Classics Without All the Class discussion

The Age of Innocence
This topic is about The Age of Innocence
2013 Book Discussions > Starting topics

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Karena (karenafagan) If you don't see a thread started for this book that you'd like to discuss, please start it! You probably caught on to something someone else missed until you brought it up. Thanks guys!

Karena (karenafagan) Carol wrote: "Karen, all the topics contain spoilers. Should we read the entire book before discussing any part of it? Thanks very much."

Hi Carol,
We put spoiler alerts in case there is something someone MIGHT post in that thread and we all read at different speeds. In my initial posts, I've just asked singular questions, but people's answers might give away part of the book. My suggestion is to read the first post of each thread, if the question is something you can answer without reading more of the book. Thanks for asking!

Angie Downs Just a suggestion: I was having the same issue as Carol. I'm not done with the book yet, but I'm afraid of looking at any of the threads because they all say spoiler alert. Maybe for the next book, we could have some threads that divide the book into chapter sections so that discussions don't go beyond those chapter and people who read the book at a slower pace can feel like they can be a part of the ongoing conversation. For instance, in this book, we could have a section on chapters 1-6, 7-12, etc... Then, there can also be a "review" thread for those who have finished the book completely. And, even some general ones about characters too, but people who get at the book later or slower can chose which threads they should be a part of. Anyway, was just kind of thinking aloud about it. :) I'm enjoying the book quite a bit - way more than I thought I was going to in the beginning! ;)

Grandpa Jud (grandpajud) | 42 comments Angie wrote: "Just a suggestion: I was having the same issue as Carol. I'm not done with the book yet, but I'm afraid of looking at any of the threads because they all say spoiler alert. Maybe for the next book,..."

Angie (message 4), that's an excellent suggestion. Discussion limited to chapters 1-6, for example, so that people who have not finished the entire book can safely get involved in the discussion of that part of the book they have read. People will still need to be careful, however. Someone who's read the entire book and who joins the chapters 1-6 discussion will need to be sure that his or her comments are truly based SOLELY on information contained only in the first 6 chapters.

Travis (travistousant) Does everyone know how to use the spoiler feature when posting? Click on some html is ok. Where is says spoiler it shows what to type in to hide a spoiler (view spoiler)

Margaret I think dividing the discussion up by chapters (or groups of chapters)is a great idea. It will open up more opportunities for discussion while reading, rather than just afterward.

Angie Downs Travis, that is a good point. Maybe many people don't know how to use that feature. That would be very helpful. Maybe you could start a thread explaining how to do this?

Grandpa Jud (grandpajud) | 42 comments Yes, please do. I don't know how to use the spoiler feature.

Tome (toenuff) +1 for the chapter discussion - You could even make it a rule that you shouldn't read ahead before you post in the thread - that would be cheating :)

btw, the spoiler feature does not appear to work on the ipad app. There is no way to expand the spoiler in order to make it visible. I'm sure this is a bug they will eventually fix.

message 10: by Karena (last edited Jan 23, 2013 03:18PM) (new) - rated it 3 stars

Karena (karenafagan) Tome wrote: "+1 for the chapter discussion - You could even make it a rule that you shouldn't read ahead before you post in the thread - that would be cheating :)

btw, the spoiler feature does not appear to wo..."

I don't think we will be limiting people to how far everyone reads. What about the people who have previously read the book? Just everyone post in the appropriate threads and don't add spoilers. I have already set up the folders for Life of Pi. We will open them on the 1st. This idea has worked pretty well in the past when we did it for Cloud Atlas.

As for the iPad app, I started having to use the chrome browser to access goodreads. Since there isn't anything we can do about it, it is a frustration. :/

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