Saphirblau (Edelstein-Trilogie, #2) Saphirblau discussion

Which is more romantic? Sapphire blue or ruby red???

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❀Quindi❀ I say Sapphire Blue!!! The whole book is romantic, the last part of ruby red was romantic. I can't wait for emerald green to come out... in english!!

message 2: by [deleted user] (new)

Sapphire Blue, but he turned out to be a jerk in that one so i'd say i liked Ruby Red more

Sara Ruby Red

Dorottya emerald green is the best, just wait for it guys:D

Myrthe Bouma emerald green was the best! it's my favourite book

Sarahi Aguilar Sapphire Blue!!! But the most romantic of the three books is Emerald green. It's one of my favorites.

marteficent Sarahi wrote: "Sapphire Blue!!! But the most romantic of the three books is Emerald green. It's one of my favorites."

Yes I agree!! I loved this triology!

Sarahi Aguilar Marta wrote: "Sarahi wrote: "Sapphire Blue!!! But the most romantic of the three books is Emerald green. It's one of my favorites."

Yes I agree!! I loved this triology!"

Me too!!!

Rachel Does anyone know when Emerald Green is coming out in English? because I can't wait. This is one of my FAVORITE series!

Emily I can't wait for Emerald green! The whole series is great! Ruby Red ends romantically, but Sapphire Blue has more romance in it!

Sthep Sapphire Blue :)

Ruo Nan I think Sapphire Blue was more romantic than Ruby Red. Ruby Red was the first book so it mainly had to set the stage. Sapphire Blue was when characters and the plot deepened and when Gwyneth and Gideon actually became closer which included both love and heartbreak. I think Emerald Green will be the best book out of them all. I'm hoping Emerald Green will answer all my questions and have more scenes with Gwyneth and Gideon.

miryamslgg I read the trilogy about three years ago, and from what I remember the second book is more romantic, but the third book is so much more romantic, you are going to love it !

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