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Member's Bonus Read > Member's Bonus Read Sign-Ups

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message 1: by Michelle, Too many books, too little time! (new)

Michelle (shelld79) | 754 comments Mod
We are going to start trialling a new system where each month a member will be chosen at random to pick a Bonus Read for the group.

The book they choose for the group to read can be absolutely anything at all!

If you are interested in adding your name to the pool for selection please comment below and I'll add you to a list where someone will be chosen at random next month to select their book which will then be added to the group reads for May.

The only requirement is that you actually read the book you decide to choose and then comment on your thoughts which will hopefully get a little more book discussion going.

Once you have been chosen I'll remove your name from the list and if you wish to be chosen again you can always just add another comment.

Lets see how this goes!

message 2: by Robyn (new)

Robyn (robynbourchier) Great idea. Count me in.

message 3: by Elaine (new)

Elaine | 140 comments Things are getting interesting already Michelle. This is great. Please include me on your list. :)

message 4: by Michelle (new)

Michelle stockman (twistidbikergirl) | 1 comments Im In.

message 5: by Michelle, Too many books, too little time! (new)

Michelle (shelld79) | 754 comments Mod
Yay! Another couple of sign ups and I'll start randomly choosing the member for each month.
I'm thinking we can maybe start this in June.

message 6: by Iman (new)

Iman bejeli | 1 comments great.
I'm in .

message 7: by Becky (new)

Becky count me in please

message 8: by Michelle, Too many books, too little time! (new)

Michelle (shelld79) | 754 comments Mod
I'll be adding everyone's name in a hat tomorrow to see which member can have a book of their choice listed as the Bonus read for June.
If anyone else wishes to submit their name onto the list please feel free :-)

message 9: by Michelle, Too many books, too little time! (new)

Michelle (shelld79) | 754 comments Mod
Ok, so if anyone else wants to add their name to this list for July selections please do so by Wednesday 25th.
C'mon and give it a go, it's a great way to discuss any book you like!

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