Dreamspinner Press discussion

Snow on the Roof
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New releases > Anthology: Snow on the Roof

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message 1: by Dreamspinner (new)

Dreamspinner Press (dreamspinnerpress) | 2637 comments Mod
Snow on the Roof by J. Leigh Bailey, Mari Donne, Amy Rae Durreson, Tray Ellis, Kim Fielding, Laylah Hunter, John Inman, Rhidian Brenig Jones, Maggie Lee, Sam C. Leonhard, Pinkie Rae Parker, Chris Scully, Dottie Stratton, Linda James, AC Valentine, Layla M. Wier.

Whether it's a second chance at love, or finding a soul mate later in life, these stories prove that it's never too late for love. Snow on the Roof, available from Dreamspinner Press.

"Just because there's snow on the roof, doesn't mean the fire's gone out in the furnace."  There's something to be said for maturity and experience, and in all of these relationships, at least one of the lovers is over forty.  Whether it's a May/December romance, a second chance at love, or finding a soul mate later in life, these stories prove that it's never too late for love.

Nachos on Saturday by J. Leigh Bailey

Queening Out by Mari Donne

Granddad's Cup of Tea by Amy Rae Durreson

The Way to a Fisherman's Heart by Tray Ellis

No Place Like Home by Kim Fielding

Ivory Black, Flecked with White by Laylah Hunter

Loving Again by John Inman

Full Circle by Rhidian Brenig Jones

Straight Shooting by Maggie Lee

Hero Worship by Sam C. Leonhard

Curtain Calls by Pinkie Rae Parker

The Bodyguard's Dilemma by Chris Scully

Picture This by Dottie Stratton & Linda James

Hunting Season by AC Valentine

Waiting for the Light by Layla M. Wier

Length: Novel | Genre: Contemporary, Anthologies | Buy as eBook | Buy as Paperback

message 2: by Sue (new)

Sue | 3 comments Being a little *cough* mature myself, I love the idea of this one.
Off to Wish-List it now. Endless book funds would be nice, wouldn't they?

message 3: by Maddie (new) - added it

Maddie (thestarfly) | 27 comments Endless book funds would probably be the best thing in the world. Ever.

message 4: by Jake (new)

Jake (jakethecupcakecreator) | 1 comments Probably? This will sound ridiculous but endless book funds would be preferable to world peace =)

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