570 books
153 voters
Cookbooks Shelf
Showing 1-50 of 83,321

by (shelved 2720 times as cookbooks)
avg rating 4.40 — 83,177 ratings — published 2017

by (shelved 2507 times as cookbooks)
avg rating 4.13 — 192,744 ratings — published 1931

by (shelved 1816 times as cookbooks)
avg rating 4.25 — 74,389 ratings — published 1961

by (shelved 1490 times as cookbooks)
avg rating 4.20 — 34,036 ratings — published 2012

by (shelved 1481 times as cookbooks)
avg rating 4.00 — 44,190 ratings — published 2012

by (shelved 1480 times as cookbooks)
avg rating 4.00 — 100,538 ratings — published 1998

by (shelved 1478 times as cookbooks)
avg rating 4.14 — 25,089 ratings — published 2010

by (shelved 1322 times as cookbooks)
avg rating 3.94 — 52,879 ratings — published 1977

by (shelved 1289 times as cookbooks)
avg rating 4.31 — 23,601 ratings — published 2015

by (shelved 1224 times as cookbooks)
avg rating 4.15 — 137,570 ratings — published 1953

by (shelved 1208 times as cookbooks)
avg rating 4.01 — 43,706 ratings — published 2014

by (shelved 1199 times as cookbooks)
avg rating 4.07 — 24,701 ratings — published 1976

by (shelved 1182 times as cookbooks)
avg rating 4.01 — 33,555 ratings — published 2016

by (shelved 1143 times as cookbooks)
avg rating 3.93 — 20,884 ratings — published 2018

by (shelved 1064 times as cookbooks)
avg rating 3.84 — 32,529 ratings — published 2007

by (shelved 1012 times as cookbooks)
avg rating 4.04 — 17,070 ratings — published 2013

by (shelved 1001 times as cookbooks)
avg rating 4.34 — 11,467 ratings — published 2018

by (shelved 986 times as cookbooks)
avg rating 4.07 — 47,203 ratings — published 2008

by (shelved 972 times as cookbooks)
avg rating 4.11 — 54,431 ratings — published 2006

by (shelved 939 times as cookbooks)
avg rating 4.07 — 22,671 ratings — published 2008

by (shelved 939 times as cookbooks)
avg rating 3.94 — 25,986 ratings — published 2007

by (shelved 920 times as cookbooks)
avg rating 4.41 — 4,018 ratings — published 2017

by (shelved 891 times as cookbooks)
avg rating 4.10 — 37,745 ratings — published 1999

by (shelved 879 times as cookbooks)
avg rating 3.93 — 39,761 ratings — published 1998

by (shelved 835 times as cookbooks)
avg rating 4.46 — 10,362 ratings — published 2012

by (shelved 830 times as cookbooks)
avg rating 3.91 — 50,792 ratings — published 2005

by (shelved 821 times as cookbooks)
avg rating 4.08 — 14,612 ratings — published 2007

by (shelved 801 times as cookbooks)
avg rating 4.21 — 16,763 ratings — published 2018

by (shelved 795 times as cookbooks)
avg rating 3.94 — 26,857 ratings — published 2007

by (shelved 791 times as cookbooks)
avg rating 4.33 — 6,799 ratings — published 2017

by (shelved 784 times as cookbooks)
avg rating 4.09 — 36,010 ratings — published 2008

by (shelved 776 times as cookbooks)
avg rating 4.13 — 36,216 ratings — published 2011

by (shelved 775 times as cookbooks)
avg rating 3.76 — 9,147 ratings — published 2017

by (shelved 773 times as cookbooks)
avg rating 3.93 — 11,486 ratings — published 2014

by (shelved 768 times as cookbooks)
avg rating 3.93 — 13,825 ratings — published 2009

by (shelved 763 times as cookbooks)
avg rating 4.01 — 7,019 ratings — published 2020

by (shelved 718 times as cookbooks)
avg rating 4.18 — 3,184 ratings — published 2019

by (shelved 696 times as cookbooks)
avg rating 4.21 — 2,584 ratings — published 2017

by (shelved 693 times as cookbooks)
avg rating 4.08 — 27,263 ratings — published 2002

by (shelved 684 times as cookbooks)
avg rating 4.17 — 8,884 ratings — published 2018

by (shelved 670 times as cookbooks)
avg rating 4.32 — 3,911 ratings — published 2019

by (shelved 669 times as cookbooks)
avg rating 4.17 — 3,403 ratings — published 2019

by (shelved 660 times as cookbooks)
avg rating 4.46 — 15,964 ratings — published 1984

by (shelved 659 times as cookbooks)
avg rating 3.74 — 17,631 ratings — published 2012

by (shelved 653 times as cookbooks)
avg rating 4.09 — 17,752 ratings — published 2010

by (shelved 623 times as cookbooks)
avg rating 4.21 — 5,266 ratings — published 2014

by (shelved 622 times as cookbooks)
avg rating 4.21 — 3,287 ratings — published 2021

by (shelved 615 times as cookbooks)
avg rating 4.17 — 19,266 ratings — published 2005

by (shelved 602 times as cookbooks)
avg rating 4.01 — 22,944 ratings — published 1982

by (shelved 586 times as cookbooks)
avg rating 4.40 — 7,371 ratings — published 2010

“The Enchanted Broccoli Forest. Oh, what a pleasure that was! Mollie Katzen's handwritten and illustrated recipes that recalled some glorious time in upstate New York when a girl with an appetite could work at a funky vegetarian restaurant and jot down some tasty favorites between shifts. That one had the Pumpkin Tureen soup that Margo had made so many times when she first got the book. She loved the cheesy onion soup served from a pumpkin with a hot dash of horseradish and rye croutons. And the Cardamom Coffee Cake, full of butter, real vanilla, and rich brown sugar, said to be a favorite at the restaurant, where Margo loved to imagine the patrons picking up extras to take back to their green, grassy, shady farmhouses dotted along winding country roads.
Linda's Kitchen by Linda McCartney, Paul's first wife, the vegetarian cookbook that had initially spurred her yearlong attempt at vegetarianism (with cheese and eggs, thank you very much) right after college. Margo used to have to drag Calvin into such phases and had finally lured him in by saying that surely anything Paul would eat was good enough for them.
Because of Linda's Kitchen, Margo had dived into the world of textured vegetable protein instead of meat, and tons of soups, including a very good watercress, which she never would have tried without Linda's inspiration. It had also inspired her to get a gorgeous, long marble-topped island for prep work. Sometimes she only cooked for the aesthetic pleasure of the gleaming marble topped with rustic pottery containing bright fresh veggies, chopped to perfection.
Then Bistro Cooking by Patricia Wells caught her eye, and she took it down. Some pages were stuck together from previous cooking nights, but the one she turned to, the most splattered of all, was the one for Onion Soup au Gratin, the recipe that had taught her the importance of cheese quality. No mozzarella or broken string cheeses with- maybe- a little lacy Swiss thrown on. And definitely none of the "fat-free" cheese that she'd tried in order to give Calvin a rich dish without the cholesterol.
No, for this to be great, you needed a good, aged, nutty Gruyère from what you couldn't help but imagine as the green grassy Alps of Switzerland, where the cows grazed lazily under a cheerful children's-book blue sky with puffy white clouds.
Good Gruyère was blocked into rind-covered rounds and aged in caves before being shipped fresh to the USA with a whisper of fairy-tale clouds still lingering over it. There was a cheese shop downtown that sold the best she'd ever had. She'd tried it one afternoon when she was avoiding returning home. A spunky girl in a visor and an apron had perked up as she walked by the counter, saying, "Cheese can change your life!"
The charm of her youthful innocence would have been enough to be cheered by, but the sample she handed out really did it.
The taste was beyond delicious. It was good alone, but it cried out for ham or turkey or a rich beefy broth with deep caramelized onions for soup.”
― The Cookbook Club: A Novel of Food and Friendship
Linda's Kitchen by Linda McCartney, Paul's first wife, the vegetarian cookbook that had initially spurred her yearlong attempt at vegetarianism (with cheese and eggs, thank you very much) right after college. Margo used to have to drag Calvin into such phases and had finally lured him in by saying that surely anything Paul would eat was good enough for them.
Because of Linda's Kitchen, Margo had dived into the world of textured vegetable protein instead of meat, and tons of soups, including a very good watercress, which she never would have tried without Linda's inspiration. It had also inspired her to get a gorgeous, long marble-topped island for prep work. Sometimes she only cooked for the aesthetic pleasure of the gleaming marble topped with rustic pottery containing bright fresh veggies, chopped to perfection.
Then Bistro Cooking by Patricia Wells caught her eye, and she took it down. Some pages were stuck together from previous cooking nights, but the one she turned to, the most splattered of all, was the one for Onion Soup au Gratin, the recipe that had taught her the importance of cheese quality. No mozzarella or broken string cheeses with- maybe- a little lacy Swiss thrown on. And definitely none of the "fat-free" cheese that she'd tried in order to give Calvin a rich dish without the cholesterol.
No, for this to be great, you needed a good, aged, nutty Gruyère from what you couldn't help but imagine as the green grassy Alps of Switzerland, where the cows grazed lazily under a cheerful children's-book blue sky with puffy white clouds.
Good Gruyère was blocked into rind-covered rounds and aged in caves before being shipped fresh to the USA with a whisper of fairy-tale clouds still lingering over it. There was a cheese shop downtown that sold the best she'd ever had. She'd tried it one afternoon when she was avoiding returning home. A spunky girl in a visor and an apron had perked up as she walked by the counter, saying, "Cheese can change your life!"
The charm of her youthful innocence would have been enough to be cheered by, but the sample she handed out really did it.
The taste was beyond delicious. It was good alone, but it cried out for ham or turkey or a rich beefy broth with deep caramelized onions for soup.”
― The Cookbook Club: A Novel of Food and Friendship
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