Romance Readers Reading Challenges discussion

2013 Challenge Archive > September 2013 Monthly Challenge - Participants Thread

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message 1: by MountainKat, Moderator (last edited Jan 12, 2014 01:06PM) (new)

MountainKat | 29202 comments 2013 September Monthly Challenges

This thread is for the participants to post their list and update their progress. The suggestions thread is located HERE.

1. 'S' is for September: Read a book that starts with 'S' or a book whose author's first or last name starts with 'S'

2. Member of the Month - Pollyanna: Pollyanna has been a member of the RRRC since January 2010. Here is the link to Pollyanna's shelves. Please read a book from any of Pollyanna's shelves or a book published in 2010.

3. Geography - Connecticut: Read a book whose author, character or setting is from Connecticut.
Fun Facts about Connecticut:
★ Connecticut is known as the "Constitution State".
★ Connecticut is named after the Connecticut River. The word is a French corruption of the Algonquian word quinetucket, which means "long tidal river".
★ The famous author Mark Twain was a resident of Connecticut.

So you can also read a historical romance set in the United States or any book where a MC works for the government. Or you could read a book with a body of water on the cover or is set on a body of water. In addition, you may read The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn or any other classic.

4. Fight Procrastination Day (Sept. 6): One problem with this group, it makes your TBR grow and grow and many books get neglected. Read a book that has been on your to-read (or similar) shelf for over a year. Or if you are a newer member to goodreads, one that has been on that shelf since you joined.

5. Make Your Bed Day (Sept. 11): Or don't! Read a book where someone ends up in a bed at some point - alone or otherwise! =P

6. Defy Superstition Day (Sept. 13): Knock on Wood, Cross Your Fingers or maybe counting on Beginner's Luck - all things we might be doing this Friday the 13th! Or you could read instead! Read a PNR, UF, horror or a book with any good or bad luck symbol on the cover.

7. Blame Someone Else Day (Sept. 13): Read a book recommended to you by someone or a book from your GR recommendations. Then you can blame, or credit, someone else!

8. Elephant Appreciation Day (Sept. 22): And there is so much to appreciate...! Read a book with an animal (or shifter) on the cover or in the story.

9. National Good Neighbor Day (Sept. 28): I have some and I hope you do too! Read a book where a neighbor plays part in the story or a friends to lovers story.

10. Reader's Choice: Read any book of your choosing!

You can choose 3, 5, 8 or all 10 categories depending on your reading speed, book availability and/or time commitment.

When posting your challenge progress, please make sure to put the date/s when you finished your book/s.

Please repost your progress as it helps when updating.

Happy Reading!!

message 2: by MountainKat, Moderator (last edited Oct 03, 2013 05:46PM) (new)

MountainKat | 29202 comments 2013 September Monthly Challenges

Some stats for your perusing pleasure...

We had 76 people sign up for this challenge and 65 report that they had read at least one book for the challenge. Fifty five of the participants completed the challenge by reading the number of books they had challenged themselves to read. Three of them read more than they challenged themselves! Overall, we pledged to attempt 598 books for the September 2013 Monthly Challenge and managed to finish 514! That is a lot of books!!

Our Finishers:

Hina - 10/10
Rebecca - 10/10
Brandilyn - 10/10
Fran - 10/5+
Ty - 10/10
NayNay - 10/10
Angie (Mind Malfunction) - 17/10
Leeann - 5/5
Susan A - 10/10
Tina Theresa - 8/8
Sassafrass - 10/10
Juana "Darkness" - 7/7
Asmaa - 10/10
Nikita - 10/10
Penney - 10/10
~Melissa~ - 5/5
Lynne - 10/10
KarenF - 8/8
Breann - 5/5
AndaM - 10/10
Joann - 5/5
Valorie - 10/10
Ansonja - 10/10
~KarenH~ - 10/10
Ethel - 10/10
MountainKat - 10/10
Gea - 8/8
Nichole - 10/10
Pam - 5/5
Shan - 5/5
Laurie - 10/10
Nadine 10/10
Lacy - 9/7
Barbara★ - 10/10
BJ Rose - 8/8
Angie - 10/10
Susan - 10/10
Lindy - 5/5
Bookchaser - 10/10
Katharina - 3/3
Katie - 10/10
Sandra - 5/5
Elizabeth - 10/10
bamaace83 - 5/5
Patty - 7/7
Erin - 7/7
ɑƨħŵɑɡ - 10/10
Wan "The Snake Charmer" - 5/5
Daffodil - 5/5
Julie (Mom2Inb) - 6/6
Ann (Noumena12) - 10/10
★Rachael★ - 10/10
Suzanne - 10/10
Tina - 8/8
Karen - 5/5

message 3: by MountainKat, Moderator (last edited Oct 03, 2013 06:09PM) (new)

MountainKat | 29202 comments 2013 September Monthly Challenges

How We finished:

10 Books

Angie (Mind Malfunction)
Ann (Noumena12)
Susan A

9 Books

8 Books
BJ Rose
Tina Theresa

7 Books
Aunt T
Juana "Darkness"

6 Books
Julie (Mom2Inb)

5 Books
Ezinwanvi~For you, Agron
Wan "The Snake Charmer"

4 Books

3 Books

2 Books

1 Book

message 4: by MountainKat, Moderator (new)

MountainKat | 29202 comments I had hoped to get this posted earlier, but real life interfered! I hope you all still have time to figure it out and update shelves before the PIFM.

And I'm in for all 10 as usual!

message 5: by Ty (new)

Ty  | 1943 comments woohoo! in for 10

message 6: by Isha (new)

Isha | 500 comments I'm in for all 10. Great categories MountainKat!

message 7: by Susan (new)

Susan (scoutmomskf) | 1813 comments I'm in for 10 :-)

message 8: by Ezi (last edited Sep 17, 2013 09:52AM) (new)

Ezi Chinny (ezinwanyi) | 2657 comments September 2013 Monthly Challenge
Books Read 5 of 10

1. 'S' is for September:
Sugar Daddy (Done 9/2) ★★★★½

2. Member of the Month - Pollyanna (book from her shelf): The Fault in Our Stars (Done 9/11) ★★★★★

3. Geography - Connecticut: TBA

4. Fight Procrastination Day (Sept. 6): Dangerous Games

5. Make Your Bed Day (Sept. 11): Bad Blood (Done 9/4) ★★★½

6. Defy Superstition Day (Sept. 13) (broken mirror): Through the Zombie Glass

7. Blame Someone Else Day (Sept. 13) (Shelby P & Magda): Beast (Done 9/3) ★★★½

8. Elephant Appreciation Day (Sept. 22): Prey--reading now

9. National Good Neighbor Day (Sept. 28): On the Jellicoe Road (Done 9/8) ★★★½

10. Reader's Choice: The Husband's Secret

Sugar Daddy (Travises, #1) by Lisa Kleypas The Fault in Our Stars by John Green Dangerous Games (Riley Jenson Guardian, #4) by Keri Arthur Bad Blood (House of Comarré, #3) by Kristen Painter Through the Zombie Glass (White Rabbit Chronicles, #2) by Gena Showalter Beast by Pepper Pace Prey (Infected, #1) by Andrea Speed On the Jellicoe Road by Melina Marchetta The Husband's Secret by Liane Moriarty

message 9: by MountainKat, Moderator (new)

MountainKat | 29202 comments Thanks Nikita!

And Ezinwanyi~For you, Agron, how did you do that soooo fast?!

message 10: by Deedee (last edited Sep 20, 2013 07:03PM) (new)

Deedee | 180 comments September 2013 Monthly Challenge
Books Read 5 of 10

1. 'S' is for September: (Stephen) Four Past Midnight (1990) by Stephen King (09/20/13)

2. Member of the Month - (pub. 2010): Fundraising the Dead (A Museum Mystery #1) (2010) by Sheila Connolly (09/09/13)

3. Geography - Connecticut: TBA

4. Fight Procrastination Day (Sept. 6): On goodreads since April 2010, and on my personal TBR for many years before that: Bridge of Birds: A Novel of an Ancient China That Never Was (The Chronicles of Master Li and Number Ten Ox #1) (1984) by Barry Hughart (09/14/13)

5. Make Your Bed Day (Sept. 11): Touched by an Alien (Katherine "Kitty" Katt #1) (2010) by Gini Koch (09/05/13)

6. Defy Superstition Day (Sept. 13):

7. Blame Someone Else Day (Sept. 13):

8. Elephant Appreciation Day (Sept. 22):

9. National Good Neighbor Day (Sept. 28):

10. Reader's Choice: The Black Tower (2008) by Louis Bayard (09/16/13)

Four Past Midnight by Stephen King Fundraising the Dead (A Museum Mystery, #1) by Sheila Connolly Bridge of Birds A Novel of an Ancient China That Never Was by Barry Hughart Touched by an Alien (Katherine "Kitty" Katt, #1) by Gini Koch The Black Tower by Louis Bayard

message 11: by Ezi (new)

Ezi Chinny (ezinwanyi) | 2657 comments MountainKat wrote: "Thanks Nikita!

And Ezinwanyi~For you, Agron, how did you do that soooo fast?!"

I've got my Sept TBR plan already so I just plugged in. I don't know about the CT book though

message 12: by Brandilyn (last edited Sep 01, 2013 02:33PM) (new)

Brandilyn (brandilynrc) | 869 comments In for 10.

0/10 Complete

1. 'S' is for September: Scott, RJ The Gallows Tree
2. Member of the Month - Pollyanna (2010): The Next Competitor
3. Geography: Stars & Stripes (re-read)
4. Fight Procrastination Day (Sept. 6): Dance With Me
5. Make Your Bed Day (Sept. 11): TBD
6. Defy Superstition Day (Sept. 13): Three Fates
7. Blame Someone Else Day (Sept. 13): PifM/CZ/FotM
8. Elephant Appreciation Day (Sept. 22): Thorns
9. National Good Neighbor Day (Sept. 28): Str8te Boys
10. Reader's Choice: The French Have a Word for It

The Gallows Tree by R.J. Scott The Next Competitor by K.P. Kincaid Stars & Stripes (Cut & Run, #6) by Abigail Roux Dance With Me by Heidi Cullinan Three Fates by Andrew Grey Thorns by Feliz Faber Str8te Boys by Evangeline Anderson The French Have a Word for It by Josh Lanyon

message 13: by Susan A (last edited Sep 15, 2013 02:53PM) (new)

Susan A | 2125 comments 10/10 Read Complete

1. 'S' is for September:Spook Squad Sept 9 ★★★★★
2. Member of the Month - Pollyanna (2010):Like Pizza and Beer Sept 2 ★★★★
3. Geography CT(gov't): Fifteen Shades of Gay Sept 5 ★★★★
4. Fight Procrastination Day (Sept. 6)Somatesthesia Sept 13 ★★★★
5. Make Your Bed Day (Sept. 11): Country Mouse Sept 6 ★★★★
6. Defy Superstition Day (Sept. 13): Turning Tricks Sept 1 ★★★★
7. Blame Someone Else Day (Sept. 13): (MountainKat) Let's Hear it for the Boy Sept 10 ★★★★★
8. Elephant Appreciation Day (Sept. 22): Undertow Sept 12 ★★★★★
9. National Good Neighbor Day (Sept. 28):Boys of Summer Sept 1 ★★★★★
10. Reader's Choice: Six Degrees of LustSept 15 ★★★★★

Spook Squad (PsyCop, #7) by Jordan Castillo Price Like Pizza and Beer (Dino Martini Mysteries, #2) by Elle Parker Fifteen Shades of Gay (For Pay) by T. Baggins Somatesthesia by Ann Somerville Country Mouse (Country Mouse, #1) by Amy Lane Turning Tricks (Task Force Iota, #2) by Anne Tenino Let's Hear it for the Boy by T.A. Webb Undertow (Infected, #7) by Andrea Speed Boys of Summer (Boys of Summer #1) by Cooper Davis Six Degrees of Lust (By Degrees, #1) by Taylor V. Donovan

message 14: by Breann (new)

Breann | 398 comments Susan A wrote: "I'm in.

What is PNR?"

paranormal romance

message 15: by Breann (last edited Aug 31, 2013 04:21PM) (new)

Breann | 398 comments Read: 0/5

1. 'S' is for September: Captive Prince: Volume One by S.U. Pacat

5. Make Your Bed Day (Sept. 11): Life Lessons

6. Defy Superstition Day (Sept. 13): Good Bones

7. Blame Someone Else Day (Sept. 13): Question Mark

10. Reader's Choice: The Shattered Gates

Captive Prince Volume One (Captive Prince, #1) by S.U. Pacat Life Lessons (Life Lessons, #1) by Kaje Harper Good Bones by Kim Fielding Question Mark (Liaisons #2) by S.E. Culpepper The Shattered Gates (Rifter #1) by Ginn Hale

message 16: by Susan A (new)

Susan A | 2125 comments Breann wrote: "Susan A wrote: "I'm in.

What is PNR?"

paranormal romance"

Thanks..and I guess UF is urban fantasy?

message 17: by Ethel (last edited Aug 23, 2013 01:29AM) (new)

Ethel | 739 comments I'm in, again. Posting the rest of my picks later. Nice categories! :)

0/10 read

1. 'S' is for September: If You See Her by Shiloh Walker
Down London Road by Samantha Young
Second Rate Chances by Samantha Young

2. Member of the Month - Pollyanna: A Matter of Time, Vol. 1 by Mary Calmes

3. Geography - Connecticut: The Edge by Catherine Coulter

4. Fight Procrastination Day (Sept. 6): Seducing Jane Porter by Dominique Adair

5. Make Your Bed Day (Sept. 11): If You See Her by Shiloh Walker
Second Rate Chances by Samantha Young

6. Defy Superstition Day (Sept. 13): Twice Tempted by Jeaniene Frost

7. Blame Someone Else Day (Sept. 13): Thread of Fear by Laura Griffin
Whiskey Beach by Nora Roberts

8. Elephant Appreciation Day (Sept. 22):

9. National Good Neighbor Day (Sept. 28): Ten Tiny Breaths by K.A. Tucker

10. Reader's Choice:

message 18: by Bookchaser (last edited Sep 03, 2013 06:44PM) (new)

Bookchaser | 1986 comments 2013 September Monthly Challenges

0/10 Completed

01. 'S' is for September: Read a book that starts with 'S' or a book whose author's first or last name starts with 'S'
Sea Glass Island by Sherryl Woods
Slightly Tempted by Mary Balogh
Just One Kiss by Susan Mallery
02. Member of the Month ~ Pollyanna: Pollyanna has been a member of the RRRC since January 2010. Please read a book from any of Pollyanna's shelves or a book published in 2010.
Anne of Windy Poplars by L.M. Montgomery
Night in Eden by Candice Proctor
The Guy Next Door by Lori Foster
03. Geography - Connecticut: Read a book whose author, character or setting is from Connecticut.
Fun Facts about Connecticut:
★ Connecticut is known as the "Constitution State".
★ Connecticut is named after the Connecticut River. The word is a French corruption of the Algonquian word quinetucket, which means "long tidal river".
★ The famous author Mark Twain was a resident of Connecticut.
So you can also read a historical romance set in the United States or any book where a MC works for the government. Or you could read a book with a body of water on the cover or is set on a body of water. In addition, you may read The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn or any other classic.
The Arrangement by Joan Wolf
Someday Soon by Joan Wolf
Snowfall At Willow Lake by Susan Wiggs
04. Fight Procrastination Day (Sept. 6): One problem with this group, it makes your TBR grow and grow and many books get neglected. Read a book that has been on your to-read (or similar) shelf for over a year. Or if you are a newer member to goodreads, one that has been on that shelf since you joined.
Rose by Leigh Greenwood
Lord of the Storm by Justine Davis
05. Make Your Bed Day (Sept. 11): Or don't! Read a book where someone ends up in a bed at some point - alone or otherwise! =P

06. Defy Superstition Day (Sept. 13): Knock on Wood, Cross Your Fingers or maybe counting on Beginner's Luck - all things we might be doing this Friday the 13th! Or you could read instead! Read a PNR, UF, horror or a book with any good or bad luck symbol on the cover.
Heart of Obsidian by Nalini Singh
Touched By Fire by Catherine Spangler
07. Blame Someone Else Day (Sept. 13): Read a book recommended to you by someone or a book from your GR recommendations. Then you can blame, or credit, someone else!
Highlander for the Holidays by Janet Chapman

08. Elephant Appreciation Day (Sept. 22): And there is so much to appreciate...! Read a book with an animal (or shifter) on the cover or in the story.
Mate Claimed by Jennifer Ashley
Hunger Untamed by Pamela Palmer
Leopard's Prey by Christine Feehan
09. National Good Neighbor Day (Sept. 28): I have some and I hope you do too! Read a book where a neighbor plays part in the story or a friends to lovers story.

10. Reader's Choice: Read any book of your choosing!
Twelve Sharp by Janet Evanovich

XXX Sea Glass Island (Ocean Breeze, #3) by Sherryl Woods XXX Slightly Tempted (Bedwyn Saga #4) by Mary Balogh XXX Just One Kiss (Fool's Gold #10) by Susan Mallery XXX Anne of Windy Poplars (Anne of Green Gables #4) by L.M. Montgomery XXX Night in Eden by Candice Proctor XXX The Guy Next Door (Includes Men Who Walk the Edge of Honor, #0.5; Donovan Brothers Brewery, #0.5) by Lori Foster XXX The Arrangement by Joan Wolf XXX Someday Soon by Joan Wolf XXX Snowfall At Willow Lake (Lakeshore Chronicles, #4) by Susan Wiggs XXX Rose (Seven Brides, #1) by Leigh Greenwood XXX Lord of the Storm (Coalition, #1) by Justine Davis XXX Heart of Obsidian (Psy-Changeling, #12) by Nalini Singh XXX Touched By Fire (The Sentinels #2) by Catherine Spangler XXX Highlander for the Holidays (Highlander, #8) by Janet Chapman XXX Mate Claimed (Shifters Unbound, #4) by Jennifer Ashley XXX Hunger Untamed (Feral Warriors, #5) by Pamela Palmer XXX Leopard's Prey (Leopard People, #6) by Christine Feehan XXX Twelve Sharp (Stephanie Plum, #12) by Janet Evanovich XXX

message 19: by Breann (new)

Breann | 398 comments Susan A wrote: Thanks..and I guess UF is urban fantasy?"


message 20: by MountainKat, Moderator (new)

MountainKat | 29202 comments Breann wrote: "Susan A wrote: Thanks..and I guess UF is urban fantasy?"


Thanks Breann, I wasn't getting notifications so I missed these questions!

message 21: by Breann (new)

Breann | 398 comments MountainKat wrote: "Breann wrote: "Susan A wrote: Thanks..and I guess UF is urban fantasy?"


Thanks Breann, I wasn't getting notifications so I missed these questions!"

Of course ^_^

message 22: by ~KarenH~, Moderator (new)

~KarenH~ | 10875 comments I'm in for all 10 as usual!

message 23: by Elizabeth (new)

Elizabeth (elizabeth_greece) | 1918 comments I'm in for 10!

message 24: by Pam (new)

Pam (txpam) | 142 comments I'm in for 5 for sure but I may do more.

message 25: by Laurie (last edited Sep 25, 2013 11:48PM) (new)

Laurie September PT

1. S for September: Rachel Gibson - Simply Irresistible (9/15)
2. Published in 2010 : EJ Copperman - Night of the Living Deed (9/13)
3. Cruise: Maria Hudgins - Death on the Aegean Queen (9/19)
4. TBR: Nora Roberts - High Noon (9/19)
5. someone ends up in bed (alone or otherwise): in this case - dead: Agatha Christie - After the Funeral (9/10)
6. PNR: Linda Howard - Son of the Morninng (9/4)
7. recommended book (my mom): Reba White Williams - Restrike (9/21)
8. animal on cover (cat): EJ Copperman - An Uninvited Ghost (9/17)
9. neighbor play role in story: Tracy Kiely - Murder at Longbourn (9/11)
10. choice: Holly Lisle - I See You (9/3)

Simply Irresistible (Chinooks Hockey Team, #1) by Rachel Gibson Night of the Living Deed (Haunted Guesthouse Mystery #1) by E.J. Copperman Death on the Aegean Queen (Dotsy Lamb, #3) by Maria Hudgins High Noon by Nora Roberts After the Funeral by Agatha Christie Son of the Morning by Linda Howard Restrike (Coleman and Dinah Greene Mystery, #1) by Reba White Williams An Uninvited Ghost (Haunted Guesthouse Mystery, #2) by E.J. Copperman Murder at Longbourn (An Elizabeth Parker Mystery #1) by Tracy Kiely I See You by Holly Lisle



message 26: by Angie (new)

Angie | 761 comments 1. 'S' is for September: Simply Forbidden - Kate Pearce
2. Member of the Month - Pollyanna: Simply Insatiable - Kate Pearce
3. Geography - Connecticut: When Marrying A Scoundrel - Kathryn Smith
4. Fight Procrastination Day (Sept. 6): Wolf Whisper – Karen Whiddon
5. Make Your Bed Day (Sept. 11): Tied Up, Tied Down - Lorelei James
6. Defy Superstition Day (Sept. 13): The End of Darkness - Jaime Rush
7. Blame Someone Else Day (Sept. 13): Don't Kill The Messenger - Eileen Rendahl
8. Elephant Appreciation Day (Sept. 22): Kane - Loribelle Hunt
9. National Good Neighbor Day (Sept. 28): Wicked To Love - Shayla Black
10. Reader's Choice: Pure Blood - Melissa Pearl
Simply Forbidden (House of Pleasure #6) by Kate Pearce Simply Insatiable (House of Pleasure #5) by Kate Pearce When Marrying a Scoundrel (Victorian Soap Opera, #2) by Kathryn Smith Wolf Whisperer (The Pack, #11) by Karen Whiddon Tied Up, Tied Down (Rough Riders, #4) by Lorelei James The End of Darkness (Offspring, #7) by Jaime Rush Don't Kill The Messenger (Messenger, #1) by Eileen Rendahl Kane (Special Branch) by Loribelle Hunt Wicked to Love (Wicked Lovers, #5.5) by Shayla Black Pure Blood (Time Spirit Trilogy, #3) by Melissa Pearl

message 27: by Sassafrass (last edited Sep 15, 2013 07:09PM) (new)

Sassafrass (sass-a-frass) | 4148 comments I'm in for 10 again.

1. 'S' is for September: Southern Comfort

2. Member of the Month - Pollyanna: Mine Till Midnight (on TBR)

3. Geography - Connecticut: Stars & Stripes (FBI)

4. Fight Procrastination Day (Sept. 6): Eastern Ambitions (on TBR since 11/2011)

5. Make Your Bed Day (Sept. 11): Western Ties

6. Defy Superstition Day (Sept. 13): House Rules

7. Blame Someone Else Day (Sept. 13): Firsts (recommended by Renee)

8. Elephant Appreciation Day (Sept. 22): Tricked (main character on the cover is a druid and shape shifter)

9. National Good Neighbor Day (Sept. 28): Desire Unleashed

10. Reader's Choice: Collide

message 28: by Barbara ★ (last edited Aug 23, 2013 04:46AM) (new)

Barbara ★ | 3856 comments READ: 0/10

1. 'S' is for September: Scarlet Nights - Jude Deveraux
2. Member of the Month - Pollyanna: Kiss Me, Kill Me - Maggie Shayne (pub 2010)
3. Geography - Connecticut: Rebel - Zoe Archer (historical romance)
4. Fight Procrastination Day: Royal Assassin - Robin Hobb (on TBR since 8/2009)
5. Make Your Bed Day: TBD
6. Defy Superstition Day: Written in Red - Anne Bishop (vampires)
7. Blame Someone Else Day: Descent: The Heroic Discovery of the Abyss - Bradford Matsen (recommended by my father)
8. Elephant Appreciation Day: When Is A Pig A Hog?: A Guide To Confoundingly Related English Words - Bernice Randall (pig on cover)
9. National Good Neighbor Day: TBD
10. Reader's Choice:

Scarlet Nights (Edilean, #3) by Jude Deveraux Kiss Me, Kill Me (Secrets of Shadow Falls, #3) by Maggie Shayne Rebel (The Blades of the Rose, #3) by Zoe Archer Royal Assassin (Farseer Trilogy, #2) by Robin Hobb [TBD] Written in Red (The Others, #1) by Anne Bishop Descent The Heroic Discovery of the Abyss by Bradford Matsen When Is A Pig A Hog? A Guide To Confoundingly Related English Words by Bernice Randall [TBD][TBD]

message 29: by NayNay (last edited Sep 12, 2013 06:22AM) (new)

NayNay 2013 September Monthly Challenges
Sept 01/13 - Sept 30/13


1. 'S' is for September: Read a book that starts with 'S' or a book whose author's first or last name starts with 'S'
The Serpent and the Pearl (The Borgias, #1) by Kate Quinn The Serpent and the Pearl by Kate Quinn 09/04/13 ****

2. Member of the Month: Please read a book from any of Pollyanna's shelves or a book published in 2010.
Happy Birthday Pollyanna - Between Shades of Gray by Ruta Sepetys Between Shades of Gray by Ruta Sepetys 09/11/13 ****

3. Geography - Connecticut: Read a book whose author, character or setting is from Connecticut.
**So you can also read a historical romance set in the United States or any book where a MC works for the government. Or you could read a book with a body of water on the cover or is set on a body of water. In addition, you may read The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn or any other classic.**
No Mercy (A Mercy Gunderson Mystery #1) by Lori G. Armstrong No Mercy by Lori Armstrong 09/01/13 **** (US Army Sniper)

4. Fight Procrastination Day (Sept. 6) Read a book that has been on your to-read (or similar) shelf for over a year.
The Red Tent by Anita Diamant The Red Tent by Anita Diamant 09/10/13 ***

5. Make Your Bed Day (Sept. 11): Or don't! Read a book where someone ends up in a bed at some point - alone or otherwise!
The Champion by Elizabeth Chadwick The Champion by Elizabeth Chadwick 09/02/13 *****

6. Defy Superstition Day (Sept. 13): Read a PNR, UF, horror or a book with any good or bad luck symbol on the cover.
Daughters of the Witching Hill by Mary Sharratt Daughters of the Witching Hill by Mary Sharratt 09/06/13 ****

7. Blame Someone Else Day (Sept. 13): Read a book recommended to you by someone or a book from your GR recommendations. Then you can blame, or credit, someone else!
Elsie Adventures of an Arizona Schoolteacher 1913-1916 by Barbara Anne Waite Elsie: Adventures of an Arizona Schoolteacher 1913-1916 by Barbara Anne Waite 09/03/13 *****

8. Elephant Appreciation Day (Sept. 22): Read a book with an animal (or shifter) on the cover or in the story.
The Sapphire Talisman (Talisman, #2) by Brenda Pandos The Sapphire Talisman by Brenda Pandos 09/03/13 ****

9. National Good Neighbor Day (Sept. 28): Read a book where a neighbor plays part in the story or a friends to lovers story.
The Viking's Sacrifice by Julia Knight The Viking's Sacrifice by Julia Knight 09/05/13 ****

10. Reader's Choice: Read any book of your choosing!
The Unveiling (Age of Faith, #1) by Tamara Leigh The Unveiling by Tamara Leigh 09/05/13 ****

message 30: by Hina (new)

Hina (hinaj) | 2581 comments I am in for 10 as usual...will post list soon.

message 31: by Sandra (new)

Sandra | 4260 comments RRRC September 2013 Monthly Challenge

0/5 Completed

1. 'S' is for September: Kerrelyn Sparks - Wild About You
2. Make Your Bed Day (Sept. 11): Dire Desires
3. Defy Superstition Day (Sept. 13): The Trouble With Fate
4. Elephant Appreciation Day (Sept. 22): Desperately Seeking Shapeshifter
5. Choice: Phoenix Rising

Wild About You (Love at Stake, #13) by Kerrelyn Sparks Dire Desires (Eternal Wolf Clan, #3) by Stephanie Tyler The Trouble With Fate (Mystwalker, #1) by Leigh Evans Desperately Seeking Shapeshifter (Midnight Liaisons, #2) by Jessica Sims Phoenix Rising (Ministry of Peculiar Occurrences #1) by Philippa Ballantine

message 32: by ~Melissa~ (last edited Sep 20, 2013 08:10PM) (new)

~Melissa~ | 2058 comments RRRC September 2013 Monthly Challenge


1. 'S' is for September: Jane Seville Liar 9/20/13 3♥

5. Make Your Bed Day (Sept. 11): Kissin' Tell 9/16/13 3.5♥

6. Defy Superstition Day (Sept. 13): Widow’s Web 9/15/13 3♥

8. Elephant Appreciation Day (Sept. 22): Blood Reunion 9/3/13 4♥

10. Reader's Choice: Read any book of your choosing! Bone Crossed 9/11/13 4♥

message 33: by iReadFluff (last edited Sep 14, 2013 03:14PM) (new)

iReadFluff (lovelee8) I'm in for 5.

RRRC September 2013 Monthly Challenge

5/5 completed

1. 'S' is for September:
Wedding Night by Sophie Kinsella 9/8***

2. Member of the Month - Pollyanna:
84 Charing Cross Road by Helene Hanff 9/1 ****

8. Elephant Appreciation Day (Sept. 22):
Killer Cruise by Laura Levine 9/4***

9. National Good Neighbor Day (Sept. 28):
Death of a Trophy Wife by Laura Levine (Her neighbor Lance plays a big part in the story) 9/14**

10. Reader's Choice:
The Witches of East End by Melissa de la Cruz 9/2 ***

84, Charing Cross Road / The Duchess of Bloomsbury Street by Helene Hanff Killer Cruise (A Jaine Austen Mystery, #8) by Laura Levine Death of a Trophy Wife (A Jaine Austen Mystery, #9) by Laura Levine Witches of East End (The Beauchamp Family, #1) by Melissa de la Cruz Wedding Night by Sophie Kinsella

message 34: by Rebecca (last edited Aug 25, 2013 07:55AM) (new)

Rebecca (bd200789) I'm in for 10.

2013 September Monthly Challenges

0/10 Completed

01. 'S' is for September: Read a book that starts with 'S' or a book whose author's first or last name starts with 'S'
Tempting Faith by Susan Mallery
02. Member of the Month ~ Pollyanna: Pollyanna has been a member of the RRRC since January 2010. Please read a book from any of Pollyanna's shelves or a book published in 2010.
The Captain's Lady Louise M. Gouge pub. 2010

03. Geography - Connecticut: Read a book whose author, character or setting is from Connecticut.
Fun Facts about Connecticut:
★ Connecticut is known as the "Constitution State".
★ Connecticut is named after the Connecticut River. The word is a French corruption of the Algonquian word quinetucket, which means "long tidal river".
★ The famous author Mark Twain was a resident of Connecticut.

So you can also read a historical romance set in the United States or any book where a MC works for the government. Or you could read a book with a body of water on the cover or is set on a body of water. In addition, you may read The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn or any other classic.
Courting Miss Callie Dorothy Clark set in New York, 1841

04. Fight Procrastination Day (Sept. 6): One problem with this group, it makes your TBR grow and grow and many books get neglected. Read a book that has been on your to-read (or similar) shelf for over a year. Or if you are a newer member to goodreads, one that has been on that shelf since you joined.
When Harry Met Molly Kieran Kramer on TBR since Feb. 2011
if this comes in time for me to read it
05. Make Your Bed Day (Sept. 11): Or don't! Read a book where someone ends up in a bed at some point - alone or otherwise! =P
The Reluctant Earl C.J. Chase she's in bed with a fever after being shot

06. Defy Superstition Day (Sept. 13): Knock on Wood, Cross Your Fingers or maybe counting on Beginner's Luck - all things we might be doing this Friday the 13th! Or you could read instead! Read a PNR, UF, horror or a book with any good or bad luck symbol on the cover.

07. Blame Someone Else Day (Sept. 13): Read a book recommended to you by someone or a book from your GR recommendations. Then you can blame, or credit, someone else!

08. Elephant Appreciation Day (Sept. 22): And there is so much to appreciate...! Read a book with an animal (or shifter) on the cover or in the story.
Familiar Oasis Caroline Burnes black cat on cover, and in story
09. National Good Neighbor Day (Sept. 28): I have some and I hope you do too! Read a book where a neighbor plays part in the story or a friends to lovers story.
A Southern Reunion Lenora Worth hero lives in a cottage on her property
10. Reader's Choice: Read any book of your choosing!

message 35: by Katie (new)

Katie | 2083 comments 0/10 read

1. S is for September - Seville, Jane - Date Night
2. Member of the Month: Pollyanna - Sonoran Heat
3. Geography: Connecticut - Lynx
4. Fight Procrastination - Dark Designs
5. Make Your Bed Day - Blood Signs
6. Defy Superstition Day - Spell Cat
7. Blame Someone Else Day - Back to Normal
8. Elephant Appreciation Day - Luke's Surprise
9. National Good Neighbor Day - Angel Heart
10. Reader's Choice - Between the Pipes

Date Night (Zero at the Bone, #1.1) by Jane Seville Sonoran Heat by Katrina Strauss Lynx (Northern Shifters, #3) by Joely Skye Dark Designs (Half Lives, #1) by Luisa Prieto Blood Signs (Blood, Moon and Sun, #1) by Amber Kell Spell Cat (The Aloysius Tales, #1) by Tara Lain Back to Normal by Wren Boudreau Luke's Surprise (Shifters' Haven, #1) by Lavinia Lewis Angel Heart by Sharon Maria Bidwell Between the Pipes (Blue Line Hockey, #2) by Stephani Hecht

message 36: by Ike (last edited Sep 26, 2013 11:27AM) (new)

Ike (i_k_a_c) I'm in for 10.

4/10 Complete

1. 'S' is for September:The Surgeon - 26 Sep - 5*
2. Member of the Month - Pollyanna (2010):
3. Geography:
4. Fight Procrastination Day (Sept. 6): A Rose for Melinda - 10.09.2013 - ****
5. Make Your Bed Day (Sept. 11):
6. Defy Superstition Day (Sept. 13):
7. Blame Someone Else Day (Sept. 13): The book thief - 9 Sep - 5*
8. Elephant Appreciation Day (Sept. 22):
9. National Good Neighbor Day (Sept. 28): Playing for Keeps - 17 Sep - 5*
10. Reader's Choice:

The Book Thief by Markus Zusak A Rose for Melinda by Lurlene McDaniel Playing for Keeps (A Neighbor from Hell, #1) by R.L. Mathewson The Surgeon (Rizzoli & Isles, #1) by Tess Gerritsen

message 37: by Tina Theresa (last edited Sep 13, 2013 02:10PM) (new)

Tina Theresa | 255 comments 7/8

1. 'S' is for September: Lord and Lady Spy by Shana Galen 9/5
2. Member of the Month - Some Girls Bite 9/3
3. Geography - Connecticut: Read a book whose author, character or setting is from Connecticut. So you can also read a historical romance set in the United States or any book where a MC works for the government. Or you could read a book with a body of water on the cover or is set on a body of water.
4. Fight Procrastination Day (Sept. 6): Sizzle and Burn 9/9
5. Make Your Bed Day (Sept. 11): Weekends Required 9/2
6. Defy Superstition Day (Sept. 13): Binding the Shadows 9/7
7. Blame Someone Else Day (Sept. 13): A Monster Calls
8. Elephant Appreciation Day (Sept. 22):
9. National Good Neighbor Day (Sept. 28): The Untamed Mackenzie 9/10
10. Reader's Choice: In the Bleak Midwinter 9/7

Binding the Shadows (Arcadia Bell, #3) by Jenn Bennett Weekends Required (Danvers, #1) by Sydney Landon In the Bleak Midwinter (Rev. Clare Fergusson & Russ Van Alstyne Mysteries, #1) by Julia Spencer-Fleming Some Girls Bite (Chicagoland Vampires, #1) by Chloe Neill Lord and Lady Spy (Lord and Lady Spy, #1) by Shana Galen Sizzle and Burn (The Men of Delta Force, #1) by Alexis Grant The Untamed Mackenzie (Highland Pleasures, #5.5) by Jennifer Ashley A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness

message 38: by Sallie(GeorgiaGirl) (last edited Sep 04, 2013 03:03PM) (new)

Sallie(GeorgiaGirl) (shuga) | 1170 comments 1. 'S' is for September: Read a book that starts with 'S' or a book whose author's first or last name starts with 'S' Savage Eden, cassie edwards

2. Member of the Month - Pollyanna: Pollyanna has been a member of the RRRC since January 2010. Here is the link to Pollyanna's shelves. Please read a book from any of Pollyanna's shelves or a book published in 2010. Gone Girl, gillian flynn

3. Geography - Connecticut: Read a book whose author, character or setting is from Connecticut.

Fun Facts about Connecticut:
★ Connecticut is known as the "Constitution State".
★ Connecticut is named after the Connecticut River. The word is a French corruption of the Algonquian word quinetucket, which means "long tidal river".
★ The famous author Mark Twain was a resident of Connecticut.

So you can also read a historical romance set in the United States or any book where a MC works for the government. Or you could read a book with a body of water on the cover or is set on a body of water. In addition, you may read The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn or any other classic. Dream River, dorothy garlock (historical romance)

4. Fight Procrastination Day (Sept. 6): One problem with this group, it makes your TBR grow and grow and many books get neglected. Read a book that has been on your to-read (or similar) shelf for over a year. Or if you are a newer member to goodreads, one that has been on that shelf since you joined.
The Iron Daughter, julie kagawa

5. Make Your Bed Day (Sept. 11): Or don't! Read a book where someone ends up in a bed at some point - alone or otherwise! =P Paradise Valley, robyn carr

6. Defy Superstition Day (Sept. 13): Knock on Wood, Cross Your Fingers or maybe counting on Beginner's Luck - all things we might be doing this Friday the 13th! Or you could read instead! Read a PNR, UF, horror or a book with any good or bad luck symbol on the cover. Twice Tempted, jeaniene frost

7. Blame Someone Else Day (Sept. 13): Read a book recommended to you by someone or a book from your GR recommendations. Then you can blame, or credit, someone else! Artemis Fowl, eoin colfer (GR rec) Finished~09.04

8. Elephant Appreciation Day (Sept. 22): And there is so much to appreciate...! Read a book with an animal (or shifter) on the cover or in the story. How to Flirt with a Naked Werewolf, molly harper

9. National Good Neighbor Day (Sept. 28): I have some and I hope you do too! Read a book where a neighbor plays part in the story or a friends to lovers story. Trick or Treachery, jessica fletcher

10. Reader's Choice: Read any book of your choosing! Adrift on St. John, rebecca m hale

message 39: by FlibBityFLooB (new)

FlibBityFLooB September RRRC Challenge
0/10 read

1. S author (Snow) -The Zero Knot
2. Published 2010 - All I Ever Wanted
3. Historical in USA - Just Imagine
4. TBR > 1 yr - The Rake
5. Someone in Bed - The Bride Thief
6. UF/PNR - Feral Sins
7. Recommended - Down to You
8. Shifter - Tortoise Interruptus
9. Neighbor - Perfection
10. My choice - The Perfect Rake

The Zero Knot by K.Z. Snow All I Ever Wanted by Kristan Higgins Just Imagine by Susan Elizabeth Phillips The Rake by Mary Jo Putney The Bride Thief by Jacquie D'Alessandro Feral Sins (The Phoenix Pack, #1) by Suzanne Wright Down to You (The Bad Boys, #1) by M. Leighton Tortoise Interruptus by J.L. Merrow Perfection (A Neighbor from Hell, #2) by R.L. Mathewson The Perfect Rake (The Merridew Sisters, #1) by Anne Gracie

message 40: by Nichole (new)

Nichole | 1010 comments I'm in! 10 most likely, great categories :)

message 41: by Lynne (last edited Aug 24, 2013 11:54AM) (new)

Lynne (lovetoreadgal) | 1181 comments SEPTEMBER
0 of 10 Complete!

1. Starts with “S”: One Good Earl Deserves a Lover by Sarah MacLean
2. Nice Reads Pollyanna!: Working Stiff by Rachel Caine
3. Connecticut: Pushing Up Daisies by Rosemary Harris (set in CT)
4. Fight Procrastination: Only Lycans Need Apply by Michelle Bardsley (TBR since 3/2012)
5. Make Your Bed: Exclusively Yours by Shannon Stacey (get into bed)
6. Defy Superstition: Mate Claimed by Jennifer Ashley (Paranormal)
7. Blame Someone Else: Big Girl Panties by Stephanie Evanovich (GBR)
8. Elephant Appreciation: Tiger Magic by Jennifer Ashley (tiger on cover)
9. Good Neighbors: Sunrise Point by Robyn Carr (neighbors involved)
10. Reader's Choice: Serpent's Kiss by Thea Harrison

To Read:
One Good Earl Deserves a Lover (The Rules of Scoundrels, #2) by Sarah MacLean Working Stiff (Revivalist, #1) by Rachel Caine Pushing Up Daisies (Dirty Business, #1) by Rosemary Harris Only Lycans Need Apply (Broken Heart, #9) by Michele Bardsley Exclusively Yours (Kowalski Family, #1) by Shannon Stacey Mate Claimed (Shifters Unbound, #4) by Jennifer Ashley Big Girl Panties by Stephanie Evanovich Tiger Magic (Shifters Unbound, #5) by Jennifer Ashley Sunrise Point (Virgin River, #19) by Robyn Carr Serpent's Kiss (Elder Races, #3) by Thea Harrison


message 42: by Fran, Moderator (last edited Sep 01, 2013 08:39AM) (new)

Fran | 12132 comments 2013 September Monthly Challenges

0/4 Completed

1. 'S' is for September:Shira Anthony,The Melody Thief

2. Member of the Month - Pollyanna: Pollyanna has been a member of the RRRC since January 2010. Here is the link to Pollyanna's shelves. Please read a book from any of Pollyanna's shelves or a book published in 2010.

3. Geography - Connecticut: One story has a character who works for the government, another story takes place at a lake. Hot Summer Nights

4. Fight Procrastination Day (Sept. 6): One problem with this group, it makes your TBR grow and grow and many books get neglected. Read a book that has been on your to-read (or similar) shelf for over a year. Or if you are a newer member to goodreads, one that has been on that shelf since you joined.

5. Make Your Bed Day (Sept. 11):

6. Defy Superstition Day (Sept. 13): Knock on Wood, Cross Your Fingers or maybe counting on Beginner's Luck - all things we might be doing this Friday the 13th! Or you could read instead! Read a PNR, UF, horror or a book with any good or bad luck symbol on the cover.

7. Blame Someone Else Day (Sept. 13): Recommended in the Random Lists challenge-Playing Games

8. Elephant Appreciation Day (Sept. 22):Dog on cover-Otherwise Alone

9. National Good Neighbor Day (Sept. 28): I have some and I hope you do too! Read a book where a neighbor plays part in the story or a friends to lovers story.

10. Reader's Choice: Read any book of your choosing!

Hot Summer Nights by Jaci Burton Playing Games (Games, #2) by Jessica Clare The Melody Thief (Blue Notes, #2) by Shira Anthony Otherwise Alone (Evan Arden Trilogy, #1) by Shay Savage

message 43: by BJ Rose (new)

BJ Rose (bjrose) | 4413 comments I'm in! 8 has been good to me, so I'll stick with that...

message 44: by Juana "Darkness" (new)

Juana "Darkness" Duran | 423 comments I'm in.

message 45: by Alisha B. (new)

0 of 5 Complete!

1. Starts with “S”: The Secret of Ella & Micha by Jessica Sorensen

2. Pollyanna's Shelve: Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn

4. Fight Procrastination: Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater (On To-Read since 5/17/12)

5. Make Your Bed: Taking Care of Business by Megan Hart

10. Reader's Choice: Not Sure Yet :)

message 46: by Gea (last edited Sep 24, 2013 12:26PM) (new)

Gea (gea89) | 545 comments RRRC: September Monthly Challenge
Duration: September 1st - September 30th

1. 'S' is for September: Must Love Fangs by Jessica Sims (3/9) ****
3. Geography - Connecticut: The Outlaw and the Lady by Lorraine Heath (9/9) ****
4. Fight Procrastination Day (Sept. 6): Midnight Sins by Lora Leigh (7/9) ***
5. Make Your Bed Day (Sept. 11): A Rogue's Proposal by Stephanie Laurens (17/9) *****
6. Defy Superstition Day (Sept. 13): Defying Pack Law by Eve Langlais (2/9) **
7. Blame Someone Else Day (Sept. 13): Skin in the Game by Jackie Barbosa (17/9) ***
8. Elephant Appreciation Day (Sept. 22): Zane by Kimberly Lewis (20/9) ****
10. Reader's Choice: Whispers in the Dark by Maya Banks (1/9) ****

Must Love Fangs (Midnight Liaisons, #3) by Jessica Sims The Outlaw and the Lady (Daughters of Fortune, #1) by Lorraine Heath Midnight Sins (The Callahans, #1) by Lora Leigh A Rogue's Proposal (Cynster, #4) by Stephanie Laurens Defying Pack Law (Pack, #1) by Eve Langlais Skin in the Game (Play Action #1) by Jackie Barbosa Zane (The McKades of Texas, #1) by Kimberly Lewis Whispers in the Dark (KGI, #4) by Maya Banks

message 47: by ☀Rachael☀ (last edited Sep 23, 2013 07:10AM) (new)

☀Rachael☀ (jimbunni) RRRC: September Monthly Challenge
Duration: September 1st - September 30th

1. 'S' is for September: Seanan McGuire ---- Chimes at midnight
2. Member of the Month - My soul to keep ---- Rachel Vincent
3. Geography: Sealed with a Curse ---- Cecy Robson
4. Fight Procrastination Day: The Eldritch Conspiracy ---- Cat Adams
5. Make Your Bed Day: Seawitch ---- Kat Richardson
6. Defy Superstition Day: Downpour ---- Kat Richardson
7. Blame Someone Else Day: Hollowland ---- Amanda Hocking
8. Elephant Appreciation Day:How To Run With A Naked Werewolf - Molly Harper
9. National Good Neighbor Day: Immortal in Death ---- J.D. Robb
10. Reader's Choice: Tall, Dark & Dead ---- Tate Hallaway

Biting Bad (Chicagoland Vampires, #8) by Chloe Neill Hollowland (The Hollows, #1) by Amanda Hocking Chimes at Midnight (October Daye, #7) by Seanan McGuire Immortal in Death (In Death, #3) by J.D. Robb The Eldritch Conspiracy (Blood Singer, #5) by Cat Adams Downpour (Greywalker, #6) by Kat Richardson My Soul to Keep (Soul Screamers, #3) by Rachel Vincent Seawitch (Greywalker, #7) by Kat Richardson Tall, Dark & Dead (Garnet Lacey, #1) by Tate Hallaway Sealed with a Curse (Weird Girls, #1) by Cecy Robson Immortal in Death (In Death, #3) by J.D. Robb How To Run With A Naked Werewolf (Naked Werewolf, #3) by Molly Harper

message 48: by Michelle (new)

Michelle Lepage (miclep) | 1 comments September Challenge

1.S' is September: Hallway there - Susan Mallery

2. Member of the month: Remember me? - Sophie Kinsella

7. Blame someone else : Sarah's Key - Tatiana de Rosnay

10. Readers choice :

message 49: by KarenF (new)

KarenF (cleocleveland) | 1099 comments I'm in for 8. Here's the theory.

0/8 Read

S is for September: Scandal in Scotland by Karen Hawkins
Hi Pollyanna! Mark of the Demon by Diana Rowland
Connecticut: Books Can Be Deceiving by Jenn McKinlay
Fight Procrastination Day: Trapped by Kevin Hearne
Make Your Bed Day: TBD
Defy Superstition Day: Venom by Jennifer Estep
Elephant Appreciation Day: Pride Mates by Jennifer Ashley
My Choice: TBD

Scandal in Scotland (Hurst Amulet, #2) by Karen Hawkins Mark of the Demon (Kara Gillian, #1) by Diana Rowland Books Can Be Deceiving (Library Lover's Mystery, #1) by Jenn McKinlay Trapped (The Iron Druid Chronicles, #5) by Kevin Hearne Venom (Elemental Assassin, #3) by Jennifer Estep Pride Mates (Shifters Unbound, #1) by Jennifer Ashley

message 50: by Kme_17 (last edited Aug 25, 2013 11:48PM) (new)

Kme_17 | 107 comments 1. 'S' is for September: Read a book that starts with 'S' or a book whose author's first or last name starts with 'S'

2. Member of the Month - Pollyanna: Pollyanna has been a member of the RRRC since January 2010. Here is the link to Pollyanna's shelves. Please read a book from any of Pollyanna's shelves or a book published in 2010.

3. Geography - Connecticut: Read a book whose author, character or setting is from Connecticut.2013 September Monthly Challenges

This thread is for the participants to post their list and update their progress. The suggestions thread is located HERE.

1. 'S' is for September: Read a book that starts with 'S' or a book whose author's first or last name starts with 'S'

2. Member of the Month - Pollyanna: Pollyanna has been a member of the RRRC since January 2010. Here is the link to Pollyanna's shelves. Please read a book from any of Pollyanna's shelves or a book published in 2010.

3. Geography - Connecticut: Read a book whose author, character or setting is from Connecticut.

So you can also read a historical romance set in the United States or any book where a MC works for the government. Or you could read a book with a body of water on the cover or is set on a body of water. In addition, you may read The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn or any other classic.

4. Fight Procrastination Day (Sept. 6): One problem with this group, it makes your TBR grow and grow and many books get neglected. Read a book that has been on your to-read (or similar) shelf for over a year. Or if you are a newer member to goodreads, one that has been on that shelf since you joined.

5. Make Your Bed Day (Sept. 11): Or don't! Read a book where someone ends up in a bed at some point - alone or otherwise! =P

6. Defy Superstition Day (Sept. 13): Knock on Wood, Cross Your Fingers or maybe counting on Beginner's Luck - all things we might be doing this Friday the 13th! Or you could read instead! Read a PNR, UF, horror or a book with any good or bad luck symbol on the cover.

7. Blame Someone Else Day (Sept. 13): Read a book recommended to you by someone or a book from your GR recommendations. Then you can blame, or credit, someone else!

8. Elephant Appreciation Day (Sept. 22): And there is so much to appreciate...! Read a book with an animal (or shifter) on the cover or in the story.

9. National Good Neighbor Day (Sept. 28): I have some and I hope you do too! Read a book where a neighbor plays part in the story or a friends to lovers story.

10. Reader's Choice: Read any book of your choosing!

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