Classics Without All the Class discussion

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Book Suggestions > Suggestions 1910-1960

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message 1: by Jeane, Book-tator (last edited Jan 09, 2014 05:56PM) (new)

Jeane (pinkbookdragon) | 323 comments This thread is for adding suggestions to the bookshelf for books that were originally published from 1910-1960. We will be adding these books to our list for future polls. Each month the thread will close and a new thread will open in order to keep the threads shorter.

Before you make a suggestion, please MAKE SURE YOU CHECK THE BOOKSHELVES ( ). Your suggestion might already be there. :) Go to the home page of the group, and click the link to the left that says bookshelf. All the suggestions so far are on the shelf. Here are the guidelines for making suggestions for the group:

1. Nothing published after 2004. Please feel free to ask if you are unsure if a book falls under the category of "classic." This can be an especially difficult issue for contemporary classics.

2. No non-fiction

3. No poetry

We are adding young adult and children's books (Not picture books) and plays to the mix for now to see how it goes.

There may be times that exceptions are made for special reasons, and our Shelf-tator Angie has the final say as to what goes on to the bookshelves. If one of your book recommendations doesn't make it, that's okay, because you can still start a thread about it, or anything else in our forums.


Jennifer Miller Ruley | 14 comments If we're adding YA and plays I have a couple of suggestions if they qualify:
Flowers for Algernon
Lord of the Flies
A Raisin in the Sun

message 3: by Angie Downs (new)

Angie Downs Jennifer wrote: "If we're adding YA and plays I have a couple of suggestions if they qualify:
Flowers for Algernon
Lord of the Flies
A Raisin in the Sun"

These are all great suggestions! Thanks! :)

message 4: by Andrew (new)

Andrew (andrewthered) | 4 comments Arrowsmith - Lewis
We - Zamyatin
Mrs Dalloway - Woolf
Fountainhead - Rand
We the Living - Rand

Some Classic/Early Sci-fi (noticed you authorized Asimov)
Various Titles (At the Mountain of Madness; Call of Cthulhu; - H. P. Lovecraft
Starship Troopers - Heinlein

Death of a Salesman - Miller
Night of January 16th - Rand

message 5: by Francie (new)

Francie Grice Death Comes for the Archbishop

message 6: by Pam (new)

Pam EMBERS by Sandor Marai/Carol Brown Janeway

message 7: by Karen (new)

Karen Midaq Alley by Naguib Mahfouz
The Yearling and South Moon Under byMarjorie Kinnan Rawlings

Goodreads has South Moon Under as published in 1972 but it was actually published in 1933. Wonderful book!

message 8: by Jeane, Book-tator (new)

Jeane (pinkbookdragon) | 323 comments We are temporarily stopping posts for this because we have an overwhelming number of books currently recommended to us right now. If you absolutely need to request a book that you don't see in our bookshelves PLEASE feel free to send me a PM :) Thanks!

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