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Children's Nonfiction > Children's Poetry - 3 Books

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message 1: by C.J. (last edited Jul 05, 2013 01:58AM) (new)

C.J. Heck (cjheck62) | 51 comments C.J. Heck
C.J. Heck

Hello everyone. It’s nice to ‘meet’ you. I’m C.J. Heck. I am a published poet, writer, blogger, and the author of five books. Three of them are poetry books for children.

Barking Spiders and Other Such Stuff by C.J. Heck
Barking Spiders and Other Such Stuff:

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The Midwest Book Review:
"CJ Heck's Barking Spiders and Other Such Stuff is a wonderfully entertaining collection of poems, told from a child's perspective. Often funny, sometimes introspective, always honest, these poems form a wonderful introduction for young readers to the magic of poetry and rhyme."

Barking Spiders 2 by C.J. Heck
Barking Spiders 2 (the sequel)

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In this sequel to her first book, CJ Heck continues her journey to help children experience life through humor, insight, sensitivity, and with the understanding that like adults, children wish to make sense of the world they live in.

And when it still doesn't make sense? Well she helps them see, that's okay, too, because it doesn't always make sense. Poetry for children from a child's point of view.

Me Too! Preschool Poetry by C.J. Heck
Me Too! Preschool Poetry:

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"Preschool: that period of childhood when everything is either black or white, a time of Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and the grey area hasn't yet begun; the last true age of innocence when mom and dad are the good guys, pretending is a profession, and bugs are just tiny friends."

Wouldn't it be fun to have a grownup friend who understands, someone to say it's okay if the world doesn't always make sense? CJ Heck is that grownup friend. She's been entertaining children and grownups with her poetry since 1999 through her website, and then with the release of her first Barking Spiders book in 2000. Sit back, get comfy, and read "Me Too!" with a child -- get back in touch with your own inner child again and remember, remember, remember ...

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