★ post 246
Task 10.1 Dragonsworn I don't see a setting referenced on the book's main page. Please point it out or repost with the requirement "If the setting is not evident on the book's main page include a reference or quote from the book when you post."
Task 10.1 Dragonsworn I don't see a setting referenced on the book's main page. Please point it out or repost with the requirement "If the setting is not evident on the book's main page include a reference or quote from the book when you post."
JamminJenny post 251
Big Book ticket claim
You linked to Turn Coat with 420 pages. If you read a different edition that qualifies for a big book ticket please repost this task stating that it is repost for a ticket and include that edition link. Reposts must be complete.
Big Book ticket claim
You linked to Turn Coat with 420 pages. If you read a different edition that qualifies for a big book ticket please repost this task stating that it is repost for a ticket and include that edition link. Reposts must be complete.
JamminJenny post 267
Big Book ticket
You linked to Turn Coat with 420 pages.
** If you used an ebook or an audiobook be sure that the link you provide goes to the edition you actually read. You must also include a link to the paper edition used to establish length. See the current challenge rules for the method to determine page numbers.
Big Book ticket
You linked to Turn Coat with 420 pages.
** If you used an ebook or an audiobook be sure that the link you provide goes to the edition you actually read. You must also include a link to the paper edition used to establish length. See the current challenge rules for the method to determine page numbers.
Pamela3265 post 272
Task 25.4 book 1 Frontier Want Ad Bride the print edition does not have page numbers. You can ask for help getting that corrected in anyone with librarian status. Tasks that require a number of pages must have print editions that can be used to establish length.
Please repost this task.
Task 25.4 book 1 Frontier Want Ad Bride the print edition does not have page numbers. You can ask for help getting that corrected in anyone with librarian status. Tasks that require a number of pages must have print editions that can be used to establish length.
Please repost this task.
Booklover post 291
Task 25.4 Book 1 Narrative of the Life of Fredrick Douglass appears to be an ebook without a print edition. *NOTE: ebooks without a print edition cannot be used for tasks requiring a specific number of pages.
Task 25.4 Book 1 Narrative of the Life of Fredrick Douglass appears to be an ebook without a print edition. *NOTE: ebooks without a print edition cannot be used for tasks requiring a specific number of pages.

Big Book ticket
You linked to Turn Coat with 420 pages.
** If you used an ebook or an audiobook be sure that the link you provide goes to the ed..."
Sorry - forgot to include link to version establishing length. Will repost.

Thanks Bea!

There is no Kelli on the Readerboard. There is a Kelli KK. If this is you, please repost your task(s) with your Readerboard name at the top of your post.
If you are new to the challenge, you can request a Readerboard name in the Readerboard Names thread.

Task 30.1, option 3 requires that the book be written by a single author. America (The Book): A Citizen's Guide to Democracy Inaction lists not only Jon Stewart as an author, but also Ben Karlin, David Javerbaum, Rich Bloomquist, Steve Bodow, Tim Carvell, Eric Drysdale, J.R. Havlan, and more. So this book cannot be used for this option.

re: Task 30.7 -- Jagged Love appears to be an ebook without a print edition. You must have it approved for length in Ebook page verification in General Help.
Your repost must include the line number of the approval in the ebook spreadsheet or a link/post number of the post in which the ebook was approved for length. Please repost only this task.

Task 10.6 is a cover task and requires that you include the cover in your post. Please repost this task with the required element. No need to repost the other task in this post. It has been recorded.

Task 25.2 does not allow books with the main page genre Children or Kids to be used. The Little Prince has the following genres on its main page:
Sequential Art > Graphic Novels 71 users
Classics 50 users
Fiction 44 users
Sequential Art > Comics 36 users
Cultural > France 27 users
Fantasy 27 users
Childrens 21 users
Academic > School 14 users
Sequential Art > Bande Dessinée 12 users
Young Adult 8 users

Task 30.1 requires a page total of 500 pages or more. The edition of A History of the United States in Five Crashes: Stock Market Meltdowns That Defined a Nation you've linked to is an ebook, therefore, its page count cannot be used. There is no mass market paperback, but the most popularly shelved paperback has 304 pages. Add that to the 177 pages of Another Brooklyn and the final page count is 481.

Task 30.1 requires a page total of 500 pages or more. The edition of A History of the United States in Five Crashes: Stock Market Meltdowns That Defined a Nation..."
Sorry, I did''t pay attention to the edition I linked to. I read the hardcover edition which has 352 pages. I will repost with the correct edition.

Task 30.1, option 3 requires that the book be written by a single author. America (The Book): A Citizen's Guide to Democracy Inaction lists not only Jon Stewa..."
Oops, sorry didn't see that condition! I will use this book for a different task and repost!

Task 30.1, option 3 requires that the author's last name have 7 letters in it so Estelle Ryan will not work for this option.

Task 5.5, just FYI no need to repost.
Please make sure to use the method to determine page numbers when using ebooks.
You posted: Take Off Your Pants!: Outline Your Books for Faster, Better Writing: Revised Edition (ebook - cannot use page numbers)
No mass market paperback
Most commonly shelved paperback: Take Off Your Pants!: Outline Your Books for Faster, Better Writing (162 pages)

Task 15.1 -- Due to SRC rules, Roxanne St. Claire won't work for Everest. From the FAQs - updated 11/2016:
I. General default rules
A. If a task calls for author’s initials, what name do I use for the last initial?
While there are great variations in names, we work with the general rule that the author’s last name is the final word in the name that is preceded by a space. We realize that this may not be technically accurate in every case, but this is the default rule.
Based on the default rule, Roxanne St. Claire's initials are RC.
Books mentioned in this topic
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (other topics)Sword of Ice and Other Tales of Valdemar (other topics)
La Belle Sauvage (other topics)
Sword of Ice and Other Tales of Valdemar (other topics)
Paper, Scissors, Death (other topics)
Authors mentioned in this topic
Mercedes Lackey (other topics)Mercedes Lackey (other topics)
Mercedes Lackey (other topics)
Maggie Stiefvater (other topics)
V.E. Schwab (other topics)
If you have questions about your points on the Readerboard:
1. Make sure that the Readerboard has been updated through the post that you are concerned about.
2. Please check your math.
3. Check to see if one of your posts is listed in this thread with a question. If so, please make a NEW POST in the Completed tasks thread to clear up the question. DO NOT go back and edit the original post. I will not go backwards in the completed task thread to pick up points.
4. To avoid further questions/problems, please refer to the TASK DESCRIPTIONS and the POSTING REQUIREMENTS.
Thank you for helping keep the record keeping for the challenge as manageable as possible.