Clamp discussion

Clamp > Clamp

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message 1: by Hylian Princess , Hylian-Chan (last edited Aug 26, 2009 07:56PM) (new)

Hylian Princess  (hylianprincess) | 400 comments Mod
Clamp Clamp
The artists! duh!

here is a site about them, if you so choose to read it.

message 2: by Hylian Princess , Hylian-Chan (new)

message 3: by Hylian Princess , Hylian-Chan (new)

Hylian Princess  (hylianprincess) | 400 comments Mod
its in Japanese, though

message 4: by Cali (new)

Cali (calimoritz) Ugh, everything good is alwayse in Japanese, like dojinshi...

message 5: by Hylian Princess , Hylian-Chan (new)

Hylian Princess  (hylianprincess) | 400 comments Mod
I wish I could read Japanese, that would be so cool! Whenever i read manga I get jealous of the food

message 6: by Starbubbles, event coordinator type person (new)

Starbubbles | 649 comments Mod
me too! it always looks super delicious!

message 7: by Cali (new)


message 8: by Starbubbles, event coordinator type person (new)

Starbubbles | 649 comments Mod
or just go to japan! it would be so much fun!

message 9: by Hylian Princess , Hylian-Chan (new)

Hylian Princess  (hylianprincess) | 400 comments Mod
Seriously!!! They always have great big, yummy looking meals!

message 10: by Hylian Princess , Hylian-Chan (new)

Hylian Princess  (hylianprincess) | 400 comments Mod

message 11: by Starbubbles, event coordinator type person (new)

Starbubbles | 649 comments Mod
i bought one of those udon starter meals (where they give you the noodle and sauce), and will totally be making it today! yes, and it will be yummy. if only i could make sushi, then i would really be drooling over my future meal...

message 12: by Hylian Princess , Hylian-Chan (new)

Hylian Princess  (hylianprincess) | 400 comments Mod
oohh! yum!!

message 13: by Starbubbles, event coordinator type person (new)

Starbubbles | 649 comments Mod
haha. with everything you can add to it, it's quite easy to share with tons of people. haha

message 14: by Hylian Princess , Hylian-Chan (new)

Hylian Princess  (hylianprincess) | 400 comments Mod
Who's a fan of Clamp on this site? I am!! I just figured out that you can be fan's of authors! cool huh!

message 15: by Starbubbles, event coordinator type person (new)

Starbubbles | 649 comments Mod
lol, i had forgotten about that. how silly of me!

message 16: by Starbubbles, event coordinator type person (new)

Starbubbles | 649 comments Mod
i know! it's just awesome!

oh, slightly off topic. has anyone read clover? i saw it at the bookstore last week, but didn't have time to do research about it.

message 17: by Starbubbles, event coordinator type person (new)

Starbubbles | 649 comments Mod
maybe i should of picked it up at the store. sounds like there's enough twists to keep just about anyone interested. boy, my clamp to-read list keeps growing!

message 18: by Hylian Princess , Hylian-Chan (new)

Hylian Princess  (hylianprincess) | 400 comments Mod
I want to read that one too!

message 19: by Starbubbles, event coordinator type person (new)

Starbubbles | 649 comments Mod
we should make it an event, to read clover together.

message 20: by Starbubbles, event coordinator type person (new)

Starbubbles | 649 comments Mod
i do! central time zone! i would also have to read it online. i haven't seen it at my library.

message 21: by Starbubbles, event coordinator type person (new)

Starbubbles | 649 comments Mod
i was shocked to see just how big my library's magna section was. i'm used to it being like a shelf or two, not a whole bookcase.

message 22: by Starbubbles, event coordinator type person (new)

Starbubbles | 649 comments Mod
well, it's in the 700s, so i guess it's like a "graphic novel" section. but i wish it was all in one section though. there's manga in the 700s, the kid lit section, and young adult section.
anyway- random isn't so bad. it can really broaden your horizon or something

message 23: by Starbubbles, event coordinator type person (new)

Starbubbles | 649 comments Mod
eh? that was a lecture? i thought i was just describing the confusion that is my town's library. lol

message 24: by Hylian Princess , Hylian-Chan (new)

Hylian Princess  (hylianprincess) | 400 comments Mod
I wish my library was bigger...

message 25: by *Sklip* (new)

*Sklip*  (stalkerninja) | 113 comments i totally wish i could buy whatever books i want, i hate it when i buy one book of a series and its incomplete

drives me insane

anyway, i've only read sakura the cardcaptor and volume one of tsubasa

my library is pretty big, but it doesnt have a lot of manga

message 26: by Starbubbles, event coordinator type person (new)

Starbubbles | 649 comments Mod
just search manga in the library's search engine. you would be surprised. mine had over 1000 entries! mind you that included dvds, and western comics, but it was still rather impressive. my school library only had about 10 (yeah, way back in the day), so i was shocked to see the selection. anyway- mine had chobits, which was pretty popular. that one was pretty good, worth checking out.

message 27: by *Sklip* (new)

*Sklip*  (stalkerninja) | 113 comments hmm, ohkay

although tons of people say tsubasa was great or awesome or whatever

but honestly i was really sad how clamp made sakura forget about syaoran!!!!!

message 28: by Starbubbles, event coordinator type person (new)

Starbubbles | 649 comments Mod
yeah, but that's clamp. they always do tragic love stories. people say vampire knight is awesome and i thought that series was a waste of space and trees. so you can't always go with what everyone says.

message 29: by *Sklip* (new)

*Sklip*  (stalkerninja) | 113 comments yeah, like earlier this year people were OBSESSING over twilight so i checked out the whole series and read 'em in a week

they were ohkay-ish, until i started getting mad at people who compared it to harry potter

they're complete different genre!!!!!!!!

message 30: by Starbubbles, event coordinator type person (new)

Starbubbles | 649 comments Mod
i finally saw the movie. it was awful! potter was better, and i don't really like potter. i couldn't imagine what sort of literary drivel was being pettled onto people through this series.

message 31: by *Sklip* (new)

*Sklip*  (stalkerninja) | 113 comments well, yah

everyone who has read the twilight series should agree that the movie sucked

i CANNOT wait until the last harry potter movie comes out!!!!!!

i hear they're not going to leave out anything!!!!!!

message 32: by Starbubbles, event coordinator type person (new)

Starbubbles | 649 comments Mod
is the movie going to be like 6 hours long?!

message 33: by Hylian Princess , Hylian-Chan (new)

Hylian Princess  (hylianprincess) | 400 comments Mod
they're making 2 movies

message 34: by *Sklip* (new)

*Sklip*  (stalkerninja) | 113 comments yep

message 35: by Starbubbles, event coordinator type person (new)

Starbubbles | 649 comments Mod
oh, that makes sense. there just isn't any possible way to not leave anything out and still have it be a reasonable length

message 36: by *Sklip* (new)

*Sklip*  (stalkerninja) | 113 comments lol yah


message 37: by Hylian Princess , Hylian-Chan (new)

Hylian Princess  (hylianprincess) | 400 comments Mod
yeah, its a very detailed book

message 38: by *Sklip* (new)

*Sklip*  (stalkerninja) | 113 comments ~nod nod~

message 39: by *Sklip* (new)

*Sklip*  (stalkerninja) | 113 comments yah, but what REALLY bugs me is that when people who have only read twilight say twilight is better than harry potter, even though they havent read it before

and im all like what the fosho!?!?!?

message 40: by Hylian Princess , Hylian-Chan (new)

Hylian Princess  (hylianprincess) | 400 comments Mod
I liked Twilight and all, but Harry Potter was far better

message 41: by *Sklip* (new)

*Sklip*  (stalkerninja) | 113 comments yah, twilight was ohkay

but yah know, the idea of twilight wasnt very original

has anyone here read night world??? lj smith wrote that series in the 1980s

message 42: by Hylian Princess , Hylian-Chan (new)

Hylian Princess  (hylianprincess) | 400 comments Mod
I have not read that. Is it a lot like Twilight?

message 43: by *Sklip* (new)

*Sklip*  (stalkerninja) | 113 comments hmmm, its basically ten seperate books called the night world series

night world isnt a place its a society that is around us. there are vampires, werewolves, witches, and shapeshifters. and there are two main rules for people from night world

1) not to let humans know about night world
2) not to fall in love with humans

and basically the ten books of night world are about what happens when the rules get broken

its kinda a series, but then kinda not
each story is about a different couple, but they're all about the same thing

message 44: by *Sklip* (last edited Aug 31, 2009 05:23PM) (new)

*Sklip*  (stalkerninja) | 113 comments i reccomend it to anyone who likes vampire romances...i would only reccomend twilight if you are only and positively bored

message 45: by Hylian Princess , Hylian-Chan (new)

Hylian Princess  (hylianprincess) | 400 comments Mod
haha that's interesting. maybe I'll read one some day.

message 46: by *Sklip* (new)

*Sklip*  (stalkerninja) | 113 comments oops, i left out a word

i meant i would only reccomend twilight if you are positivly bored

message 47: by Hylian Princess , Hylian-Chan (new)

Hylian Princess  (hylianprincess) | 400 comments Mod
aw, that's true

message 48: by Starbubbles, event coordinator type person (new)

Starbubbles | 649 comments Mod
i don't think i could read it, even if i was bored. i'd rather watch "dot and the whale" again, and let's face it, that movie blew.

message 49: by Starbubbles, event coordinator type person (new)

Starbubbles | 649 comments Mod
it's a boring kids' movie. i really wouldn't recommend it.

message 50: by *Sklip* (new)

*Sklip*  (stalkerninja) | 113 comments lol...last night

i was on goodreads three in the morning and i was so bored i could swear i was bored enough to read twilight again..........

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