Young Adult Book Club discussion

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message 1: by Maya (last edited Sep 28, 2013 05:47PM) (new)

Maya (pankratzmaya) | 101 comments Mod
*Please do not spam, if you do it will be deleted.
*Cursing is okay to emphasize a point or just every once in a while, but please don't curse too much.
*Any rude comments will be removed. There is a difference between expressing your opinion and being unnecessarily cruel.

*Keep posts in the section they belong!
*Please don't promote books, eventually an author's folder will be created for that.

If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know now.

message 2: by han⚢ (new)

han⚢ I have a question...
The October horror challenge where you read 5 horror books.. how do you enter that? And how do they work?

message 3: by Maya (last edited Sep 22, 2013 05:01PM) (new)

Maya (pankratzmaya) | 101 comments Mod
Hannah wrote: "I have a question...
The October horror challenge where you read 5 horror books.. how do you enter that? And how do they work?"

Ok so it won't open until October. When you visit the main page of the book club on October first, there will be something at the bottom of the challenge box that tells you to enter the name of a shelf. It will create a shelf that you can track your progress on. Every time you read a horror novel, just add it to that shelf and it will count towards your progress.

message 4: by han⚢ (new)

han⚢ Maya wrote: "Hannah wrote: "I have a question...
The October horror challenge where you read 5 horror books.. how do you enter that? And how do they work?"

Ok so it won't open until October. When you visit th..."

Thank you! That makes a lot of sense now!

message 5: by Jocelyn (new)

Jocelyn Reyes (jocelynreyes) | 18 comments does anyone know any steampunk books to read that are good? if so please send me a message:)

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