Save Our Cozies Readathon discussion

General Information > Hourly Check In

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message 1: by AngryGreyCat (new)

AngryGreyCat (angrygreycatreads) Every hour of the Readathon there will be a check in post - check in with how you are doing, what you are reading, how the readathon is going for you, what you are reading next, etc.

message 2: by AngryGreyCat (new)

AngryGreyCat (angrygreycatreads) Exciting news! Eva Gates AKA Vicki Delany has donated a copy of Reading Up a Storm for a prize during the readathon!

message 3: by AngryGreyCat (new)

AngryGreyCat (angrygreycatreads) Yippee! This just in Molly MacRae is donating two copies of Last Wool and Testament (A Haunted Yarn Shop Mystery, #1) by Molly MacRae to the readathon for prizes.

message 4: by AngryGreyCat (new)

AngryGreyCat (angrygreycatreads) More prizes donated. Our cozy mystery authors are happy to help. Maggie Toussaint is donating 3 Kindle copies of Bubba Done It (Dreamwalker, #2) by Maggie Toussaint for prizes for the readathon! Thank you Maggie.

message 5: by AngryGreyCat (new)

AngryGreyCat (angrygreycatreads) Building up steam! Anna Loan-Wilsey has donated a choice of either the 4th book in the A Hattie Davish Series or an ARC of the 5th book! A Deceptive Homecoming A March to Remember
Thank you Anna Loan-Wilsey!!

message 6: by AngryGreyCat (new)

AngryGreyCat (angrygreycatreads) Thank you Marty Wingate She has donated our first audio book prize to the readathon! Perennials for the Pacific Northwest 500 Best Plants for Flower Gardens by Marty Wingate

message 7: by AngryGreyCat (new)

AngryGreyCat (angrygreycatreads) Full speed ahead - Janet Bolin has donated the winner's choice of Threadville Mysteries - so you win whereever you are in the series Book 1 through Book 5. Dire Threads (Threadville Mystery #1) by Janet Bolin Threaded for Trouble (Threadville Mystery #2) by Janet Bolin Night of the Living Thread (Threadville Mystery #4) by Janet Bolin Seven Threadly Sins (Threadville Mystery #5) by Janet Bolin Thread and Buried (Threadville Mystery, #3) by Janet Bolin
Thank you Janet Bolin!

message 8: by Shelley (new)

Shelley (rivertam) | 24 comments Wow some these are great prizes are people who live overseas eligible to win?

message 9: by AngryGreyCat (new)

AngryGreyCat (angrygreycatreads) Shelley wrote: "Wow some these are great prizes are people who live overseas eligible to win?" I will cover overseas shipping costs - thank you for asking I didn't even think about it. :)

message 10: by AngryGreyCat (new)

AngryGreyCat (angrygreycatreads) Another generous donation from Erika Chase she is giving the Save Our Cozies Readathon a signed copy of Law and Author plus some bookmarks! In other news Mark Baker has put up a post today on his blog, Carstairs Considers supporting the Save Our Cozies Readathon. If you get a chance, please go over take a look:

message 11: by AngryGreyCat (new)

AngryGreyCat (angrygreycatreads) Another donation, this time from Susan Van Kirk a copy of Three May Keep a Secret plus bookmarks. Thank you Susan!

message 12: by AngryGreyCat (new)

AngryGreyCat (angrygreycatreads) Woo Hoo - a donation from Victoria Hamilton No Mallets Intended by Victoria Hamilton White Colander Crime by Victoria Hamilton plus bookmarks. I love this series and have already read them on and would highly recommend them!

message 13: by AngryGreyCat (last edited Jun 19, 2016 03:13PM) (new)

AngryGreyCat (angrygreycatreads) Yee Haw! Nancy J. Cohen has donated 1 signed print copy of Shear Murder and 2 ebooks of Permed to Death along with some bookmarks. Thank you Nancy!

message 14: by AngryGreyCat (new)

AngryGreyCat (angrygreycatreads) I'm back again. Happy to share that we have another generous cozy author. Laura DiSilverio has donated 1 signed copy of each of the Readaholics series books. The Readaholics and the Poirot Puzzle The Readaholics and the Falcon Fiasco Thank you so much...I have to admit that I covet these myself, I loved the original Maltese Falcon :)

message 15: by AngryGreyCat (new)

AngryGreyCat (angrygreycatreads) Almost on the hour - another generous cozy author has stepped up. This time it is Denise Swanson donating two audio books of Between a Book and a Hard Place and Murder of an Open Book: A Scumble River Mystery. Thank you!

message 16: by AngryGreyCat (new)

AngryGreyCat (angrygreycatreads) Another hour, another great cozy author, Kathleen Bridge , has donated two Hearse and Gardens Paperbacks for the ‪#‎saveourcozies‬ ‪#‎readathon‬. Thank you Kathleen. This is another one on my TBR list, I read Better Homes and Corpses recently and really enjoyed it.
Again I'd like to remind people of our wonderful book bloggers who are helping to spread the word. When you get a moment please consider stopping over and commenting on Mark Baker 's blog and Lori Boness Caswell has put up a banner with link to the signup on her blog Both are great cozy readers and reviewers!

message 17: by AngryGreyCat (new)

AngryGreyCat (angrygreycatreads) Another hour, another great prize for ‪#‎saveourcozies‬ ‪#‎readathon‬ participants. Cate Price has donated an autographed copy of A Dollhouse to Die For. Thank you Cate!

message 18: by AngryGreyCat (new)

AngryGreyCat (angrygreycatreads) Final one for the night, I promise. Ending on a high note. Edith Maxwell has donated signed hardcover books 3 and 4 from her Local Foods Mystery Series for the ‪#‎saveourcozies‬ ‪#‎readathon‬. This is Farmed and Dangerous & Murder Most Fowl. Murder Most Fowl was just released May 31st 2016.

message 19: by AngryGreyCat (last edited Jun 20, 2016 01:32PM) (new)

AngryGreyCat (angrygreycatreads) Way back when we first started talking about the ‪#‎saveourcozies‬ ‪#‎readathon‬ Terrie Farley Morancontacted me immediately and offered giveaways. I told her to wait until I was sure it was all going to come together to tell me what she was donating . We emailed last night and Terrie Moran has generously donated a complete set of the Read 'Em and Eat series (all three books) all signed and a promotional mouse pad from the series! Thank you Terrie! Caught Read-Handed Read to Death: A Read 'Em and Eat Mystery Well Read, Then Dead

message 20: by AngryGreyCat (new)

AngryGreyCat (angrygreycatreads) Another generous cozy author Susannah Hardy aka Susannah Hardy has donated 3 books Olive and Let Die Feta Attraction Yarned and Dangerous Thank you Susannah/Sadie!

message 21: by AngryGreyCat (new)

AngryGreyCat (angrygreycatreads) Another hour and another lovely donation! This one is a signed copy of the 3rd book in the Bridal Bouquet Shop Mystery Series, Floral DepravityFloral Depravity donated by Barbara Early AKA [[author:Beverly Allen|7769795] Thank you!

message 22: by AngryGreyCat (new)

AngryGreyCat (angrygreycatreads) Yet another donation! This time from Diane Vallere who is making a fabulous donation of two copies of Crushed Velvet in either ebook format or print, whichever the winners prefer. She will also include some cute custom pink tape measures and the print books will be signed. Thank you Diane!

message 23: by AngryGreyCat (new)

AngryGreyCat (angrygreycatreads) Starting the morning off right - Grey and thunderstormy here but a ray of sunshine with a donation from Mary Ellen Hughes who has offered a signed copy of License to Dill from her Pickled and Preserved Series. Thank you Mary Ellen.

message 24: by April (new)

April Schilling | 2 comments Such great prizes!

message 25: by AngryGreyCat (new)

AngryGreyCat (angrygreycatreads) Home from work in time to announce that Sandra Bretting has donated two copies of Murder at Morningside in either ebook or print, winners' choice. Thank you Sandra!

message 26: by AngryGreyCat (last edited Jun 21, 2016 05:49PM) (new)

AngryGreyCat (angrygreycatreads) Ready to post some more donations! Back from a great dinner at Diamonds with friends :) I have another donation to share. Jenny Kales has donated three ebooks of On the Chopping Block. Although her own series was not impacted directly by cancellation, she wanted to show support for cozy writers and fans by donating to the readathon. Thank you Jenny!

message 27: by AngryGreyCat (new)

AngryGreyCat (angrygreycatreads) Another donation tonight! This one is from Daryl Wood Gerber. She is donating a winner's choice from books 1-4 in her Cookbook Nook series. Inherit the Word Fudging the Books Final SentenceStirring the Plot Thank you Daryl!

message 28: by AngryGreyCat (new)

AngryGreyCat (angrygreycatreads) Final donation of the night - but first some housekeeping...

If you have questions or if anything is unclear don't hesitate to visit the website at https://saveourcoziesreadathon.wordpr... or message me here on Goodreads or email me at [email protected]. At the website is also a complete list of donations to date.

On to the good stuff: One of our book bloggers, Anna Lee at http://thecozymysteryjournal.blogspot... has donated an assortment of six cozy mysteries and bookmarks! Some Like It Witchy Some Like It Witchy Murder, Served Simply To Brew or Not to Brew Dark Chocolate Demise Lemon Pies and Little White Lies

message 29: by AngryGreyCat (new)

AngryGreyCat (angrygreycatreads) Good morning all - Here is something to brighten what looks to be a grey day Ellen Byron has donated a hardcover copy of Plantation Shudders and a fun bag of swag to the Save Our Cozies Readathon - 24 hours of reading fun happening in 24 days - July 16th. Thank you Ellen! https://saveourcoziesreadathon.wordpr...

message 30: by AngryGreyCat (new)

AngryGreyCat (angrygreycatreads) Back from working in the heat to bring mixed news - the good we have another generous donations from Nancy Herriman , the bad news is that Nancy reports that the series is threatened with cancellation. Nancy has donated 2 signed copies of No Comfort for the Lost and 1 signed copy of No Pity For the Dead. Thank you Nancy

message 31: by Catherine (new)

Catherine Fanficfan44 wrote: "Back from working in the heat to bring mixed news - the good we have another generous donations from Nancy Herriman , the bad news is that Nancy reports that the series is threaten..."

I have not read this series yet, but I just looked them up and they sound like something I would love!

message 32: by AngryGreyCat (new)

AngryGreyCat (angrygreycatreads) Catherine wrote: "Fanficfan44 wrote: "Back from working in the heat to bring mixed news - the good we have another generous donations from Nancy Herriman , the bad news is that Nancy reports that th..." Yes, I have not read them either but I know in the last couple days someone posted asking about historical cozies - now if I can only remember who it was I could send them the link...

message 33: by Catherine (new)

Catherine I saw that post on Facebook too. I'll see if I can find it.

message 34: by AngryGreyCat (new)

AngryGreyCat (angrygreycatreads) Catherine wrote: "I saw that post on Facebook too. I'll see if I can find it."

Thanks that would be great. I feel like I am aways running behind keeping up with the posts and information.

message 35: by Catherine (new)

Catherine I found it and someone had already mentioned these books. :)

message 36: by AngryGreyCat (last edited Jun 22, 2016 03:21PM) (new)

AngryGreyCat (angrygreycatreads) For fans of the classic Thin Man...we have a donation from T.C. LoTempio from her Nick and Nora series. She has donated one signed copy of each of the two books in the series, Meow If It's Murder and Claws for Alarm. She has a new book in the series coming out December 6th that really needs readers' support. It is Crime and Catnip: A Nick and Nora Mystery.

message 37: by AngryGreyCat (new)

AngryGreyCat (angrygreycatreads) Catherine wrote: "I found it and someone had already mentioned these books. :)"

Thanks - I wouldn't have had time to look.

message 38: by AngryGreyCat (new)

AngryGreyCat (angrygreycatreads) Hear ye, hear ye, this just in: a new donation, this time from Krista Davis. She is donating one copy each of Murder Most Howl and The Diva Serves High Tea to the Save Our Cozies Readathon to support cozy series and authors that have been cancelled. Thank you Krista for you your support!

message 39: by Catherine (new)

Catherine So many of these donated books are on my wish list ... I hope I win something :)

message 40: by Catherine (new)

Catherine Awesome!!! I hope more people sign up though, even if it decreases my chances. :)

message 41: by AngryGreyCat (last edited Jun 23, 2016 06:09PM) (new)

AngryGreyCat (angrygreycatreads) Namaste - a new donation! This one is from Tracy Weber. She has generously donated a choice of book from her Downward Dog Mysteries, a coffee mug and signed bookmarks for participants! Thank you Tracy! A Killer Retreat Murder Strikes a Pose Karma's a Killer: A Downward Dog Mystery

message 42: by AngryGreyCat (new)

AngryGreyCat (angrygreycatreads) A little sprinkle of magic for your Sunday afternoon: Sofie Kelly has generously donated 2 copies of Faux Paw from her Magical Cats series and 3 copies of A Whisker of Trouble (written as Sofie Ryan) Thank you so much for the donations for the ‪#‎saveourcozies‬ ‪#‎readathon‬

message 43: by AngryGreyCat (new)

AngryGreyCat (angrygreycatreads) Another donation, this time from Nancy Lynn Jarvis with 1 copy of A Neighborly Killing. Thank you, Nancy!

message 44: by AngryGreyCat (last edited Jun 27, 2016 12:47PM) (new)

AngryGreyCat (angrygreycatreads) Which witch is which?...We have a witchy donation from Carol J Perry. She has donated 3 copies of Tails, You Lose, the 2nd book in the Witch City Mystery series. Thank you Carol - I just read the first in the series and really enjoyed it! #saveourcozies #readathon

message 45: by AngryGreyCat (new)

AngryGreyCat (angrygreycatreads) What do I hear??? The sounds of another donation ringing in...This time from Sarah Fox. She has donated 2 Kindle copies of her book Dead Ringer. For those of you who are unfamiliar with this book (as I was), Sarah also writes The Pancake House Mysteries of which book 1, The Crepes of Wrath, will be coming out in September. Thank you Sarah! ‪#‎saveourcozies‬ ‪#‎readathon‬

message 46: by AngryGreyCat (new)

AngryGreyCat (angrygreycatreads) Ready for a little spice? Just in, a spicy new donation from Leslie Budewitz author of The Spice Shop Mysteries, a winner's choice of a print copy of either Assault and Pepper or Guilty as Cinnamon! Thank you Leslie! ‪#‎saveourcozies‬ ‪#‎readathon‬

message 47: by AngryGreyCat (new)

AngryGreyCat (angrygreycatreads) It is the right weather to have a cold brew, from our newest doner, Joyce Tremel. She has donated one signed print copy of To Brew or Not to Brew: A Brewing Trouble Mystery for the ‪#‎saveourcozies‬ ‪#‎readathon‬ - I have read this one and really liked it. Just a funny aside, I didn't have my glasses on when I saw the title and picked it up. I thought it was about tea...

message 48: by AngryGreyCat (new)

AngryGreyCat (angrygreycatreads) Marla Cooper has just said, " I do...." to a donation of one hardback OR one ebook, winner's choice of Terror in Taffeta: A Mystery, book 1 in the Kelsey McKenna Destination Wedding Mysteries. Thank you Marla! ‪#‎saveourcozies‬ ‪#‎readathon‬

message 49: by Catherine (new)

Catherine Cool!!

message 50: by wonderwomand (new)

wonderwomand | 163 comments Borrowed three Key West Books by Lucy Burdette to be read during the readathon.

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