The Mystery, Crime, and Thriller Group discussion

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message 1: by Anne (new)

Anne Trager (anne_trager) | 7 comments Hello all. I'm American and live in France and basically read nothing but mysteries, crime and thrillers. Many of my favorite authors write in English, but I also love some of the stuff coming out in France these days. In fact, I dropped my day job last year to start translating French mysteries, crime and thrillers into English and founded Le French Book to publish them and get them out to a broader audience. We've put three out so far ( The Paris Lawyer, Treachery in Bordeaux, and The 7th Woman. They are all very successful in France, and hopefully the word will get out about them in English now. I look forward to participating in this group and finding out more about the kinds of books you all like to read to inform our decisions about what French books to translate.

message 2: by Bill (new)

Bill Welcome to the group, Anne. It sounds like a rewarding, fun job you've got; getting to read mysteries and translating them. I hope you enjoy this group.

message 3: by Jonetta (new)

Jonetta (ejaygirl) Welcome to the group, Anne! I'm envious:)

message 4: by Beth (new)

Beth | 408 comments Welcome, Anne, and believe it or not, I've heard about Le French Book. Good luck with the venture!

message 5: by Anne (new)

Anne Trager (anne_trager) | 7 comments Thank you Bill, Jonetta and Beth. It's nice to meet you.

message 6: by Donna, Co-Moderator (new)

Donna | 2178 comments Mod
Hi Anne. Welcome to the group. I'm fond of Cara Black's Aimee Leduc series and Martin Walker's Bruno series.

message 7: by Bill (new)

Bill Donna wrote: "Hi Anne. Welcome to the group. I'm fond of Cara Black's Aimee Leduc series and Martin Walker's Bruno series."

I've read two of the Bruno series, a favourite of mine.

message 8: by Anne (new)

Anne Trager (anne_trager) | 7 comments Hi Donna and Bill. I've read some of the Aimee Leduc series and I look forward to discovering the Bruno series. This is what Cara Black has to say about The 7th Woman: "The 7th Woman blends suspense and authentic police procedure with a parallel tale of redemption. Well-drawn characters and ratcheting tension won’t let you put the book down. I read this in one sitting.”

message 9: by Donna, Co-Moderator (new)

Donna | 2178 comments Mod
Hi Anne, I've also read one of Fred Vargas' Commissaire Adamsberg books.This Night's Foul Work: A Commissaire Adamsberg Mystery. I enjoyed it and I'm looking forward to more. I want to start at the beginning because I think I missed alot of the back story.

message 10: by Sandi (new)

Sandi | 451 comments Bill wrote: "Donna wrote: "Hi Anne. Welcome to the group. I'm fond of Cara Black's Aimee Leduc series and Martin Walker's Bruno series."

I've read two of the Bruno series, a favourite of mine."

I just finished Chief of Police; is that the first one? He's a fun guy, and sooo French.

message 11: by Donna, Co-Moderator (new)

Donna | 2178 comments Mod
Yes, Bruno, Chief of Police is the first.

message 12: by Bill (new)

Bill Sandi wrote: "Bill wrote: "Donna wrote: "Hi Anne. Welcome to the group. I'm fond of Cara Black's Aimee Leduc series and Martin Walker's Bruno series."

I've read two of the Bruno series, a favourite of mine."


I think I have a crush on Pamela Nelson, the mad English woman.. :0) I've only read the first two, the second is just as good.

message 13: by Bill (new)

Bill Sandi wrote: "Bill wrote: "Donna wrote: "Hi Anne. Welcome to the group. I'm fond of Cara Black's Aimee Leduc series and Martin Walker's Bruno series."

I've read two of the Bruno series, a favourite of mine."


I think I have a crush on Pamela Nelson, the mad English woman.. :0) I've only read the first two, the second is just as good.

message 14: by Anne (new)

Anne Trager (anne_trager) | 7 comments Donna wrote: "Hi Anne, I've also read one of Fred Vargas' Commissaire Adamsberg books.This Night's Foul Work: A Commissaire Adamsberg Mystery. I enjoyed it and I'm looking forward to more. I want to start at the..."

Hi Donna. I think the first one is Chalk Circle Man.

message 15: by Galen (new)

Galen Watson | 7 comments Hello everyone,
I’m new to the group, and relatively new to Goodreads. I love mystery/ suspense novels in the style of Umberto Eco and Steve Berry, but also crime and historical fiction. I live half of the year in Paris and the other in the States, and love books with an international setting. I just posted my first novel, The Psalter, which takes place between Paris and the Vatican, and is about religious forgeries. I look forward to talking books.

message 16: by Bill (new)

Bill Welcome to the group, Galen. I'm sure you'll enjoy the discussions. Good luck with your book.

message 17: by Galen (new)

Galen Watson | 7 comments Thanks so much, Bill, for your reply and your wishes. I'm looking forward to Goodreads and the discussions.

message 18: by Jonetta (new)

Jonetta (ejaygirl) Welcome to the group!

message 19: by Galen (new)

Galen Watson | 7 comments Thank you, Jonetta. I'm looking forward to it.

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