Creative Reviews discussion

Looking for books to review...

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message 1: by Lola (new)

Lola Standish (beckycharlie90) | 10 comments Hi,

I am looking for new books to review....I have been reviewing them for a while now and I post the reviews on here and any other sites the authors request. I am also in the middle of starting a blog which will be set up in a few weeks.
I prefer eBooks but I will also review print.

I hope to be reviewing some of your lovely books soon

Thanks!! :)

message 2: by Christine (new)

Christine Rice (christine_rice) | 88 comments What types of books do you like to read?

message 3: by Salem (new)

Salem Patterson (Salem_Patterson) | 6 comments Hi Rebecca,

Would love for you to review our Contemporary Romance. Second Summer

"Seeking somewhere to write his latest book, thriller novelist Taylor Harris chooses the scenic Eastmark Hotel without realizing its manager is his first love, Evelyn Scott. More than a decade has passed since someone sought to separate them and keep them separated. With an unbalanced, overzealous fan of Taylor's on the loose, will they be separated again?"

If it is something you are interested in let us know and we can e-mail you a coupon to use.

message 4: by Tara (new)

Tara Kelley (goodreadscomtaraneideffer) Hey Rebecca!

I would love it if you would review my book, Deadly Road. Let me know if you'd be interested. It's a horror/ghost story type of book. I'm always looking for people to review it for me. Thanks!

message 5: by Naya (new)

Naya S. (nayas) | 34 comments I have several books needing reviews! :) Most of all, my newest book, "Bridge to Cailai" which can be found on Amazon. :)

Thanks so much!

message 6: by Lola (new)

Lola Standish (beckycharlie90) | 10 comments Hi Christine,
I am an all round book worm as long as the story is good...What type of genre are you after being reviewed?

Salem, Tara and Naya I have sent you all private messages - Thankyou all again for the opportunity to read your work. I am very honored.


message 7: by Eisah (new)

Eisah Eisah | 22 comments I have a sci-fi/fantasy/young adult book that could use a review called "Flute of the Wind Queen".

I have a mobi or epub file.

message 8: by Christine (new)

Christine Rice (christine_rice) | 88 comments Rebecca wrote: "Hi Christine,
I am an all round book worm as long as the story is good...What type of genre are you after being reviewed?

Salem, Tara and Naya I have sent you all private messages - Thankyou all ..."

Hi Rebecca,

I have a compilation of assorted essays, an autobiography, a nonfiction book on freelance writing, and a book of poetry.

If any of those interest you, let me know.


message 9: by Lola (last edited Dec 30, 2012 04:43PM) (new)

Lola Standish (beckycharlie90) | 10 comments Hey,

I have messaged you both back and I'm looking forward to reading your books.
If your an author and want a book reviewing then please don't hesitate to ask - I am more than happy to do it :)
Thanks for the responses

message 10: by Ty (new)

Ty Patterson | 6 comments Hi,

i am a first time self published author. i released my thriller, The Warrior, on Amazon and Smashwords a couple of weeks back.

i am keen to have my ebook reviewed and will love to be contacted by reviewers. if you are a fan of Lee Child, Robert Crais, Greg Rucka, Harlan Coben... chances are good you will like my book.

the blurb goes like this:

"Zeb Carter is almost your average Private Military Contractor. Almost.

When working for a WDE (We Don't Exist) Agency, Zeb witnesses a gruesome crime in the Congo and tracks the perpetrators down to New York. Only to discover that not only are they protected by the FBI, but also are closely connected to a very high profile politician.

Ordered to stand down by the FBI, Zeb finds that his hunt brings those close to him in the sights of the killers.

A thriller that spans Congo and New York, The Warrior is dotted with gritty action, a central character that fuels imagination, and a supporting cast of great colorful characters.

The Warrior is about relentless determination and a burning need to avenge and to deliver retribution against all odds.

The Warrior is not just about action but also about character build up and the clash of differing values and how those clashes affect outcomes. Lastly, The Warrior is about the brotherhood of warriors.

The first in the Zeb Carter and Broker series."

i am happy to give the book out for reviews in epub or mobi format or Smashwords coupons.

look forward to hearing some positive responses :)

please feel free to contact me here or any number of ways below, and also to connect with me.

happy new year to all.


[email protected]

message 11: by Lola (last edited Jan 01, 2013 05:57AM) (new)

Lola Standish (beckycharlie90) | 10 comments Hi - I have messaged up to here. Thankyou and Happy new years eve :)

message 12: by Marise (new)

Marise Ghorayeb | 6 comments Rebecca wrote: "Hi,

I am looking for new books to review....I have been reviewing them for a while now and I post the reviews on here and any other sites the authors request. I am also in the middle of starting a..."

Hi Rebecca!

Would you be willing to consider reading and reviewing "History of the Timelaws"? It's YA fantasy/science fiction that's heavy on time-travel. Of course, I would be happy to gift you a kindle version (or pdf if you prefer). Here's the synopsis:

Fifteen-year-old Elizabeth was raised by her oldest brother, Luke, after their parents passed away two years ago, in 1979. She’s a tough girl, capable of handling herself any kind of fight: fist, knife or magical. Growing up in a tough neighborhood taught her the first two forms of combat and she inherited the third from her parents.

Now in 1981, she is surrounded by people who care deeply for her and who know not to take life too seriously. Her closest friends are the type of people who discus what color they would like to make the presidential urine where they not so careful about abusing their powers. But if the timeline changes, all of this and more could be at stake.

If Elizabeth doesn’t learn to understand the consequences of time travel, her history, and the universe's, will all be rewritten. Unfortunately as her past changes, so does her memory.

message 13: by P.J. (new)

P.J. Morse (pj_morse) Hi Rebecca,

I have just uploaded a book to Amazon if you are interested in comic mysteries. Here are the details:

Author: P.J. Morse
Title: Heavy Mental
Genre: Comic Mystery
Link to Book:
Review Formats Available: .mobi and .epub
Vulgarity Level: PG-13. A few curse words, some drinking and toking, brief violence, but nothing graphic.
Synopsis: A musician’s gotta eat, which is why rock guitarist Clancy Parker takes on side gigs as a private eye. When she gets a new case involving a stolen necklace, Clancy's thrilled at the prospect of easy money.

The job turns out to be anything but. Soon enough, Clancy must dodge threats from disgruntled secretaries, unhinged society matrons and rampaging ice cream trucks. The only person who can provide answers about the necklace is her client’s sexy psychiatrist, but Clancy’s budding crush on him only leads to more trouble.

Eventually, Clancy must rely on all of her contacts — her stoner bandmates, her Socialist landlord, and her yoga-loving, flask-toting mother — to stop the thief from turning into a killer.

Please let me know your email and file preference (.mobi or .epub), and I'll send you a free copy.

Happy New Year!

message 14: by Amy (new)

Amy Neftzger (neftzger) | 10 comments I just released this novella Confessions From a Moving Van yesterday and am looking for reviews - if this is something that you would be interested in reviewing, please send me a message. Thanks and have a great new year!

message 15: by Ty (new)

Ty Patterson | 6 comments Hy Rebecca,

was this meant for me? will be happy to send you my ebook for review.

happy new year.


[email protected]

Rebecca wrote: "Hi - I have messaged up to here. Thankyou and Happy new years eve :)"

message 16: by Lola (new)

Lola Standish (beckycharlie90) | 10 comments Hey Guys! i have messaged up to here :) I love reviewing your books so if you would like me to please don't hesitate to ask!


message 17: by Naya (new)

Naya S. (nayas) | 34 comments Rebecca wrote: "Hey Guys! i have messaged up to here :) I love reviewing your books so if you would like me to please don't hesitate to ask!


My book is free today, called Bridge to Cailai on Amazon. :) It's available on Kindle and Kindle apps!

message 18: by Melissa (new)

Melissa | 11 comments Rebecca wrote: "Hey,

I have messaged you both back and I'm looking forward to reading your books.
If your an author and want a book reviewing then please don't hesitate to ask - I am more than happy to do it :)

Hi! Would anyone be interested in reviewing my YA novel "Traffic Jam"? Traffic Jam by Melissa Groeling

message 19: by Francis (new)

Francis Franklin (francisjamesfranklin) | 11 comments Hi Rebecca,

Would you be interested in reviewing any of these?

Kings of Infinite Space: The Quest for Alina Meridon
An epic fantasy with wizards, gods, vampires and other magical creatures.

Suzie and the Monsters: A Fairytale of Blood, Sex and Inhumanity
A very adult vampire novel set in London.

Pick 'N' Mix
A British anthology of short stories for charity.

For more info on these, see:

Best wishes,

Pick 'N' Mix by Sandra Giles Suzie and the Monsters A Fairytale of Blood, Sex and Inhumanity by Francis James Franklin Kings of Infinite Space The Quest for Alina Meridon by Francis James Franklin

message 20: by Suneeta (new)

Suneeta Misra (suneetamisra) | 21 comments Rebecca:
Would you be interested in reviewing my murder mystery set in India called Rani of Rampur. It is on Amazon Kindle and is available for a free download today. here is the link:

message 21: by Heather (new)

Heather Fleener (heatherfleener) Rebecca,

I see that you have a lot of authors here requesting review, and also noted on your blog that your laptop is misbehaving which may put you a few days behind on your posts, but when you have caught up with the demand and are in the mood for a PNR read, I would love to have you do one for Chosen, if you would like. I like the style of the reviews you are doing on your blog. Chosen is free at Smashwords and ARe for a time, but I can always provide a copy in whatever format you might need. The 2nd book in the series is being launched at the end of this month, if you are interested in doing any series reviews in the future.

Thanks. Chosen by Heather Fleener

message 22: by Shannon (new)

Shannon McRoberts (shannonmcroberts) Hello. I am always looking for reviews. I have a series of books. I won't take up post space with the info but I am a goodreads author and you can also go to to find my books.
I can provide kindle copies if interested. And if anyone else wants to review just message me here.

message 23: by Lola (new)

Lola Standish (beckycharlie90) | 10 comments Hi - I have messaged back up to here and I am up and running again :)

message 24: by Mirta (new)

Mirta Trupp Rebecca wrote: "Hi,

I am looking for new books to review....I have been reviewing them for a while now and I post the reviews on here and any other sites the authors request. I am also in the middle of starting a..."

Hi Rebecca. I'd like to offer my book for your consideration. Its a Creative Non-Fiction...a memoir.
The story is based on my experiences; they are reflections of my distinctive journey as a Jewish, Russian, Argentine immigrant under considerably unique circumstances. Although countless of Argentine immigrants have come to the United States, many of them of mixed ethnicities, my story tells the tale of a multicultural girl who, because of her father’s employment, divided her life in between her home country and her adopted country. The story of the whirlwind courtship that ensued could only have taken place under these circumstances.

I hope you find it of interest. Thank you!

With Love, The Argentina Family: Memories of Tango and Kugel; Mate with Knishes

message 25: by Bill (new)

Bill Cokas (bcokas) | 10 comments You've opened the floodgates, Rebecca, and I'm adding another couple of gallons to the deluge. I have a pair of (unrelated) humorous suspense novels ("Ring of Fire" and "Battle Axe") that take place in North Carolina and various parts of Europe. Let me know if/when you're interested, and thanks for the offer:)

message 26: by Nicolas (new)

Nicolas Wilson | 14 comments Rebecca, I'd love for you to review my first novel, Whores: not intended to be a factual account of the gender war

It's a very very dark sci-fi examining gender politics.

Synopsis: In the near future, women’s rights are eroding, and those who buck the system are hunted as gender criminals by the authorities and rogue militias. This harrowing dystopia is seen through the eyes of a woman cast into a resistance group by circumstance, and a newly minted gender crimes detective tasked with bringing them to justice, as he grapples with whether or not that word still has meaning.

PM me and I'll send you the code to get a reviewer copy!

message 27: by D.R. (new)

D.R. | 6 comments Hello! You might be interested in my horror comedy Shakespeare v Lovecraft...

Shakespeare v Lovecraft

Reviews at moment:

"Wholeheartedly Recommended" - Famous Monsters of Filmland

“Thrilling, horrific, and funny at the same time which is no mean feat"
Gingernuts of Horror Blog

"Shakespeare’s characters duking it out with Lovecraft’s creatures? Sign us up immediately! Surely the coolest of all possible literary mash-ups?!”
Dread Central

"All very inventive, clever and ghoulishly entertaining"
Contains Moderate Peril

"Bizarre, baroque and amusing"
Contains Moderate Peril

If you are interested please get in touch!

All Best


message 28: by Sam (new)

Sam Hammack | 6 comments Hi Rebecca, how are you? Would you be interested in reviewing my just released fantasy novel The Witches of Jericho (Edenwitch Book One)? Here is the goodreads link

If you're interested please let me know. Thanks a bunch!


message 29: by Etta (new)

Etta King (etta_king) | 5 comments Rebecca wrote: "Hey,

I have messaged you both back and I'm looking forward to reading your books.
If your an author and want a book reviewing then please don't hesitate to ask - I am more than happy to do it :)

Hi Rebecca,

I would really appreciate a review of my newest book, The Life and Times of the Heir and the Keeper, if you would be interested.

Etta :)

message 30: by Michael (last edited Jan 19, 2013 11:20PM) (new)

Michael Rogers | 4 comments Hey Rebecca,

I'd really like to get some reviews of my series 'The Rostical Users'. It's written like it's a script from an RPG game, adventure driven and manga inspired, it follows ordinary teenagers living their lives, before getting transported to a world of Rostical (magic).

^ all freebies and in different types of formats for your convenience.

^ goodreads account

And check out the manga, which follows the script word-by-word :).

Look forward to hearing from you :).


message 31: by Stacey (new)

Stacey Hunt (staceytianna) | 3 comments Hi! I'm pretty new to Goodreads, just joined a few days ago, and I was looking to start building some reviews for my book. I would really appreciate it! But first, I think a little description for my book is needed:

"Meldrick, the Master of Death, has gathered to him four crowns - the means by which he will be able to rule the world as the lands each crown belongs to slowly falls into darkness without its power source. All he lacks is the destruction of the legendary trinity of the chosen ones, prophesied to protect the world. From him.
In the tropical paradise known as Somerton Island, young Kale Dillans finds himself faced with an immense task, as the title of the Chosen One Leader is given to him. He must leave his home and make a perilous journey with the rest of the chosen ones, Elison Hart and Tyson Smith, across the broken lands of the shattered planet to return peace to the world eventually leading them straight to the territories of the Master of Death. There they must stop Meldrick forever and foil the master in his evil purpose."

Okay, now here's the link to my book "The Adventure Begins" (which is the first in my "Cascade Adventures" series) on Goodreads:
The Adventure Begins
The Adventure Begins (Cascade Adventures, #1) by Stacey T. Hunt

And here's the link to buy the eBook on Amazon. I have it pretty cheap (like, $1.00, which is pretty decent)and I shortened the link so it wouldn't look so lengthy in my little comment here, so yeah:

I know you wont be disappointed:) Thanks so much, and I can't wait to hear from you:D

~Stacey T. Hunt

message 32: by Kathy (new)

Kathy Gottberg (kathygottberg) | 2 comments Hi Rebecca, Thank you for your offer to review books for us authors. It is VERY much appreciated. I have a newly published ebook to Kindle named "Finding Grace--A Transformational Journey" and would love for you to do a review. Here is a link to Amazon so you can see the cover and the "blurb." If you will do a review for me I will send you a free copy by email right away. Just let me know. Thanks for considering my book...I'll look forward to hearing from you....Kathy

message 33: by Mark (new)

Mark Alan (MarkAlan) | 5 comments Hi Rebecca,

I would like to know if you would be interested in reviewing my new book. "Mother Nature's Angel". It can be found on Amazon and Barnes and Nobles?

message 34: by Mikko (new)

Mikko Azul (mikkoazul) I'd love to get readers to enjoy and review my book Askari, which I'm offering as a free download on Goodreads for a short time before its sequel comes out. Thanks! Mikko Azul
Askari Child of Muralia Book I by Mikko Azul

message 35: by Prudence (new)

Prudence Hayes Would you be interested in reading and reviewing "When it Rains: The Umbrella Collection"?
If so, let me know :)

message 36: by Keith (new)

Keith Madsen | 40 comments Rebecca, I am the author of three e-books. One I am particularly interested in having reviewed is called THE SHARD FENCE. In this novel, when Brandon McCallister goes to a favela church in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, he is running from a personal trauma. But the place to which he has fled has traumas of its own, a struggling people seeking faith, but suffering under drug lords ruling by violence. He learns to love a Brazilian woman, Aline, but will their faith and love pull them through so they can find a belo horizonte, a beautiful horizon? “Well written, with true, compelling dialogue, a pace that never gives up and a few good twists…Highly recommended.” – Wendy Thomas, Allbooks Review.

Should you want to read and review this book, I will have my publisher send you a free e-book copy. You can learn more about writing at
Rebecca wrote: "Hi,

I am looking for new books to review....I have been reviewing them for a while now and I post the reviews on here and any other sites the authors request. I am also in the middle of starting a..."

Rebecca wrote: "Hi,

I am looking for new books to review....I have been reviewing them for a while now and I post the reviews on here and any other sites the authors request. I am also in the middle of starting a..."

message 37: by Andrew (new)

Andrew Goodman | 13 comments Hi Rebecca,

Hope you're still in the mood for review requests ...

Tiberius Found Tiberius Found by Andrew Goodman

It's a near-future action/adventure in a similar vein to Anthony Horowitz's Alex Rider novels.

"What would you do if your whole life was a lie?

Daniel Henstock thinks he’s an ordinary schoolboy. But on his sixteenth birthday, his world is shaken to its core by a shocking revelation. Daniel is the world’s first genetically-engineered human – and Gregory Dryden, the man who created him, wants him back to continue his deadly experiments.

Running for his life, Daniel is forced to go ‘off grid’ in New York. In this near-future America, where the security-obsessed authorities force citizens to carry DNA cards, Daniel meets the feisty and beautiful Eleanor. But by falling for her, Daniel is putting her in terrible danger.

Daniel pursues the truth about his origins but is hunted by an agent sent by Dryden to bring him home. Can Daniel find out the truth about his origins whilst evading those who think they own him? As his enemies close in, Daniel must draw on resources he didn’t know he had to win his freedom – but in doing so he may be walking into a deadly trap…

TIBERIUS FOUND is a thrilling YA adventure that introduces an appealing new hero – for fans of Alex Rider and the Bourne movies."

Hope to hear back from you soon,

Andy Goodman

message 38: by Cassie (new)

Cassie | 5 comments Hello,

I am new to writing book reviews, but I would love to review books for any author that needs reviews. I love to read and can write pretty good reviews. Let me know if you need another person, I know that Rebecca has been asked to do a lot. I am here too. I don't mind any kind of book. Hard copies are my favorite. I am going to be starting a blog with all my reviews. I will be advertising my blog on my Facebook page too. I have over 1,000 friends so it will be seen.

Let me know if your interested!!!


message 39: by Andrew (new)

Andrew Goodman | 13 comments Hi Cassie,

I'm looking for reviews of Tiberius Found - posted just above your comment - and it'd be great if you could do one.

Let me know if you'd be interested and I'll mail you over a copy.


Andy Goodman

message 40: by Cassie (new)

Cassie | 5 comments Hi Andrew,

I would be interested in reviewing your book. What is your email and I'll send you my mailing address. :)

Thank you, Can't wait to read your book


message 41: by Nikki (new)

Nikki Meyer | 10 comments I am a South African author looking for reviews for my first book, 'Game for Anything'. The book gives nature lovers a glimpse of life in some of Africa's wildest and most beautiful places - and learning to adapt to the challenges that nature provides.

Postage from SA is a bit of an issue, so I can provide print copies to reviewers in South Africa, or a PDF version to reviewers from other countries. I'd be really grateful for any reviews. Thanks!

message 42: by Ty (new)

Ty Patterson | 6 comments Nikki,

feel free to send it to me. my email address is [email protected]

it sounds different and interesting.


message 43: by Nikki (new)

Nikki Meyer | 10 comments Thanks so much Ty, that's very kind of you. I've just mailed the PDF through to you. I hope you enjoye it (but of course there's no obligation to!) Please excuse the typo on page one - it is in the process of being sorted out.

message 44: by Nikki (new)

Nikki Meyer | 10 comments Oh my - I do mean enjoy and not enjoye - those fingers!

message 45: by Kristine (last edited Feb 14, 2013 07:03PM) (new)

Kristine Pierce (kristinepierce) | 4 comments Aloha!

My latest book You'll Be Safe Here (Promises, Prayers and Secrets Series, Novelette Book 1) is still needing a few more quality reviews.

It is a contemporary romance novelette set in 2013. Books 2 and 3 will be available as a boxed set on Amazon by third week of February. Should you decide to review Book 1, I will be more than happy to send you the boxed set as well.

A brief description is below:

Bella Martinez has been living in hell since she was born. Raised by an abusive mother, she thought she was safe when she was found by Gabriel.

Gabriel Collins is a criminal. A Manhattan thief now turned millionaire. He loves Bella but still doesn’t understand how love goes when it’s mixed with money and power especially when Bella disapproves of his current work where he earns millions of dollars.

Enter Scal Farrell. A lead vocalist of an international band who accidentally meets Bella. A bit younger than Gabriel and playful.

You’ll Be Safe Here (Promises, Prayers and Secrets Series) is a story of lost hope, misplaced love and secrets. Secrets that are woven in their lives. Secrets that can destroy them. Or make their circumstances into something entirely new, different – and totally safe.

You'll Be Safe Here (Promises, Prayers & Secrets Series, Book 1) by Kristine Pierce
You'll Be Safe Here (Promises, Prayers and Secrets Series, Novelette Book 1)
Kristine Pierce, Author
Kindle eBook, 41 pgs
Genre: Contemporary Romance Fiction/Romantic Suspense
Availability: The book is available on, Paperback edition coming soon
Sales Page:
For more information about the book, visit
Facebook Page:

Please let me know if you have any questions. Send me email here: [email protected]. If you wish to review my book (both GR and Amazon will be nice), I will be pleased to email you a complimentary copy (.mobi file)

Sincerely yours,
Kristine Pierce

message 46: by Cameo (new)

Cameo MacPherson (goodreadscomcameomacpherson) | 5 comments Hi, Rebecca.
If you are interested in reading a paranormal romantic comedy, I would love to have you read my book, Dead In Bed. There's a synopsis below, please e-mail me at [email protected] if you are interested. Thanks.

Fairy tales do come true.
Lizzy Blaine always wanted to be a princess. She wanted it so much that she was willing to submit herself to endless hours of baton-twirling, swimsuit-wearing, and insincere eyelash-batting agony to achieve it.
And now, it’s finally paid off.
So what if it was a zombie beauty pageant? Zombies are people too, you know… more or less. And it’s not like the crown was made up of dead body parts or anything. Lizzy wouldn’t have entered if it was.
Anyway, all that really matters is that Lizzy got her (non-decaying) crown and the wonderful things that came along with it. Things like pretty dresses…the adulation of her subjects…and, best of all, a handsome prince. A prince who seems to be just as interested in her as she is in him.
Lizzy is determined not to screw it up this time. Somehow she’s going to find a way to live happily ever after. Even if that means dealing with the prince’s evil father and a ravaging horde of zombies that are trying to kill them all.
Hey, no one said being a princess was easy.
Just fun.

message 47: by A.S. (last edited Feb 17, 2013 02:01PM) (new)

A.S. Johnson (author_a_s_johnson) | 16 comments I have two books out I would like to have a few reviews check out. I've got them available in pdf format for ebook for those who'd like to read them and leave feedback. Please contact me directly on Goodreads and I'll send you the copies you'd like to read. You can view the info on each and let me know which one your want to review or both.
I've got:
1}Native Nights Roxanna (mild erotica, very mild: novelete) available in English and Spanish versions.
2}Neria the Future Demon Huntress (my teen romance novel)
IF interested contact me. Thank you..
~A.S. Johnson

Native Nights: Roxanna {English Version}


message 48: by Cheryl (new)

Cheryl | 3 comments Reviewers wanted for Cheryl Kaye Tardif's upcoming new thriller, SUBMERGED Go to my blog for instructions. :-)

message 49: by Kevin (new)

Kevin Klehr (goodreadscomkevink) | 13 comments Hi Rebecca. Details of my book are at - please let me know if you're interested.

message 50: by P.S. (new)

P.S. Mokha (mokha) | 10 comments Hi Rebecca

I'm happy to provide an ecopy of my book, which curently has a Goodreads rating of 4.78.

Trailer link below

Let me know if you wish to progress

Kind regards

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